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RUNNING OF THE CITY AND SUBURBAN. Twcnu haraea started ta !■* Cltjr and iMvku ]l:n up .11 khnafia, England, April 22. and ; them Maiden Kriegh carried the lopweight of iri pounds and, running Its mUr. and a quarter in 2 i5--,. was Hie easiesl of winners. Few races in England are more popular and with the tiuest brand ii weather helping, an enormous gathering witaaused its decision. Of the race and altendanl leatutes. fMinrtlng life of tbe next day said: . " Thank- tn tbe anccensfal intervention of Maiden Erlegh, we wen- spared an upset in ihe City and Suburban yesterday, as tbe victory of either tin ...•ml or third would liave meant disaster 1" the majority of backer-.. It requited, nevertheless :i good deal id courage to sup| ori Mr. sol .lo*M t bon e, a. he lias M often lei hi- eonueeticus down bad I; ihai he bad become somewhat or a hag bear to the general bads of backer-, and n is to be feared that a considerable proportion of bis hitherto ihi.k ami-thin followers left bun out renter Oajr. Sun Vat. which rapidly became a strong favorite, ran really well, finishing just out of a place, and thus for once in a way the luck of tue brothers Joel was reversed. To what extent Maiden Krlogh» prospects were improved bj bis being M rased rroDi taking part in the parade can only be i matter of conjecture, out tbe fact remains that he Bran easily indeed, and at last atoned for a -cries of exasperating failures which was only broken by a fugitive, though meritorious, victory in the Doacaster Welter Handicap last September, of the other fancied horses yesterday. Wrack did l„ si but it came as a distinct surprise to tiud Braxted oecupflw the prominent position he did it the tBish, as it appeared to be any odds in reason oa Lord Boseberjra horse banting him over I lie distance. In the succeeding race, the Hyde Dark Plate, there was an extraordinary reversal ci previous foraa between Bwaaker and Coatello, which on practically the same terms bad taishcd tirst and second for tbe Keudlesbam Stakes at Ketuptoo Iark on Easter Monday, the verdict then being four lengths in favor of Mr. Langlandsa colt. Vesterday however, the tables were turned. Mr. Bower Dniay- aaa of Marco and Perjury winning by ■ half length. _. . ••Th. Stewards .decision ta exempt Maiden Erlegh from the preliminaries was not received with unani limns satisfaction bv otlier owners with horses run lilng in the City and Suburban. True. Mr. S il |. m l"s hnrse is troubled with nerves and tretful-i„ — but there were other highly-strung animals in the race, to wit. Tbistleton. which had to carry 115 pound- in the canter and walk to the post. whereas it was not until the last moment that I be ton weight realized that lie had even a saddle oti his back. There is no disguising the fad that Maiden Brlegh thaw bad an advantage over his -Weight of money far Sun Yat— some of it cover in" money— tended to bring him to the position of favorite for the big race. Nothing traveled w itli an •■.nuine ■ ring as Mr. -lack Joels chestnut, which w as one of those to gain eulogy from all pad. lock critics Bach as Royal Weaver a particularly good-looking horse I. Wrack and Braxted were also liked, but ii" opportunity was afforded of judging in what condition Maiden Brlegh was. as the tinal touches to his toilet given far away from the pad dork Be was. in fact, saddled at Sherwoods rat-tage, which is in close proximity to Ike starting point of the race. Drlaaaore, as is ins wont, a ore blinkers, and looked light in his back ribs. ■■What delay there was at the post was caused bv Sands of Time, which spoilt the regularity or an Otherwise excellent start by half whipping round. ll tbe horses drawn among the small numbers ■/ere a letrfully quick lata their strides. Agfadoe pacemakfaag mission: but before the going out oa a descent to Tottenham Corner was commenced he was p;lssed by Tuxedo and Braxted, the latter pair racial in sack rlose company that Braxteds Jacket araa hidden from view by that of Lord Carnarvon. Making the bend Maiden Erlegh look the place that Aghdoc vacated, and Sun a1 tried for a situation on the rails, but was disappointed. Tuxedo col-lapsed beaten three and a half furlongs from home, where just for a stride or two Braxted was in from: but Maiden Erieigh was canal to the occasion from the moment that Walter Griggs asked him to g.. to the front. ••He was noticed to sprawl a bit once, but collecting hinmeif. he raced out. and with Baa Vat unable to find a clear course. Candytuft stayed on to keep Braxted oat of second place, wtthoat even troabHag Maiden Brlegh, which won in convincing siyle. Easily, in fact, was his three lengths voniici secured, and instead of the sweating, excitable horse arc have before seen him, Mr. So! Joels graad-look- lag live year old returned To the unsaddling caclo sine with little more ilian a saddle mark upon him. Wrack ran no better than Driamarc, which never really got into his stride from the start. Royal Weaver showed up for six furlongs, and Aghdoo sustained pressure for a mile before being ill trouble. Thistletou want- a little more ■ancle coaxed upon his frame, but he ran quite respectably.