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ENCOURAGING BREEDING OF REMOUNTS. Ottawa, out.. April 13. Hon 8am Hughes has buna empowered Iiy the Government to lease I • the National Live Stock Ivxchange. I. Id., sixly-live thousand . acres at land, sixty miles north of Medicine Hat ami south of the Bed Beet River, for tin* purpose of collecting and producing thereon half-bred cavalry as mounts. The company u ill pay an annual rental of two cents per acre for the land. The terms ,.f this "lease" an- that the rompan/j shall produce from thoroughbred sires or thorouxii bred marc- remounts to the number of not less than 1..~ h each year alter litlu. The Government of Canada i- to have righl of pre emption in respect to all these horses raised by tin- Bxchange. ami the company uiusi bold ami mature until the age of three :iuil :i half years all burses which the Minister or Militia may desire for military purposes. The mice to be paid by the Minister is nut tu exceed the substantial sum of *2. o per head. ii is farther agreed that the War Ounce • •! Great Britain mac have pre-empUoa rights at the same juices and terms in respect of Ruefa horses as remain after the Minister has made his choice." The Exchange must have the right, however, tu retain tilt;, tiiiies and fifty colts each year fur breeding purposes. Col. Hughes sub mits that the lease "vdU »■ in the interest of tin- public as it desired that every encouragement should be gtvea for the production of beraea for cavalry ami other war purposes." Ihe National live Stock Bxchange was organized l»y persons prominently identified with the Canadian National Bureau of Breeding.