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Churchill Downs Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, May 9. WEATHER SHOWERY. TRACK SLOW. • , ! o The figure* under ths heading- "Rec." in the I entries below show the best time of each horse I at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good traok, abbre-I viations show track conditions. o- — — o Ra.-iug starts at 2::: p. m. Chicago time, :o0. ■ Runs well la mud. ©Superior mud runner. • Mj maidens. *Approntice allowance. First Race — 3-4 Mile. I, v.-ar olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 12128—1:11—2—106. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. I lot.s Florence Roberts ,.188 1:11% S 188X725 13844 Furlong 188 1:12% 8 114X720 14088 Yenghee 1H7 1 :i:::Ssv 4 107X71.". 12428* Lady Moonel 110 1:14% 3 108.. 713 13742* Surpassing 97 1:18% 3 102. .710 I2M8* First Degree !»5 1:1 :.-, :: !Mt..7M» MM Salvtis M 3 OS. .073 Second Race — 1-2 Mile. 2 fear olds. Fillies. Allowances. Track record: 81480— :4T— *— HO. 14".:2 Aunt Josie M8X723 14H44-, dvpsv Ml 110 :52%b 102X721 14833* I.iiolo I r7 :48%s 108X720 14004 Kneelet 100 :504.-, 108X715 13T88J Zin Del 10$. .715 Lady Powers, b. f, by Masetto — Katie Powers 102 London Girt, ch. f, by English Lad— Flanimula 102 l.izziepufT. lir. f. f by A 1 v • s cot — tjucen Blcsnor. . 102 f May Queen, h. f. » by lltinius May fair 102 Red of Roses, ch. I, by Ulna nl Melton Mowbray. 102 liinis. hi. I, by ttgden Caprice . 102 |J. Butler entry. Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances Tra.k record: li!H7 1414% 2 »2. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 1397ft Iron Mask 1M 1:03*4" • 132x750 i!4li!i.-.i Clover Hughes ...113 1 :»." 8 115X743 113556 itli.llo 106 1:08 :: :is ?:;:. 14083 Caugh Hill 122 1 : :. ; . 3 118x735 12203 Leoeharea no 1HM% 4 112X730 Fourth Race — 1 1-4 Miles. Kentucky Derby. 0,000 Added. :: year oMs. Allowaaces. Track record: 8158 2:01 r, — 3 — 117.J 13987 OLD ROSEBUD .. 114©7.".o 13712 Hodge 1ly.74o I h71-t John Cim. I 117 ■ 735 I40721 Ivan Gardner M 2:12a 122 735 14071 I.ionzewing 117x7::.". 14071 Sui-p rising 117X7.!0 11744* Watermelon 112.. 72.". 1»»71 ; ll.l Ren 114X72". 12401- Bell...- 117X72.". 14033t Constant 117. 7 n 1HI72 Rrirkl.-v M HO. .075 i.. Baker entry. Fifth Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-otds and upward. Selling. Track record: 12128 1:11 2—105. 14831** Cash on Delivery. .107 1:12% 5 1050725 14843* Korfhage M8 1:12% "■ 184X720 13878* living Yankee ...107 1:12% 5 1000715 13815* John D. WakefteldlflS 1:12% 5 188x715 14085 113 1:12. .104X715 12488 Suii Queen M0 1:11% 5 111x705 I2:;4s tabtue Vaile — N8 1:17% :: tisx7oo Sixth Race — 1 1-16 Miles. H fear-oMa and upward. Selling. Track record: M386 l:44%— 5 — 105. 13881 Flving F.vt 113 1:48% 0 110 725 iU i7::i Rash 188 1:48% 6 111x728 i::7.:2- Helen M :: M ■ 715 13848* .int. in lol 1:17 7 188X715 IIILS S.isiu* :: !I7 ■ 715 1 : : 4 7 1 * Verena KM 1:48% 4 104X710 11115- Big Spirit :: 1oox710 14848* Texas Toiiiinie M 04 1:47% :: M.. 705