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DENVER PURSES GUARANTEED BY BOND. Denver, Col., March 22. There will be 200 .thoroughbreds starting from Juarez to Denver within a da v or two according to W. L. Devonshire, authorized agent for W. II. Tulley. who arrived here todav from the Mexican course. Devonshire got into communication with Racing Secretary Robert Lf-sj-ton of the Denver Fair and Racing Association immediately after his arrival in Denver and stated that the Tulley stable of eleven horses will leai Juarez -as soon after the close as is possible. Hi-asserts that the stables which have raced uniforrn j this winter need just the rest and sradual preparation which they can get at Overland Park from now until the local mecliug opens .Tune 1.. after tle Denver meeting the stables will be ready-to shin to the northwest for the Butte meeting, which opens July 4, the first logical stopping pl.ic. . Devonshire says that owners who will he represented at the local track will include the following: D. S- Fountain, E. Belmont. II. J""1 K. II. Short, C. Lawless. L E Bird. A G. Dunlai . W JL Baird, A. Cavcn, J. Umensettcr G. Melbourne. J. II. Moody. W. St. Vincent .T. Livingston. F. Wailhauser. W. Hurley. L. W. Hicks, J. C. Icr-ri and J. J. Troxler. .. . The probability that there will be no meeting a. Tulsa, Okla., is certain to result in thecarly armal Park than were oi-"ginally of many more stables at Overland expected to come here direct. A large number of owners intent upon racing In P o and the orthwest after the Denver meeting will come west shortlv from Charleston, S. C. The fact that thcr will be a fall meeting In Denver which will catch the horses going southward will he an incentne to some owners who otherwise would keep their strings in the cast. , Whatever doubt horsemen could possibly have nail concerning the prospects for two successful meetings here have been dispelled, first by the fact that the new racing association is operating "ndcr the license and control of the Colorado State Racing Commission and secondly that the purses advertised will be absolutely guaranteed by satisfactory bond deposited with the First National Bank of Denver. This latter detail will be attended tv at oncf. according to announcement made today by "V . A. Read. It also is stated that the actual purchase of Overland Park by Mr. Read and his associates probably will be consummated at an early uate.