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GARTH HORSESJN FORM VIRGINIA TRAINER SENDS THREE WINNERS TO THE POST AT PIMLICO. The Masquerader Repeats His Former Victorious Performance, While Ida Claire and Ballybay Were Other Winners from Virginia Stable. Baltimore. Mil.. May B Thrmtm it weather had its effect on the attendance at Phulico this afternoon. The lain held ■iff. how ever, and the running of the afternoons program was witnessed with some degree of coin fort. It was a tielc] lav for the William Carth staple. The V irginian sent three winners 1o the post in the shittv two-year olds, lila Claire and The Masquerader while Bally bay l eat those op-peaad t" him in the stee|.|eehase. Several of the tartera in ihe jinn |.i nsr race were their maid en effwrt through the field anil some of them showed n 1 1 well. In Bryndor. Thomas Hitchcock has what liH ks like the making of a useful fearer, lie met with some interfereiiee at a critical stage in tedaj -race or he might bare beatea the winner. Ihe 1 i-i|iiei :i /it agate won like a paid eolt. lie simply iilaveii with Ma opposition ami eaand hat ■ won further off hail But wet I m wished, incidentally The Masquerader equalled Ihe track reeonl for hall a mile. Jesse Jr.. which was -Ilil out in the entries as an eligible for this race, was not pre via mined. Tin condition* of the ran called for en tries to he the hoaa tide propertj of reaMenta of Maryland. Virginia. West Virginia, Pennsylvania and the Mi-tliil of Columbia lor sixly days. Jesse Jr. because ineligible through a technicality, tlie coll having been claimed a feu dais age by J. I.. Holland ami being transferred hark to the Hedrick ■table the allowing day. MeCahey. who had the mount on Bazzano. claimed foul against Ida Claire and the st. wards took s.nne lime to deliberate over the proteat. The claim was finally disallowed. Sam l/iuis parchsicd from William Garth this morning the two rear-old Star and darter, a brother to Hobnob. Kov Mm tin has Bold Lovvcen to W. B. Carson and lalaa to Ed MiMire. His i ther horses. John Bear don. Counaugtat and First Star, have baea turned • nit and Mr. Martin himself will shortly return to SKI I Paso. v Hedrick has lieen annoy.-d by some person Who TTrM i i|i] . -i ii t ill himself a* a;i agent for tin-stable. Mi. Hedrick said today that lie hud absolutely no outside agent* and no agents whatever except as shown in the Racing Calendar. l.ouis Martine has signed jockev Nickhuis and be will report lo the -table May IS. Jockey 1iekett cancelled all his riding CBfagcmrutn today when he received a wire Informing him of the dentil of his sister at Cicero. 111. It develops that alter all I.atly Capricious is not t« receive the first money that was awarded her after .1. S Tyrees Ileenan had lieen disqualified yesterday. It has been discovered that one of the partners in her ownership is in the forfeit list and Dint naturally made her Ineligible to start. Just before the race. J. It. Clayton, in whose name the filly has been racing, registered a partnership in her with M. B. Moore. From the Jockey Club came the notification that Mr. Moore owed forfeits to the extent of 11,300. The official placing of the race now is Dixie first. Ethan Allen second and Boling hroke Belle third. Nothing sensational in the way of fast trials wai shown at Iimlico this morning, trainers being con tent to give their charges good stiff gallops in a majority of instances. The best moves were: Brvnavia Three quarters in 1:19%. Carlton 5. Five eighths in 1 :00. Cowl — Thr quarters in l:llt. Crossbun Three eighths in .Itja. Flilaway — Seven-eighths in 1:30. Plying l"air -Half mile in 49. Golden Castle Three-quarter* in 1:20. Jesse Jr. -Five eighths in 1 : H . I.adv Botha Quarter mile in 14%. Merry Task Seven-eighths in 1:34. Miraniichi Half mile in -lb1;,. Nightstick — Three-quarter* in 1:28. Scorpii- Half mile in 50. Stubborn Half mile in 51%. Tiirzan Half mile in 48%. Towton Field— Three-quarters in 1:18%.