General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1914-04-11


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/ I C GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY J • , . j , i 1 , ■ 1 I 1 , I 1 i , I - I « i I , • 1 | i I I t , t , 2 ■j j ■ I 1 t I , e I e a r t ■ n 0 a r Minnesota received . ." •:* as the inheritance tax on the. estate of Charles C. Gates. The Canadian Ba.-ihY Railroad has s0l,] 0201,000, Oim» worth of its lands and lias more than S1UO.000, mhi worth left, to dtspaac oi. The Qseek gov. rum. ni is reported to have pur •based for ,300,000 a cmlser of 2,400 tons which was l.iiiii in an Am.ri.aii shipyard Est thina. Tin- heal sleighing of the .war is now batBg lad on iin- roads hetweejn Dextei ami Gailford and Dover in Maim-, with two feet 0 moip o! snow on the pyosmd. t lnisiian St-ii-nlists have made ■ formal protest sfcaiast the creation of Ibe otBce r medieal in- s| lor ill .oiin.-.tion with the imiilie nchoom of Oak Park, III. The French government has signed an agreement a|.i. roving a new French loan to Turkey. In return for the loan Prance is to he sccaroX certain efa in • nii advantages. Secretary Bryan ami Sir Cecil Spting-Rice. Brit isii ambassador at Washington, yesterday exchanged ratllcations of five arhitration treaty, which will .ontinue for another live years. President Wilson has promised to pitch the first ball for Ihe opening game of the season at Washington on April 14. The gam,, will be between the Reil So and the Nationals. Ihe condition of King Qaatave ! Sweden, who aaderwenl an operation for ulceration of the stosa-k n Tharsday, is satisfaetory and IImm is svary reasoa for hclieving that he will recover. i in- Carnegie Hero Pnnd has awarded ■ ;oiii nodal to King Victor Kmamicl for liis work in en coiiraging aerate deeds in Italy by the exasapie oe set in giving aid io the siiiVen-rs from the Messina earthquake in Bt08. Complete returns from Mondays primary show that the new stale Legislature in Alabama will be over tWO-thirda ••dry." That the tie counties sjOW permitting the sale of liquor will be made dry is regarded as certain. Cov. George H. Hodges of Kausas was mad.- tbe defendant in a civil suit by Mrs. l.u.lla W.-t of Wichita, Kans.. who charged that ihe governor wrenched her wrist and arm and slunk her OB ihe shoulder with his nNi. The entire length of a ninety loot sleel rail, red-hot, passed through tbe body of Charles Miller, of Bi -.idilock. as he worked si a Snishing mill in tin-Edgar Thompson steal works at Pittsburgh yesterday. He lived half an hour. Thomas OConnor, tiist assistant tire marshal. has assumed charge of Chicagos tin- forces after a conference with Corporation Counsel Sexton, pending the appointment of a successor to Chief Charles I . S.-vlerli. h. who has jusi died. Washington, D. ».. ipril 10. The House Judiciary Committee reported favorably the resolution i :i 1 1 iiio f,,r .in invesl igal ion of the ottieial conduct oi Justice Wrighi. of the District of Colambls 6 h-oienie Court, with I view to his impeachment. The p.r capita state del. I of Illinois in 1312 was ■ ::i cents, the third lowest among the fourteen states for which Bgares have been eompiied. accord ing in the department commerce. The pir capita .hhl of Kansas was 17 cents and of Iowa :, cents. It is eaneajded that the struggle in Ibe Senile for tbe repeal of tbe free toils provision for American coastwise vessels using the Panama canal is ; to lie spirited, but President Wilsons mamorters ; are ninth It-in that they will carry their pain hy I close vote. BdWSTd J. Knauer. oii.e associated in the practice • of law with Presideni Chester A. Arthur, committed suicide at his oaaee la Long Island city. S. V . b* shooting. .V letter addressed to his wife . said linaneial troubles and fafling health had made ■ his life no longer worth living. Anie.iian meat packing methods are far in advance of those employed iii Germany and in Anatro-Hnngary, according to Prince aluenster of Nuremberg, who, with Count Consianline Guada, Austro Hungarian ambassador st Washington, made an ill spection of the Chicago stock yards. New York. April io. -Mrs. F. A. Tannehill. known to the stage for three generations as ••Nellie" Tannehill. died al her home here of paralysis. She waa *•! years old. in her day Mrs. Tannehill supported such famous stars as Adelaide Neilsoa, Fanny DaveaaMn and Mine. Sdodjesfca. New York. A|.ril io. — Seventy-live 1onign women outcasts, picked up i. the Dnited States authorities in the underworld of W€Stera cities, arrived here toihiy for deportation. They caaM lrom Sea tile. Los Angeles. Spokane, San Francisco. Sac-rameato, Gutbrfe, Portland and other cities. Osaanhng, X. Y.. April 10.