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! I Lexington Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, May 5. WEATHER SHOWERY. TRACK HEAVY. 1 ■ 1 I = Baring -larls al 2:1.1 p. in. Chicago time, 2:15. xiJuns well in inud. QSuperior mud ranner. Ml maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 3-4 MH 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 05642 1:12 i— 115. Ind. Horse. WI. Pec. A.WLHan. 1 1035 The Peach 112 1:12 5 10S X725 I.T772;: Ancon 1IK.I 1:1!. 1 Hm;©72 » II«m;s Gllpy 108 1:12% 7 Pis 720 nwiso, Tiliies Nightmare. 103 1:13% 5 1060720 14070* Brightstune 1"! 1:14% 104XT15 14061 Praetorian 107 1:11-. 5 los .1. I30M Transport 110 1:1.1% 4 100X715 ll»7i The Baaybodv " Ll HWX710 l lois c.hi r,,h,r loo 1:15 kh; u., 14050* Manila McKee M100 1:15% :; 87. .090 1IO.50 Bank Bill i I i ....108 1:15% :: 97..080 Mrs. Pell. h. I. by Nastiirtiuni May B. II 5 *J2 Second Race — 4 1-2 Furlonirs. 2-year olds. Selling. Track record: 95713 53% 2—115. I I0..7- Billy Joe llo :55 M9X726 14022** Ladv BOBCh 05 :5c.--. 1ol . 1 r, no:: Gertbelma 11" l:00%h i««; 715 14057 Zangaree 1U» :55% 109X710 14032* .ininauretta I»5 :.5:i--.h 101. .710 1 UKSr* Vale I M i 06 :-".i, . 1l»1 . .705 llll Kneel, i Ml 112 :56% I08..700 1KII7 Mhrgarel c. iMi .112 :57-. 106.. ** 13908 .ht l . M. 109. .083 Florence M ly, ch. f. by BoanerR b Aala l.ala * 100 Pair Margaret, b. f. hy Kair Play Mariipiila II... 100 Spriid.l. hr. e, Ly St. Siinonian 1 1. Klh.ra KH, Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-oMs and upward. Allowances Track record: 95642 1:12-0—115.1 14033 Hawthorn 127 1:12 1 112 ;::., i l lo ■ .. I : rover Hughes 118 1:11% 6 103X730 1140461 Wilhiie 1971:13 5 112X7.*0 I I or. i B Imaster 193 1:11% I 103. .725 14031 Pack Bay 109 1:12% 0 107 x 72.« lud. Horse. WI. Pee. A.WI.IIin. I40K31 Bob Hensley 192 1:12% :: 101 14072" Indolence 112 1:15% 3 97X720 12403 Pae 113 1:12 3 98X720 IS894 Pont 169 1:11- S I030* 720 14045* Claxonette 110 1:14% :: 02 715 13754 L. H. Adair 96 1:11-" 4 103X716 12352 Billy Panics 107 1:15/, 8 199X999 Fourth Race — 1 1-4 Miles. Camden Handicap. 92.999 Added. :: year oMa and uoward. Tra.k record: 95943 2:o| :. -127. 14072 Couell lt; 2:00, 1 111X735 140593 Morristown 5 1070730 1 1 |o.v.» |i Sleppa 1 iimi ; ;o I402O Ciuhs 5 I07. 7::o 14072 Cream I 105X725 1 I072 C. M. Miller 109 2:01*] 7 llo 725 14008 Yengbee 1 :i; 72:. 14071* old Pen :: ion 725 II2HL, sir Catesby 109 2:08 8 102©720 imp; Sheth 5 1090720 12121 Buck Keeiion :: 96X715 14920 lh.1.1 lina MB 2*94% 5 111x715 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. .".year olds and upward. Sellinir. Track re, .id: 95642 1:12 B 115. 14046 James l .-ek.-r 105 1:13% 5 108© 725 1 ipso- Merrick ill 1:12% 11 ios©72 140701 Martre 100 1:14 5 100x720 ip.Msi Al r.i...h 105 1:12% I lOBXTSn 1 loso Toddling 112 1:14% 5 106 715 14061 Booster 1"7 1:12% I lot;x715 1 »os2 K. A. Stone iM 1. .i"7 1 :i: -,s :: :u..7l5 12151 La Mode NR 1:12% 4 10l©710 13827* Calcium 110 1:13% 1 lot 700 llo.ii;- Lennvaal Mi ....103 i:15, :: 92. .690 144170 I in I.- Pick Ml .103 1:14 1 106 685 12,00 Transportation 1M1111 1 :2".h :; 01. .075 Sixth Race— 1 1-4 Miles. 3-year-oidm and upward. Selling. Track record: 95943 2*94—5—127. I I lillsi* UIA VNOKK I 106 725 I "., : ] m Slein 0 IOO 71.*i 1 I07:; Disparity . 89. 710 11iiil Cek-pnr 102 2 12-.I1 5 1120710 13812 Defy 87 2:is..h 5-107X700