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RACE TRACK TRANSFORMED INTO HOSPITAL i;i Plum Tex., April 13. -A militat-v hospital wiih a capacity lor SOU patients, has been eaten lished i" th«! .lucre/ race Hack. the hospital was fitted, up by tie- ConarituliomUiats m abort notice Cots were installs in the betting rteg and th tjjriwr stiop wa- trauafbrmed into an operating k roesa. XiP , tabtisbmenl oi the hospital at Juarez pro Cecdod under the direction of I»r r. .1 Bush, of I • Iaso. assisted bj m erps . f surgeons and nnraet in ministering to the sroumtod soldiers. The boapital is the third of three military bos pitnls maintained by the "Constitutionalists." thf others heing- at Chihuahua and Jimenez, v tern liorary or receiving hospital, is located sit Torreon. Wither the Bed Oram nor the White Cross have : . 1 1 V 1 1 1 i 1 1 tr to do with these hospitals, the ••uiistitn ii malists" having entire control and bearing all expaajasa incident to their operation. It was decided tu establish a boapital at Juarez ; hecaase of iis proximity tu the border where expert msnrlcnJ «ud medical ess intents could be secured.