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SOME MORE CONCERNING SUNL0CH. V le 11 Sitni. eh won his hrst race the •Sporting Life" published some interesting details of how Mr. Bar. lay. the judge, presented the dam Jral-loch. herself a good steeplechaser, to Mr. Black. of Priaby, who is credited with having bred Uiii yean "National winner. Mr. Blacks sou hunted Sun loch until nit months ago, when Mr. Tyler, seeing [Hissibilities about ihe horse, purchased hitu on behalf of Mr. Taylor for 300 guineas. Main people, including W. Payne, Gvswell and oth.-r trainers, have endeavored to buy Sunloch privately for th. it respective patrons, though we he-lev the horse could hum- beea purchased the evening before the race for 2,008 guineas. The irony ii ii is that Sunloch .oiiM once have beea bought for, j guineas. ~ he improved bis value weal up and ZOO guineas was ooce paid [or bim; but the purchaser returned the horse in the belief that be was .niched iu his wind. Suiilo. hs victory reads almost .1- maea like fiction as did the success of Sfajaorinetta 111 the Derby and Oaks, except thai there were good grounds for barking Mr. Tylers horse, while hi1- ..wner-tniiuer never made the last mystery of the tact that ho fancied 1tv animal. -London Spoiling Life.