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" d i; 70 and FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. ii5012 -1:12—0— 115. Index Course Dlst TimeTekOdds Wt St "4 % % Str Fin Joekeys Started Order of Finish THE REACH, br. g, 5 108 By Out of Reach— My Eleanor A. H. Brandt, 14035 LexgtoB 8-4 l:16%hvy ■ MB r, 5 3 V :■■ II Sumter 6 O.Hnghea, Bobt.Kay Capt.Bunta 12274 Laionia 3 I 1 IT ..In 38 !0 111 fi :: i tj B* Borel B l. ieni 111111. V reel and Duquesne ! B Latonia 3-4 1:18 livy 11 5 11,1 p. | ., 1 1 j Borel 10 Vreeland. Duquesne .1 H Parr LI ■.:. Churchill 3-4 1:13 fast B MS 7 7 S 8 S- W V Tier 9 Ilex, laidora, Winifred 1 12036 Churchill 5 t l:08%rand 11 E 105 5 4 4 4" 4-i P Mariin I Auihrose. BBvy. Inlan 11948 Churchill 1-4 l:12%faat 18-5 104 8 8 C 4 i 3** B Martin • Amhrose. Back Bar Verena 1- U853 Douglas 8-4 l:ll%faat 8 108 S 7 6 4" 4-3 Borel i Presumption. T.Lihks P Streak 1H*5 Douglas 3-4 l:13%fast 21-10 111 8 7 4 41 3J GrOBI 8 Mimorioso, Swish. Counterpart 11517 Le*ipgtoo 3-4 l:l3%fast H W 3 I I ll 1J Buxton 5 Weyanoke. G. Own-, U, B*lt ANCON b. g 4 10G B Mazagan — Sister Juliet Weber and Ward . J 13772 Charlen 8-4 1:15 good 11 5 113 3 5 5 0- 8* F Keogh B Chartier, Sherwood, Lbcblel larlen . I l:10Hmud 7-5 US 1 2 2 2: 2!1 ¥ Keogh r Susan B.. Carlton G., P. Callaway i ] SI Charlen ;l-4 l:ir good 6 119 3 6 5 6- siC Turn, r 8 Bob*. Bradley. I". Hudson. Klwali 1 I Charlen 51 f l:lo siop 6-5 110 1 3 2 V V .1 McTagrt • BaaaaB.. W.W.Clark. MarjorieA, I h ui. n 3-4 i:i« ,Beoo l 3i lL3 8 6 5 6; 4=i f Keogh 11 Caagh lliil. Sherwood, Chartier l i harlen 61 f l:08ligood 1 110 4 4 3 14 1*1 F Keogh 6 Caugh Hill. Carlton 5.. L.Dwyer J 1 5 Charlen 1-4 l:14%good 7 110 9 8 7 5 3*1 F Keogh 1- Chartier. Surprising. If arjorle A. 1 13285 Charlen 7-8 1:28 good 18-5 110 3 3 4 4 i- i"i F Keogh 7 Celesta. Mouoeacy. Star Actress I 13249 charlen 3-4 1:16 slow 11-6 109 3 2 1 I2 lJ F Keogh 6 Water Lady, Chuckles, Coy CILPY br g 7 1Q8 By Wcolsthorpe— Gillian W. G. Yanke. ii !-. Lexgton 3-4 1:14 fast 3« 5 no 1 11 4**H*4C YunHunii Cazaaeon. Grosvenor. r.ditli W. 1 » Churchill 51 f i:o6%fast 22-5 p 9 I l 2 4l 44 Bore! 12 lloreaceBoberta, Martre, B.Bay I . I Lexinaton 3-4 1 :13%last I! J IK 1 1 1 48 4B1 Kirschra .. Lady Lightning. Green. Amoret 1 .