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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Hope for Mine. Ne filica has bi en Mary Garden will not Blag with the Chicago Grand Opera Company next season. lluerta has named two peace commissioners to confer with the mediators at Washington. An unidentified oeaaa liner is afire near Sable Island and other ships Were hurrying to the vioiniH last night. The Duke of Argyll, son inlaw of the late Queen Victoria and former Governor-General ot Canada, died at East Cowes. Eng.. aged l..t. Plans are being matured by Coventor Coclhels to pill a Panama Railroad steamer through the canal Within ten da.s, wilh tin- approval of Seen la ry of War Garrison. Twelve thousand Mexican troops are threatening Vera Cruz, according to report. Bvery field piece on the battleships has been sent ashore to aid the army iu case of attack. President Wilson has selected Richard Olney. secretary of state iu the- clove ami administration, to lie governor of the federal reserve board, ami Paul War barg, of New York, to be- a member of th.- board. Persistent reports continue that Cen. lluerta Intends to retire from the provisional presidency of Mi n u condition that In- be assured a safe eon duct to a port and placed on board a foreign warship.