— The -death watch" ha: been plsced over Hie four gunmen who are cm-d nined to die Monday for the assassination of Herman Rosenthal. At the same ;iine attaches ,,f the wardens ..thee placed in the mail the last official invitations io witnesses who will attend the cxecn-riona. Fort Wayne. Iml.. April 10. — The art of shoeing a hoi -. will be taught al Purdue University if the master horaeaboera of Indiana have their way. At I he annual convention, which was concluded here today, a resolution urging thai horse shoeing he made a part of the curiiculum of the university was unanimously adopted. Ihe return of Isaac Stephenson to Wisconsin has renewed rumors ihai have been in circulation to the effect thai he is planning to become i candidate ■ before the Republican primary election for re nomination to the United States Senate. Moves are being made by friends of Mr. Stephenson which •give continuation io the idea. Coiitini d lighting at Tanipico. with great damage to tbe valuable oil propertj there, was reported to the state and navy depart incuts at Washington yesterday in dispatches from the war-hips on the Mexican const, The lighting al Tainpi.o was described as heavy, wilh the insuriteiils in posse saioa of Bona Cecilia and Arimi Grande. Col. Charles M. OCooncr will arrive in Chicago within a weak to succeed Col. II. P. Klngsburj as Inspector-general of the central lb pal Imi al of ihe army. Colonel Kingsbury, who is i 4 years old. will retire with 47 years of active service. lie enlisted at 1J and served in the Spanish Am. war, Ihe Philippine insurrection ami tbe Boxer rebellion. His boms is in Washington, l . c. Dallas. Texas. April I0t- Texas BBaTragista will not ask a place on the Kemocralic licket in the July primaries for the woman suffrage question, according to a decision reached yesterday by the Equal Suit rage Association of Texas, in convention here. It was decided I hat a campaign of education was n.e.i. i before urging submission of ■ state eansti-1 tutional amendment to give women of this state ihe hall..!. Washington. D. C. April 10.— The House Committee on Expositions have unanimously agreed to im i favorably tbe bill appropriatinc. 00,000 for i a federal building i house the government exhibit ai the San Francisco Exposition. li is planned o amend tbe l.ill to provide for the building to he constructed as a permanent structure, io be turned over to the War Department after the exposition. S. Draper, who served with disi Miction as governor of Massachusetts trona ISOt to lull, died lroin the effects of a paralytic shock at Greenville, s. c. He was S3 years of age and waa proniinenl in indastrial affairs of tbe Kay State, being .-x leusively interested in manufacturing al Hop. -dale, his native town. He was one of the BepoMican l.a.lcis of Maasacbnsetts for many years. Manao-. Biazil, April 10. -The gunhoat Ciudad de Manaos will leave here tonight and proceed southwest along the Amazon River in the hope of picking up the exploring expedition of Col. Theodore Boose whose arrival here has been delayed beyond ii.i time when he was expected. Although there is in. anxiety al present over the Booaevelt party, it i~ considered possible thai members of tbe expedition are suffering from tever and that this has delayed l ii- movements. Robert s. Lovett, ohairaaaa of the Inion PacinC , Railroad Company, has resigned as ;. director of tbe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and W. Averill Harriman, son ..i the late i:. li. Harriasan, has been elected to succeed Mm. Mr. Lovett is a di- rctor of the Brie Railroad, which is a parallel and competing" line iu relation to the Baltimore a. id Ohio system. Mr. Lovett is believed to have quit the Baltimore and oiii.. hoard because oi public sentiment against interlocking directorates. Washington. D. .. April 10.4— The federal hadna-r trial relations commission, in executive session, today Im-u;,ii consideration f be testimony which l. has jusi been concluded before it on the subject of 1 collective bargaining between employers ami employes. The commission, on April 13, will take up the question of "eSscieaci systems ami their effect J on Industrial relations." A number nf experts oa the subject have been asked to appear before tic commission. St. Louis. Ifsu, April 10.