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ITEMS THAT INTEREST FRENCH TURFMEN. French spoilsmen who went over I" Liverpool tor the Grand National, returned full ..f .jubilation ...-i the petforntaatea -.f Trtaaoa ill. and Latteot 111. Thej aenemllj agree thai the heiars of the race rest wiiii i. Henaessyl horse, which carried bis bear harden orer the long and tiriag coarse Into third place. As most of his backers sopaorted liiin both ways, thej come •■in without i. s -. anal the same can be aid of the followers of Trlaaoa III. Everyone would bare rejoiced had M. de Mimnns uallani gray been succesxful, ror Ills owner hi "lie ..f the besl ••! sportsmen, and he has made main ss ■ ihces in order to have hi« eoJon arried with distinction "ii an Eaglish race coorae. Trianon III. lias in ■ n sueciall trained all the Near with ■ view-to the Grand National, and special Interesl was given i" the race throogb the dTalry between tiie two French horses and Jockeys. 1 have heard of nan. side bets «..-r lh" event, many li eiichinen limiting their waeers to the Issne of Lattenr 111. beating Trianon 111., and vice versa. Several fancj beta were also made about Carter and Hawkins oliim: e.. the coarse withoal mishap. Some of the French spectators are inclined to think that Alec Carter did not make sumcient use of his horse in the eari] stages of the contest; be was, no doubt, told to specially look after covert coat, and did ici realise the danger of letting the light ly-welgbted ami despised Saaloch obtain such ■ long lead oi allowing bim to maintain ii the sec ond time round. Win, the rest of the Jockeys be probably tlionhl the hunter would come back I the others before the Saisfa. Carter was looking after Corertcoat, and Hawkins was looking after Lattenr III. both were playlag for safety, and took Jew chances in the race. Well, anyhow, an other Iran. I National Is over, and although we hare ii. i won. France Is by bo meaus disgraced. In fact, tin sdmirei of Lattenr ill. rightly speaks of his "glorious" defeat. Last week Mary the Sec. did. a mare that will be remembered in England, bavins carried the colors of her owner. Baron Maurice de Rothschild, in the Lincolnshire Handicap and ihe Royal Hani Cap. foaled a tin.- looking ceil to Baaaaa. This is per in-st produce. Il 1 wka as if .Baron Maurice Intends to carry on the traditions of the Rothschild family In their riaiaf rtlisj with the French tnrf. for he has now two large sfmi farms, one at Cbau-mont-cn-Vexin in the department of Disc, and the oilier ai Champagne s lim-iiil.iir. in the department of Vienne. His three stallions are Verdun Iwinaei of the Crand Pii de Paris.: Ossian winner of the Prix du Conseil Municipal and the horse ihat is-at Mushroom in the big race at Maiw ns Lailiti.-i. and Are de Triomnue tiy Galliuale lj Pleche.i. a horse that was heavily engaged in Lir-laml. inn. I believe, never ran there, ltaron Maurice Inis over broodmares, many of tiicni navn -coin imported from England. Anion? these are Dainty, the dam of Oiaeao Bleu: Melete iisirTL by Bona isia: Glass 18881. by Springfield; St. Vic torine 18BKV, by St. Serf: Silver Thread 1S8 , by Ayrshire; Cape Wrath iisikh. by Carbine: Ladj P.rilta d s0!i.. br Melton: Lass .. Glory 1S.i i. by 1. adas: Ayrshire Beantv ilisxii. by Ayrshire: Noreeu Agnes ir.KH.. by lokgier: Brilliancy IMS, b Orion: Verdiaaa IMS, by Floriiel II. : Hester Prime 1905, bj Orme; and Mary the second, who was bred by the Hoke of Portland. Ilai-.n Maurice de Rothschilds horses are trained prirately by .1. dOknysen nl Mfeisons-Lafatte. in eonseojience of the MsisoiM -Lattitte race coarse being tlo.Mi.-d. the program arranged for last Saturday had to be traaeferred Engbien. but the hippodrome there is not well adapted to flat racing. There are. in fact, two tarns in the six furlongs course. The Ug • rent of the day was the meeting of Dagor and Shannon in ihe Prix Perpieie. Daear had won the French Derby and Shannon the Prix du Coaseil Municipal. Seven Jawaes turned out for the race, ■moag iliem being Grand dEspagne II. . winner t t ihe Grand Prix de Nice, a fortnight tio- Now be finish d last. Shannon looked far from fit and could not u-o the pace set by Ohiherti and Clondir. lint these in th race home were challenged by Dagor, which w..ii by a bead. The Prix de Haras Nationanx was ■aether important race on the program: the horses eligible for thi event had to be sired by stallions belonging to the goverameat. The winner. I.e llirto. is a coll by Boiasy. belonging to M. A. Fonld: the second, Itntland a colt by Ramrod; and the third. Part da Prince, ■ eol by Priace William. The sires of the latter two were Imparted from England. Prim-ess Duleep Siagh woa a mile hand: cap with Bisbille, a mare by Osboeh. bin the ic-i of the racing was pot of much interest. The starts a i Bhghien are gtven by the elastic starting-gate. I heai thai M. Edmoad Plain- has refused an offer of «umh» for Dagor. Although the colts perTorinances were none what inconsistent, he acori ; seven rlctorie? In thirteen attempts as a three vear-oM, the sum of sso.oihi being credited to bim In Rtake* Hi - engaged his year in the Pris. de* Sal. ions i wiiii ,000 added money, the Prls T-.-v ii rd with 0,000 sdded. Ok Prix da Cadran with 0,000 added .. the Prix Bieaaal with Ss.ihmi added i . and several other valuable race-;: therefore M. Blanc is oo doubt wis. to keep bim on the furl for another neaMon. Dagor -is also engaged in the Grand Prix de Vichy, which i- worth over 0,000. and this is ■ race be might easily win. He is also in the Coronation Cup at Bpsoai. — Paris Letter .•■ Sporting Life of April 2.