-, luarez •"■ i" 1 06ffaJ it 7 5 US 8 4 4 4* 64 Borel 8 8*. Roberta, P.ofLmoro. L.Pthita 1 8JT. luarez I I 1*8 Baat C i US J 11 1*124 Boral 5 J.Bas.y, L.ranchita. CM. Mil:er 1 - Juarez 5 X 1 :00* fast 8-5 103 3 11 1-4 13 li Steele 6 Meridian, Lu. Allen, Terns Trick 1 6798 Juarez 3 4 1:1-1 fast 51 108 2 1116 11 Borel 6 Kootenay, L. 1anehita. J. Basey TILLIES NIGHTMARE, b. m. 5 106 By Dick Welles— Winter S. West. [ 1 ■ ■, ■ , . i n |..,!iiu.l 19 5 164 3 8 2 :•■• 1" W WTlorlO Merrick, J. Nolaa. Toddling I V. ,,,1 ,,, -,. t l:08%hvy 10 105 7 b 8 Fell. Lounsl.y ! Tankard. Righteasv. Dmpicsne , i, wind ..f ■ t 1"* fast 50 ]oj 5 777 7: Van Dusen S J. ssuplturn. Righteasy. T. Cook 1 1 Brie lm.oy l:461fcgOod 1 182 4 2 5 6 8*o 6" J Callahan 7 luetics, Husky Lad. Miss Jonah 1 i •■• Fort Erie 3-4 l:16%faat 2| io6j 1 5 4 41 8* Gooae B Joe stein. Coagrove, r. Levy 1«lt7i Hamilton 3-4 l:13,6fast 15 111 5 6 5 51 4"! B Steele 10 Dr.R.L.Sger, Aftgw. Mtealm 1 ■ -..1 Windsor 3 4 1:16 fast 15 106 7 9 10 9J 9 * Montour 10 R.McGill. UskyLad, J.ILHhton 1 9815 Windsor 3-4 l:l7-shvy 15 103 1 2 1 2 2" Deronde C Font. Rus. McGM, Chemulpo 1 ■RRIGHTSTONE b f. 4 104 By Deutschland — Bellona H. B. Gorin. fum , Lex" aton 3-4 1:14 fast 13 M4 2 1 2 2* 2h g Martin 11 Martre. Lost Fortune. Oiga Star C luarez 5-81*8 fast 7 110 4 4 4 6* SJP Ford 11 Oowa. Palatable, Parnell Girl 13 7 luarez .".-is 1:00 fast 4 112 9 4 4 8J 8*2 P Ford 12 IdaLavinia. This. Belle, Par.Girl 1 I l Juarex 3-4 l:12%faa8 15 103 1 2 3 V 6" P Ford 7 L. Jane. Transparent, Moralist 1 e Juarez 3 4 113/5fast 6 103 6 3 3 5* 714 P Ford 7 Herpes, Commendation, Ceminell 1 Juarez 6-8 58%faat 12 110 4 3 3 3* Pt 8 Johnson IS O.Lad. G.sFavorite. R.ofJeddaU 1 luar.-z i I 09 fast 3 110 3 2 2 23 i-l J Howard 7 Herpes. Gimli, Birka I PRAFTORIAN b. K, 5 108 By Star Shoot — Maribel S. C. Nuckols. liufil Lex eton*l 1-18 l:481ttaat 21-5 llo 4 12 4 P r,- W Andreaal] BenlahS.. GntdePoat, SamHireli 1 Kt..n lm70yl:44%good 41 M 6 7 6 7 61 56 A Mott 12 H. Rowdy, W. Wool, Weyaaoke 1 ,■•■ Douelas luiT"v L:4S%faat ~ 111 4 5 2 I 2i 2 Buxton ! Star.Iasniine. Ca.Bravo.J.Hearn 1 Douglas 1 1-1*6 l:46%fast 3-2 109 2 111 lJ lJ Buxton 7 Supvisor. "apt. Bravo. Winifredl. 1 r Church 1 1 1-16 14S slow 8-5 106 3 1 1 1 1* 1 5 .1 Hanover S Supple. Crack. Box. Winter grata 1 8384 Churchill 8-4 l:15%hvy 31-5 111 5 3 4 2* 34i B Steele 8 Duuuesne. The Grader, Verena t Churchill 3-4 113-i-fast 29 lu7 7 5 4 6 641 B Steele 7 C. Jones, Presumption. Benanet *fl Lexinaton 1 l-39"**fast 12 10717 4 4 3 4 22 B Steele 8 Bell Horse. Clul.s. Marshon l xington 3-4 l:15?iSlow 31 106 9 7 5 3L l1 B Steele 11 Bash. Marshon. Senator James mR ANSPORT b c 4 109 By Transvaal — Lorna Doone J. T. Hughes. vii iTx"moA 3-4 l:14%alow 1C9 Hi 7 6 2 8» 84 O Byrne 11 Bermudian. Oakland, Lace .... I -n.mi-i lm70v l-4." %fast 50 PiS 9 10 11 10 10 9" Keogh 12 Benlah S.. Billy Holder, Lodona " Iloiii :; 4 1 -ls--hw 24 103 7 8 9 9- 9«J Hill 12 Toddling, Little Baker, General ", l 1 •IM-hvv 24-5 108 5 4 2 2J 2r- Kederis 11 Clint. Rooster, Little Baker 1* J Latonia 3-4 IOS bn 9 104 2 4 2 4 G4 Kederis 11 Barnard. Gal. Slave. Toddling 1 THE BUSvBODY b. m, 6 106 By Meddler — Belle Hoyt Mrs. J. D. Misick. I*r7fl I xeton 3-4 lit fast 8 109 S 10 7 7- V J McDonMll Martre, Brighlstone. L. Fortune : 13911 lamesn 4 1 142-fast 31 111 3 3 3 2" ■:- R Pickett 10 Striker, Roll. Stone, Corncracker 1 Sj4 Jamesn 3-4 l:16Shvy 30 111 4 4 5 313IH Pauley 11 York Lad. Parlor Boy. Rye Straw i-l Charlen 3-4 1:17 good 2 10S 4 4 3 t* 1* K Alley 13 Dr.Dougherty. Queed. Sonny Boy Charlen 3-4 l:ir,V5good 30 104 7 6 6 6- 64 E Alley S Coppertown. Chuckles. B. Path. 13116 Charlen 8-4 ldCVfcgOOd 12 119 8 6 5 41 34i W Daly 9 Incision, Nello. Pluvious COLD COLOR, ch. g, 4 106 By Gold Heels— Indelible F. Peyton. ■ • ■ Ti . x aton i i -M i :46%teat 123 MSI 1 14 7 M W»4W PrnklinlO Weyanoke, Brare, TexasToande 140" Lexgton lm7"v-l:441"5good fid M8 5 5 8 11 9 lo=l.D Connelh/12 H. Howdy, W. Wool. Weyaaoke j ■ •. Lexaton lm70yl :48%8low fid loS 2 1 1 1 3l 3;5 D ConnellylO Ocean Queen. Garneau. Brave ] i luoria lni70v l:45%fast fid 105 3 5 8 11 12 12" F Benton 12 Benlah S., Billy Holder. Lodona j • Latonia lm70y l:51Vshvy 83-10 109 8 8 8 7 7 V* J Hanover 8 RillieBaker. Over the Sands. Civ ] ■ ". l-ue.nia 1 1-1*6 l:55%hvv 15 104 2 2 2 1 21 21 Obert 7 Brave. Portarlinsjtoii, Curlicue 12262 lAtonia 1 1-16 1:54 mud 53-10 103 4 2 2 4 4= 3s Ohert S Brookfleld. Anion, Foxy Mary MARTHA MoKEE b f, 3 87 By Fountainblue — Congala Bowman and Bradley. VieT, i7nsi.ui :: 4 1 ll--fast 15 MS 1 2 2 2U .• W W Tlor12 Bay. Candle. Lit. Bean. Leaaraal I i .It latonia 51 f 1 lOTifast 68 93 2 5 5 and1 7*1 Neylon 11 Herpea, Ilocnir. Manson V-SS Latonia ■,** f 1:1 hvy 40 112 3 3 9 8» D"1!.! Henry 12 Sli. Belle. Shepherdess. Chr. Rve 1 vioH Ihiir. hill 51 1 105 112 4 4 3 7" W W W TlorlS Marg.Lowry, C. Rve. Iridescence ii-1 Douelas ;, f 1 :10--.hvy 14 lit 2 4 5 6* 7= W W Tlor ! Thaka. Christ. Eve. laab. Valle | 555 1.. tiagton U f 1 :liy5mud 14 109 3 5 8 8 8l0»K Martin 8 r. Monroe. S.Bill. Shepherdess BANK BILL b c 3 97 By Marta Santa — Kadisha E. D. Woods. ,,.,-,; |A-j;t,m 3-4 l -142-fast 49 M8 S .", r. 5" t W AndreaslS Bay.Caadle, Lit. Be.-m. Lenavaal 14018 L«xxton 3-4 l-lC-,good fid 112 11 6 6 9 8»» D Connellyl2 Allan Gold, iitan.i. Peheto 119 Latonia :.i f 1 :07-;*-,fast 370 96 8 10 10 10 8l4JFrench 11 Herpes, Hocnir. Manson MRS. PELL, b. f, 3 92 By Nasturtium — May B. II. J. M. Goode. j ii-l start.