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BRINGHURST IN FINE FETTLE. J. N. Camdens Kentucky Derby Candidate Works Fast Mile at Lexington. Lexington. Ky.. April hi. -Piloted by jockey Wal ter Taylor over a fast track at the Kentucky Asm elation course this morning, Johnson N. Camdens Bringhnnt, a candidate for the Blue Oman Stakes and the Kentucky Derby, worked a mile in 1:42-r,. Ihe Plaudit coll wa- under "wraps" in the last furlong ami it was Ihe Impression of the wmt watchers that be could have run the mile iu alxiut 1:411 had not traiuer Jack Kceue signalled his rider to hold him in. Trainer koene is pointing Bring burst for the Kentucky Derby and it. now seems that he will have tin It right til for the race. Jack Bak.r sent John Guild and Constant, candidates for the Blue Grass stakes, the Kentucky Darby and the Kentucky Handicap, a mile together in 1:11--,. the fust three-quarters lH-ing run in 1:16. Trainer Moae Goldblatl worked Jefferson Ltvtag stons Iron Mask three eighths in 39%, He is in excel lent condition ami will start iu the opening race hole. E. R. Bradleys hones made their lir-l appear ance on the local track thai morning ami their apparent good eonditiou was a matter of comment on all sides. They were cantered in preparation lor faster work tomorrow morning. J Stephenson arrived this morning from Jamoa town with Milton and Mr-. .1. 1. Missjck s horses wece m the same ear. W. G. Xante ami wife arrived lasr night lioin N.-w York. Mr. Tanke has lakeii charge of Phil T. Chinas horses hi addition to his own. There is a rumor atloat that Mrs. Clavence La Bus, now iu New Voik. may some thoroughbred racers this year ami there has been sonic talk that she may instruct Phil T. China to buy for her aconnl ia Barope a bone capable of winning the four-mile Kentucky Knduranee stakes next October.