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SALE HIGHLYJ5UCCESSFUL FORTY-FOUR CASTLETON-BRED YEARLINGS SELL AT LEXINGTON FOR 2,350. Star of Sale, a Colt by Voter — Ecstacy, Brings ,100 — James Butler Buys the Brother to Cas- tleton — Gifford Cochran a Liberal Purchaser. Lexington. Ky. May 7. — In the spring of 1912 James It. Kei-ne permitted the mating of his Castle-ton stallions Ben Brush. Delhi. Disguise, Hippo dnune. Peior-Pun, Superman. Sweep, Iltimiis and Voter— with a number of hist class thoroughbred mares belonging to various breeders with the und.-r-standlng that the owner of tile stallion and the nwnei of the mare should share jointly iu the produce, which it was agreed should be sold when one yeai old. After tl» death of Mr. Keelie. it was agreed between the mare owmis and the exenitois of the Keelie estate that the forty four yearling, resulting from this breeding arrangement should lie daaposed of eollectivery under liie auspices of the Kentucky Sales Company. The sale was held last night in Horsemens Headquarters, with Oeorge A. Main as aii.-tioii.-er. and it resulted remarkably. inasmuch as the aggregate was 2,359, an average of ,844, Which was eoiisiderably aliove the ex-poefatious of niosl expert judges of probable prices in these parts. The top priee of the sale was brought bv the chestnut coll bv Voter -Mestacy, the latter a half sister to The Manager, for which Charles H. Berrj man. manager of James B. Haggins Flmiudoif Iann. paid , loo. 1 ranklin C. Bishop, represent lug Oilfoid A. Cochran, of New York, was the largest purchaser. He got eight for 0,450. Price McKinney, bidding tor .lames Butler, of New York, 1 ght .-ew-n lor 5,001, Including the brother to Castleton. and John Miller, bidding for Foxhall P. Keeae, of New York, bought six for flt.fHO Only nineteen sold for less than ,008 each and of those only seven brought less than IH each. Thomas Hodge, of Buffalo. N. Y.. bought seven of the cheaper ones for ,500. The live head held 011 Shares by T. C. McDowell brought 8,250. au average of ,650, and the twelve held by Miss 1:1 .z.-il el Ii Daing, -rli.-ld brought 3,150, an average of ,920. Besides the yearlings Flora Fina was sold to divide a partner-hip between B. It. Bradley and I W. J.ilni-on. Mr. Bradley paid .5O0 for her. The three-year-old Lady Trinity was sold bv .. .1. RcCafferty to T. H. Hodge for !50. The summary of the yearling sale follows: chestnut colt by Voter — Ecstacy; Charles H. Berrvman. Lexington, Ky ,100 Bay filly by Peter Pan Star Cat; Fo.xhall P. Keen*, New York 4.C0O Panacea, b. e, by Peter Pan— Miatcake; James Butler. New York 4. MM Bay tillv bv Ben Brush Ti-nawha: Gifford A. Cochran. New York 4.040 Gloriaaaa, b. or In-, f. by Disguise — Wild Bess; Poxnall P. Keene, New York SJ898 Bay or brown filly hi Peter Pan -Benefactress: GITord A. Cochran, New York 3,598 Cbrstnut ally bv Voter— Belle of Ashland: Gifford A. Cochran. New York 3,::00 Chestnut eolt by Voter— Carlotta C; Gilford A. Cochran, New York 3,200 Chestnut tillv bv Voter — Kleur de Marie: James Butler. New York 2,i00 Bulse. eh. c. by Disguise — Nethersole; J. Claude Bogi rs. Midway. Ky 2,150 Chestnut Illy by Voter Dancing Wave; Kenneth Alexander. Spring Station. Ky 2.125 Tar Brush, b. or hr. e. bv Beu Brush — Ladv Hortense: Cifferd A. Cochran, New York". 2.100 Chestnut colt bv Disguisi — Lardella; J. Claude Bogers. Midway. Ky 2.4 5i Prince of Ioino. b. c. by Disguise--Claudia; Gifford A. Cochran. New York 2,000 Bay colt bv Ben Brush— The Scold: James Butler. New York 2.tM0 Bav tillv by Peter Pan — Mildred Sliultz; Fox hill p. Keene, Hew York Loot Virginia Minor, eh. f. by Voter -Busy Laaa; K. K. Bradley. Lexington. Kv 1,389 Bav colt bv Ben Brush— Acushla ; Foxhall P. Keene. New York. .. 1.2".i Chestnut colt bv Voter— Goody Good; Gifford A. Cochran. New York 1.250 Chestnut tillv b llliiniis — Crazii-lla ; .laiin-, Bntler. New York 1.100 Dlema, h. c, by Delhi— Anthem; foxhall P. Keene. New York 1,100 Bay colt by Ben Hruvh Damn: Gilford A. Cochran, New- Torh l.loo Bav cult bv Peter Pan Atlell.-: lrank J. Kellev. Chicago 1.050 Chestnut lillv bv Voter Bed Light; James. Butler. New York 1.0O0 Lady of Lynn, eh. f. bv Voter l.v.lla II.; frank J. Keller, Chicago 850 Brown COlt bv Peter Pan Lauretta Burke; T. P. Hayes. Lexington, Ky 888 Brown colt bv Sweep Lamp Girl; Foxhall P. Keene. Ni-W York S0O Bay colt by Disgaaae Sadie S. ; Frank J. Kellev. Chicago 7"n Chestnut colt by Disguise -Black Banner; W. J. Treaty. Lexington. Ky 858 II. Brush, b. c. by Ben Brush -Daisy luiise; A. L. Aste. New York 640 Tee-Lai, b. f. by Voter Fair Bmpress; T. Hodge. Buffalo, N. Y 550 Mollie Elliott, ch. 1. by Voter— Mrs. Bewail: Ki-niieth Alexander, Spring Station. Kv 559 Chestnut tillv bv Voter Bird of Paradise: lamia Bntler, New York 5ito skcer Face. b. c. bv Hippodrome— Fleeing Venus: T. Bodge, Buffalo, N. V 588 Bav tillv by Voter— Prinsessia; W T. Anderson 500 Chestnut tiiiv by Peter Pan Moselle: Howard itots. Lexington, Kv 588 Chestnut roll by Peter Pan My Baby; Milton Young, Lexington, Ky 4oo Brown tillv b Sweep -Grace Commoner; T. I bulge. Buffalo. N. Y KX Chestnut colt bv Bipoodl te Charlcote; John Doyle, P.idiicali. Kv 325 Chestnut lillv by Voter -Battle Walker: T. Bodge, Buffalo. N. Y 300 Bav lillv by Voter Ilanrose: T. Hodge. Buffalo. N. Y 300 Chestnut colt by Snpemaaa Jarte; T. Hodge, Buffalo, . V ::ini Marx lav. b. f. by Hippodrome -Calyx; T. Hodge. Buffalo, N. Y 150 Double Entendre, b. f. by Disguise Ruby Nithersnle: James Butler. New York tmi