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1 j ; , . , 1 1 I i 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 i; GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Queen Qeoaora, of Bulgaria, is to sail for Ihis country May 21. in the opening gasae of the Federal baseball league at Baltimore yesterday, the home team seal Buffalo :: to 2. F.illie Burke, noled actress, has married Planus Ziegneld, Jr., tbreatrical manager and former bus- band af Anna BebL Prince Henry of Prussia and the Princess have Balled trom Baeaoa Ayree for Bstrone alter their tour of the Argentine and other South American countries. The Chinese gownine-nl is Ciciug a Beriatta Im. in rial crisis mid the great pwwera arc refusing io;ins unless --iven dominance io Chinas finances for a pel iod of years. Districl Attorney Whitaaaa will taaearor to hayo Lieutenant Becker placed ou trial tsi a second time in the Rosenthal case May 4. Montreal and vicinity had a heavy snowstorm yesterday. The temperature was about 2:; and the snow wis accompanied In a high wind. John C. C. Mayo, one of the wealthiest 11 in Kentucky, is waging 1 battle for life against Brighta disease at Lexington. Transfusion of hlo-.ul . - being resorted to. San JianriM-o. Cal.. April 13, Ground was brakes lodaj for the New Jersey building at the Panama-P ■■• in, Expositfcm. The building, which is to cost 0,000, will be the headquarters of President Wilson on his visji |,, Hie fair. Montanas license ta law, which Imposes an occupation tax on merchants, a 810 a month tax upon dealers la cigarettes and 1 cent a pound u|h h alee inargerine, waa held constitutional by the Supreme 1 , art of the United States. The financing of the Canadian Northern Railway, according to rumors prevalent in Canada, will be done through New York and not through London. It is oaderstood that sir William Mackeasie has ci mulcted arrangements for the sale t a big bond to New York bankeis. TkjC Mexican government has agree, 1 to ithe of the Inited State- thai a silule |o the St.11- and Stripes simii be ared as reparation for the insult te this government through the action of a federal colonel ar Taasnteo In parading a paymaster and squad of marines from the gunboat Dolphin through the streets of that city as prisoners. Washington, 1. C. April 13. — President Wilson today delivered an ultimatum to e, nress thai there si::ill be no adjournment of this session until the. anti-trust program of the administration is cleaned up. In Basking his position clear on , he subject the president delivered a blow at a writ-organised lion partisan movement by members of congress ha bring about u adjournment with the trust question unsoii ■ il. Shiner Charles Buxton, newly appointed governor • general of the In ion of South Africa, was yesterd.-u mole a yiscoiiiit. He was formerly president of the board of trade and at one time postmaster-general, in which capacity be introduced a two cent postage for liters between the British Isles and the Inited States. The new viscount is an authority on the question of relations between employer and work man. having participated in the settle; me nt of many disputes. San Diego. Cal.. April 13 -United Slates war ship-- ,,f the Atlantic Meet vjii steam through the 1. mania Canal early in July, speed up the Pacific roast to San Diego and return to Hampton Roads 1, the same route, according to Franklin P. II™-veil, assistant secretary of the navy, who inspected San Diego harbor today and made preliminary ax rang, in, oils for the reception at the hattle-iiips. The purpose of this early jaunt through I he canal. h, -.tiid. was to prove to the world that th,. big waterway i- even now in readiness to accommodate shipping. Hancock. Mich.. April 13 "-The capper mine work-en who have been on strike share July 2:: have y,,te,i to call off the strike.-, according to announcement by Charles P. Hietela. district secretary of the Western Federation of Miners. It is unofficially reported that the majority In favor of calling off the strike was I.012. Recognition of the anion K denied by the mining companies, is waived b the strikers in rotlng to return to work. They claim that practical! all oi their other demands have been granted Bince -the strike began. These d in. inds included better working conditions, an eight hour day and a minimum daily wage of . The war between organized baseball and the Federal League was taken Into the lniie,i S!:i-.s Court in Chicago yesterday, when two sui;~ were lied • the Philadelphia National League team, one of 1 1 11 asking 3,000 damages. The Philadelphia National team seeks a permanent injunction, aimed iit the oaaciala at the Federal League, and the Chicago team especially, in which it sets forth thai bees injured bj the taking away of their players and their efforts to get more. II asks thai the Federals he restrained forever from ap proacbing its players or in any way hampering the progress of the team. Manager Tinker ,,f the Chi ,:iuo Feds and President Weeuhinan of the Chicago eluii are petsonallj named in the two bills, and damages to the extent of 5,000 are songht from them as heads of the defendant organisation. London. Eng.. April 1". -Bighty-seveB million dollars In wages have been lost by the workingmen of the Inited Kingdom in the last ten -:;;-- on account of stoppages doe to industrial disputes of all binds, according to statistics prepared form the government hoard of trad*- returns, supplemented bv details furnished h.v union leaders in the pin; ripal trade-. Against this iigure is placed ■ nel gain in wages as the resnll of »uch disputes of si:..,;immhh . Also, ii i- 1 itisisted thai the laboring rlaiases as ■ whole have secured advances In wages in the same period aggregating ».000,000. hut the greater proportion of these have been obtained through the medium of workinc agreements and conciliation. Fifty per cent, of the -nike of the last ten years have been won by the employers, 25 pel rent, b] the workers and the other 2. per cent. •oiiipromi-.ed. New York. April 13. -The tour gnninen convicted of the murder of Herman Rosenthal died in the el -trie chair al ing Soig prison at break 01 ,; 1 11. is moiiiiiig. None confessi 1 his -oilt and none mentioned the name of Charles Becker, the former police lieutenant, found gnilt; ot instigating the iimriler, hul sal ■ d bj Court of Appeals reversal. Of 1 lie four who died, Frank Seidensl r fWhitey Lewis** made the only statement. "Gentleme ;,•■ nun noil, , I. as strapped bin in the chair. "I did sol -1 t si Rosenthal. They wh,, said 1 did were perjurers. For the sake ol justice, gentle-men, I say I didnt. The witness Stannish-He did not tinish the sentence. The strange harness bad been adjusted and the current abet bis body forward in the chair. He had meant to say hat Stannish, a waiter and a witness at the murder trial, had- lied, but death Intervened. In fortj nilnntes all four were dispatched. This time would have been shortened had it aol been for the ovei crowding of newspaper reporters. « Mil ot :i nopulatioB oi -oinething like Hvi ami ow half millions ,,f people win reside in Greater N • rk marl, one million -or to he exact, 972.MJ8 iie ,,f English. Irish. Scotch, Welsh and Celtic de -, enl The • agni - Include Inoee born ha the coon no mentioned or born In this count rj ••! parent oi ti."s. nationalities. Besides those th re are among N n York popnlarion 1,732.070 pel ons who were bnrn m foreign lands or who a-ere born here of foreign parents. Tin 1 at • divided as rollows: Yiddish jTel Hebrew. 981.980; Gersann, 841.888; Italian 548 t-M: Polish. 116,101; Magyar. 84.141: Swedish. ;1.-141; French, I7.25W: Norwegian. :;.". 803; Danish. 14,. 731; Spanish. 11.838; Greek. 11.823: Roumanian. 1« ! ,vi: Bohemian and Moraviau M .ft88: Russian. 28, 870; Uthuanfarn and Lettish, i 1.17: Slovak. 10,504: other Slavs. 10.075: Dutch and Frisian, 0,081; Pin-alah. .s.ii: Armenian, l.i;to. and Syrian and Arabic, ;;.:isr.