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TULSA MEETING TO OPEN NINETEEN DAYS OF RACING SCHEDULED TO BEGIN IN OKLAHOMA TODAY. Hostile Attitude of Governor on Betting Question Only Disturbing- Element in Outlook for Successful Meeting— Juarez Horses Freely Entered, Tulsa. Okla.. April 10. — What promises to be the In -i race meeting ever held here, providing Govern or Cruce does noi carry latO effect his threat of some time since to call out the militia, if necessary, to slop hoolcniaking in connection wilh the raeiug, will open tomorrow under the auspices of the Tulsa Jockey Club, of which R. J. Allison is general manager. | and better horses are here aud ready lo engage in the racing than ever before and public interest in the spoil is running high. Those iu control of the course express a confidence thai if Joernor Crnce attempts to interfere they xv i 1 1 be able lo thwart him. They maintain that the coventor, under the law, has no right to take any steps toward stopping either racing or bookmaking. They profess to hare written opinions from a down of the slalos leading lawyers unanimously to the i flii l ihal there is nothing in the Oklahoma law to preclude, a ran- meeting and tlfce selliug of pools. Any attempt on ihe part of the governor to use tin- state militia in stopping betting will be met by an apolicatiou to the Supreme Court for a writ of mandamus enjoining him from taking a hand. A referendum petition asking that he question of whether race betting shall be allowed be- suti initted lo a vole, was circulated over the state after i he Legislature of 1913 enacted a measure forbidding bookmaking. The requisite number of signatures was secured and the petition was duly filedi with the secretary of state. Until after the election next August, when the matter will be voted on. there is no law to prevent belling, it is the claim of ihe race track men. The meeting is scheduled to run for nineteen davs. which would be until and including May 2. Horses, owners and Jockeys who participated in the recent winter meeting at Juarez will figure large in the racing here. Several of the Bookmakers who operated al Juarez are ready to lay Hhls here. The fields for the ouesring day are ina-lerialh stronger than at anv meeting heretofore held in this locality. J. L. Hall is to act as presiding judge and Arthur MiKnight will serve as starter. The bookmakers who are here include Frank Ma-ley. Frank Shannon, [any Howard. Bryn McNutt. Arthur Ilayden. Jesse Hughes and J. B. Morris. Cloudy weather prevails touight. The track is iu good cond i i ion. There are aliour one hundred more horses here ih. ,n for any previous meeting. A shortage of horses ha- heretofore been the greatest drawback here. the biisini ss men of the ■••v are a uuit in boosting the meeting. It has been well advertised i throughout Oklahoma and Judging from the iqterest displayed locally the management should entertain a cn.wd of record-breaking proportions tomorrow.