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SLOW TKACK FOR DERBY SHOWERS PRE0LUDE POSSIBILITY OF FAST GOING AT CHURCHILL DOWNS TODAY. Louisville Overflowing1 with Visitors Attracted by Great Three-Year-Old Race to Be Run This Afternoon — Eleven Carded to Start. Louisville. Ky.. May 8. — Bleak weather and inter 111 it lent showers that have prevailed following yesterdays heavy rain precludes any possibility of 1 lie fortieth Kentucky Derby, which will feature loam rows opening al Churchill Downs, being run e«Wr a fast track. The outlook for good weather tomorrow is promising, according to the weather bureau report, but it is probable that the course will be slow even if no more rain falls before the crack three-jrew olds go to the post in the Derby. Ihe advance sale of tickets has hewn enormous, far in ecess of any former year and. taking this •is :ui indication, former attendance records will he broken. Nevei before has the same amount of in leresl been manifested. From all parts of the eoun try hive gathered turf lovers and the leading hostet-ries are ill a quandary as lo how to take can- for ihe vast aeaabera seeking accommodations. Every train is adding to the already big concourse of visi tors. Ihe visiting easterners are especially lnliuer 011s and include many of the countrys most repre tentative turfmen. I hose from the east already on hand include James Butler. Trice McKiiiney, Phil .1. Dwyer, Thomas Mouahan. Mattie Corbett aud a host of lesser luminaries in the turf world. Mr. Duller, accompanied by his son. James Jr., and daughter, Oenevieve, came this afternoon. August Belmonl will bring a large parly tomorrow. Boxes and every available inch of space iu the reserved section has been disposed of. The all absorbing topic in the principal sportiug-resorts and hotel lobbies is the prohuble outcome of the Derby. Old Bosehml is an overwhelming choice among the horsemen and professional turf followers. Hodge has supporters, hut not to the numlier that one would he led to believe I nun advance notices and il would not he surprising if John Guild and BMasjew iug displaced him in esteem before post linn. Track conditions which will prevail for tomorrows numlng arc held to favor Old Rosebud and his hackers as well as his immediate connections count tl. leg prize as well us wou. Lleven three year-olds are carded to start in th» race, hut of "these four are extremely doubtful starters. Those that probably will start and their riders follows: old Rosebud, 114 J. MeCabe; John Cunil. 117. Hi. Byrne: Bronzewing. 117 J. Hanover; Surprising. 117, C. Peak: Hodge, 114, lW. W. Taylori: Old Ben. 114. J. Kedcris. Bel-lac may go to the jiost and, in the event that lie does. J. Henry will have the mount. Owner Wilson stated this afternoon that he was undecided in regard to Ivan Gardner, but that it is more than likelv that he will not send the Palmetto Park Derby winner to the post. All the starters that will go to the post are reported in the pink of condition. Old Bosebud. Hodge. John iunil and Bronzewing are eapeeaaBy so aud their trainers all feel sanguine as to their chances. Old Bosebud is an overwhelming favorite ai present in the ante-iMist betting, with Hodge second choice. If either of this pair succeed in capturing the big stake tomorrow il will mark the first time iu twenty-six years that a gelding has been returned ihe winner. Because of the bad weather and the tardiness of owners in shipping from Lexington some difficulty was experienced in tilling tomorrows card satisfac torily ami the original fifth raee. intended to bring together two year old coils and geldings hail to be declared off. The first race was split to make up a ••aid of six races. • l.vcrvthing is in thorough readiness for the open ing and Ihe historic track never looked better. There will be thirty seven nuilllel machines iu operation tomorrow for the accommodation of those speculatively inclined. Thri f these machines will be employed for ante pant betting on the Derby. To facilitate matters, six machines will he placed, under Ihe grandstand Ior the use of Ihe clubhouse con tingeiit. Three of these machines will he of 5 denomination and three for . bettors. Iu the ring proper there will be 28 machines as follows: Three of |25 denomination, thn f 6, seven ,,f and fifteen of . There will he thirty 1 ticket sellers employed and twenty nine eaahiera. After Derby dav there will be twenty six machines in daily use. a like number of tickel sellers and twenty four cashiers. Several of the new machines recently manufactured by the Grainger company, ami s:i,| to represent a marked improvement in such devices, will he given a trial tomorrow. oivernor McCreary and his staff and other distinguished state officials will be 011 hand lo wit niss the running of the Derby, other prosaiaent figures iii political life, who will view the big race, an- United Slabs Senators James. Fall and Smith. Gearge C. Bennett was among todays arrivals from Memphis to witness the big race. It Will 1m- the lirst time thai the onetime noted turfmnu has been lo a race course in many years. Francis Nelson. Well known Canadian racing official and sporting editor of the Toronto Glebe, arrived this afternoon. Other newspaper men here from different sections of the country, include Thomas B Cromwell, Peter Clark. Al Dobson and Frank McQiiade. Advices were received today that John Brazier, onetime trainer of the extensive Charles R. inii son stable, died recently iu Memphis. Team. Presiding Steward Charles F. Price today an nounced the reinstatement of steeplechase Jockey James Gaddy, whom he ruled off a tunnhcr of veals Bga for .1 faulty ride on Webbertields. Jockey .1. Howard will ride during the rest of Ihe Kentucky meetings for J. rniensetter. Charles F. Crainger. pre-hlent of the New Louis villi- Jockey Club and a member of the Kentucky Stale Baeiiig Commission, stated today that a meeting of the commission members would be held in this City next Monday for the purpose of organization. Various turf mailers may he acted 0.1 at the same lime and it is likely that the riders receutly denied riding licenses will be given a hearing. Jefferson Livingstons crack sprinter Iron Mask. is said to have developed a severe fever and will not he among the starters in the third race tomor row. Mr. Livings!. hi. who motored over from Lex ingion ihis morning, is iu que el af some peed racers to add to his stable, which is Intended fur eastern racing at the close of the Churchill Downs meeting. Trainer ciitT Hanuaoa staled today that Bradleys Choices injury consists of a bowed tendon on his front left leg ami that the colt will come back to racing condition t..r the Saratoga meeting. Beach Comber, the high priced Rock Sand youngster, i-being prepared with a view to starting iu the La lonia Derby. Firmer trainer James Coffev. who prepared Rio Shannon for his intuaefui start in the four mile Thurtoii stakes, was among todays arrivals. He came from his home in Las Vogas. New. to witness he running of the Derby. John ! 11 m I was sent seven eighths in 1:32 this morning, after iM-ing given a mile preliminary In 1:45. It is expeited that if the dav is fair, all records for attendance will he broken tomorrow. The inner laid in ecordaace with aha custom followed during the past lew ream, will he opened to the public free of charge.