- -Follow ing the los- of Earl Hamilton to tbe Federal league yesterday and il tbe ai.iionnc. in. nt of el. in lemons that he wd- going to Chicago today, where it Is feared he, too. will Join the new league, Ibe local American league baseball club la-i night began buidlng intrenchments to protect itself room otbei onslsnghts by the Federal . I. ague. The Brsl and stroogeit defense the Browns president has thrown about his players, it becasae known today, was the eliniinal ion of I ne ten-day release notice lrom all 1014 contracts. This clause e had given the eluh right to drop any player upon ii i ■ ; ; • . ■ ten days notice. With it in his contract, no player felt that his berth was safe at any time. The led era I league, in its lisrht io retain Hamilton, il is believed here, will argue the lack of mutuality in the ten day release clause. Washington. D. C. April PI. — Negotiation of a mw commercial treaty with Russia will mn I.. according lo President Wilson, lllllll ■ new ambassador is appointed. Tbe president s.n.i that in- was still nnihci.lcd about i to- ambassadorship and Was considering three men. Manaos. Brazil. April 10.- Colonel Tin-odor.- BoOSe w-it k expected to reach here April 21 from hi explorations In the interior. He will form a Junction her* with the aaembera ..f tbe varhnas groups Into which tbe expedition was broken up. A BraaiHaa aSflcor attached io tbe expedition arrlred hen- tiHia.v from Caiama. where ihe other saeaahera id his party remain. By producing 1,000.50 pounds of batter fat in ■ year, a inn worlds record has lieen est.ihli-.lied by a Guernsey eon al Cape; I. B. fJhaaatta farm at Berwya, Pa., according to annonncemenl by William I. Caldwell, secretary of the i.ilernsey Cattle Association. The former record was beta by a Hoistein cow owned by F. F. Field of Brock Ion. Mas-., which produced 1,068 pounds of batter la I in a year. Heavy treats are supposed to have none mark damage to eailv p. a.-hes, berries and vegetables in Georgia and Norih Carolina during the last naj or two. the young coi ion crop is niso in danger. Throuc ii central Florida Ibe low temperature was accompanied by bail and high wind. Oranges, lemons, melons ami tomatoes snlfered most severely. Soui hern Florida escaped freeaing temperature and had a c.H.I in n. Governor Dunne, of Illinois, in overalls and jumper, will work with pick and shovel on Ihe Aurora Elgin highway April 1".. With bun di. Is of distinguished. men and millionaires as fellow laborers. ii was announced lo day. The sweating toil by millionaires and men ..f note is to he the principal observation of Illinois lirst annual •giHid roada day. set tor April IS h ihe governor in a recent proclamation. Tokyo. Japan, April n . Count Shigenobn Oknaaa. former foreign minister, was recommended to the emperor today h.v tbe eider statemea for tbe oSare .•! premier, in place ol Count Goaabel Yanianioio. whose cabinet resigned in coaaeameace of ihe naval graft scandam. The corona tioa of the emperor, which had been tix.-d for November lo. has been postponed until 1010, owing to the death of tbe dowager empress. Grind Rapids. Midi.. April 10.- The Fcilera! league today lost tbe services of Kill iter, tbe star catcher, secured from tbe Philadelphia National-. but se.ur.d a notable victory In the ruling of tbe Cniled s;,apj,s court iliai the reserve clause in baseball contracts is illegal. An Injuetion sough I in prevent Kllli/er, who signed a ciiicag.. Federal league contract, from playing with tbe Philadelphia National league team was denied because the Fed oral league did not eoaae Into fart with clean hands and therefore had no right lo si -k relief. Benthen. Germany, April 10. Samuel Lubelski. a Russian, known as the ••King of White Slavers." was taken from her.- today t caaaaaenee serving a sentence of nine years in prison for engaging in the white slave traihc. He was al . convicted of bribing the border police and of having smuggled hun dreds of persons across the border to enable them to migrate to America. ll is estimated that Lubelski has during bis career shipped over 2 Ml Russian and Polish girls. Ignorant oi their Intended fate, to North and Sooth American ports for immoral purposes. Although the styes attorney recommended only six years Imprisonment for Lubelski, the court ronsid- ere. I his hi inns Of sii.-h :i belnoUS ChaMjCtei Ihal the judges added IhriM- years and $.",.0oo line.

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Local Identifier: drf1914041101_4_2
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