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TRAINING GOSSIP FROM CANADA. Toronto, Onl.. May 7. The m i~ t rolled in from the lake resterdaj morning ami at times niach of the hack stretch at Woodbine was hidden from the view ot visitors along the front, The track was 1 and eiippy in places, lint not muddy, though there va- a drizzle of rain all morning. The gallops ol the Platers were the interesting features. Beehive seems to overshadow everything else, bal horse races are not won until the boys hare pasaed iii«- scales, and the red hoard is np. So t in i - are I !«-ii i oi trainers preparing for the defeat of tl, local The Tetrarch. They don* I see just bow it is 1 in lie done. Inn their charges will be r ly if there is any weakening, and oa the Job to take advantage oi whatever may help their chances. Beehive had Qadraaioa for ■ workssate yesterday, inn the lug cheataal eoald aol keep up, and wbea a real sharp work is to be done Hearts of Oak will probably be found accompanying the favorite. Yesterdays gallop was a mile in 1:48%, the fast half in S3 and three-qaarters In 1:26%. Beehive ■ was only playing. Following Privet Petal for three-quarters. Colonel I Heodries Slipper la showed three-quarters In 1 IV1,. ind huished out the mile in 1:50%. The boy on Prlvel Petal losl i stirrup inm. and coald not ease him up so readily, his mile being finished hi 1:48%, sod tin- mile sad sn eighth la 2:04%. Slip per l av works iii a resolute ami Impressive manner • and will be n. ore than ordinarily useful in bet cla--this year. Mi. Dalles Qold Bod worked alone and her pet formance was done handily, half ■ mile in 50, three-qaarters In 1:18% and the mile in 1:17.-.. She ■ was third in last years Plate and i- not likely t i be woi so i bis j • .ii . Veivode, from the Gonaas stable, had an ia-. mile in 1 56. The Giddlaga two year did. Harry Bassetl II.. riiled "it ■ quarter In 21 seconds, and three-eighths in :;ii1.,. palling up the half mile in 51%. Alai Bass Meni behind him. Other works of the morning were: Calgary and , First Sight, three-quarters in 1:17%, mile In 1:47%: Recoil and The Usher, mile in 1:48%; Martian, hall in Pi. tin i e quarters in 1:17. SBd seven furlongs in l :i. pull ng sp thi mile in 1:46: Venus Urania and ■ s.iroiia. half in 51%; otero ami tfartaline, threi . ihiL- in 4 : Splutter. Last S| irk, David Gillies and Fergus, halt in 54% : tU I lire. Odds On and I John Peel, accompanied by Tankard, half In 53: : Mareovil, mile In 1:56; ■liininy Gorman, three-eighths in ::s- . The horses •»! the Brookdale Stable of the Messrs. liyiuent ai Woodbine, number eleven, ss follows: Crystiawoga. eh. g. 1 by Tongorder Grandma II. !.• in Cheval, cb. c, 3, to i ongorder D« jiend -. B ,ei. i. ch. i . :;. by Cncle -Bremen. !• uhu Bsss, h c. •"•. by ; aclc I ble six. Mail Order, b. e, 3, by Tongorder Miss Morgan. I i|.i « . .i, .., . e|i. e. :•.. bv Goldfinch -Tongeae. Fair Pox. eh. c. 2. by Bed Fox II. Fair Annette. lack Morgan, i r. c, l. by Bed Fox II. -Miss i Morgan. John Thompson, eh. c, 2. by Tongorder — Baroness B Pi pp 1 , Kelion. br. f. 2. by Kelstou Drowsy. La.h i e.izn. b. r, 2. by PtaadU the BeBe of f Ms] i ilr Trainer W.ilk.r bs been bttSJ all spring, ml the ,. lua-i are r. sd] for ttroug woi !, i be villi he .■ vein extended sbonl Saturdaj sad ", likely to ,, in ike a good Impression Moss Fox and the two i rear-olds Bowe, Agnes Fox and Minnie Fox, were .• left at bowe, bal the stable has two food Platers - jji Beau Cbcva] ami Mail Orander