Owners Who Won 0,000 or More in American Racing from 1906 to Beginning of the Present Year, Daily Racing Form, 1914-05-09


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OWNERS WHO WON 0,000 OR MORE IN AMERICAN RACING FROM 1906 TO BEGINNING OF THE PRESENT YEAR V +■ In the course of American racing from 190C to 1013, inclusive, ninety-three owners won sums in excess of 0,000 in stakes and purses. Thirty-five of the number were fortunate enough to win in excess of flOO,- «mj. At the head of this favored list stands the late James K. Keene. whose horses made a record that will undoubtedly stand for years to come and, perchance, may never lie equaled. During the period covered by this tabulation the Keene establishment is credited with having won |l,008,9Qa , all but 00 of which was accumulated in the five years beginning with 1006 and ending with 1910. Of eoiuse it is well known that Mr. Keene abandoned racing in this country with the suspension of the sport on the New York tracks in i-UO. It was in 1907 that his stable, under the management of that astute and skillful trainer, Janus Kowe, made a worlds record by winning the magnificent sum of $;!97,:l41.,. During the seven years from IMS to l!tO». inclusive, the winnings of the Keene horses amounted to the astonishing total of ,.!89,s."il. 1: would he interesting to know to a certainly just how much Mr. Keene wou on the turf altogether, but this is information that would be difficult to obtain, since Mr. Keene maintained stables both in Ihis coast Irjr and iu England at a time when racing statistics were not systematically compiled as they are by Daily !;. icing Form at present. The rewards of the turf arc not nearly so great just now as they were iu the earlier years covered by tl.i-. tabulation that is presented below and the consequence is that the important lacing establishments of the preseni day do not make inui-li of a showing in comparison with the stables that ware successful in the lust few years covered by the compilation. The figures arc interesting, however, ami are as follows: Won in Won in Won in Won in Won iu Won iu Won iu Won iu Total Owner. l«JO«. 1907. 1Mand 1!H»9. 1910. 1911. lbFJ. 191X Winnings. J. It. Keene $ 1 r,5, .", 1 9 f3KMX S2.07." 1 1,733 $ 01,390 $ 900 tl.OQ8.9S0 S. c. Hildreth 39,41 1 47.8M 104.105 159,112 152,045 47,44.! 560.671 H. P. Whitney 87,775 ].,7.094 73,060 15,210 15,015 3,945$ 7,550 $ 55,050 396,320 U. T. Wilson 50.900 69,850 ::.".. 495 40.000 Ob.990 37,4ol 29,931 41,586 :!77.272 B. Sehreiber 85.713 88.008 88.329 54.475 40,368 15,084 5,052 :j,58.27!i A. Belmont 4!l.3bO 48.160 111.080 18,040 47,310 20,705 10. .145 20,745 .:44.4:;5 It. F. Carman 66.935 4b. 580 15.505 04.440 35,447 23,4114 34.040 288,601 .1. K. Madden 10,320 41.825 17!. 31 7 22,763 2.770 3,450 258.435 H. C. Bedwell 5.3.!5 18.740 28,52X1 02.218 31.117 24. KM 47.452 40,475 257, .157 T. Hitchcock. .!;• 11!».S05 70.214 20.050 2.070 0,205 2,237 1,505 2,399 231,205 Newcastle Stable 70.775 71*882 :;o,550 10.020 and .190 225,027 .1 W. Schorr 25 20.045 48.408 38,588 58,225 24,066 189,400 W. Walker 2:1.708 39,000 41,085 31,788 19,855 11.585 4,08.5 7,703 179,579 I.iulew and ONeill 52.055 01.550 39.387 153,011 CI. inn and Forsv.he 22,100 :i4.80r. 40.08:: :I4.:45 .2,205 143,258 Ofteek Stable 33,990 .",4.140 8.886 10,095 10,095 4,001 10.777 14,388 138.051 • i. M. Odoill 0.125 9.325 38.029 23.520 20,300 27,213 0.884 825 138,287 T. C. McDowell 12,000 15.200 22.182 13,005 9,803 19,008 19.925 14,240 127,343 .1. O. and C. IL Keene 34,000 27,105 2S.885 23.440 2,235 1,919 0,910 2.340 120,90*1 W. II. Fizer 10,207 23.783 43.249 15.300 0.429 8.375 9.845 8,370 125.01s J. L. McCiunis 17.090 71,830 17,910 4.790 4,770 2,100 1,070 4,000 124,880 . Savat 25,151 23.097 23.935 19,900 10,487 8,092 10,220 1,278 122.820 P. Dunne 37,890 28,787 23,858 18,305 0,475 4,997 120.312 J. B. Seagram .24,895 29.140 25.050 13,370 9,125 0,325 5,750 6,790 121,045 I. K. Hitchcock 50.770 44.300 8,830 4,310 7,008 1.297 118.175 W. K. Ablegate 0.02O 5,055 11.780 3.420 30,147 28,180 *11.401 *22,024 118.P27 .1 W. Colt 13.290 47,870 35.301 20,440 110.901 K. L. Thomas 19,719 .,3,320 32,806 22,010 7.828 115.077 C T. China 15,145 33,908 51.145 15.250 100 116,608 C. .1. Long 54.307 10.S20 13.305 5.000 4.771 2.fi42 9,281 12.325 113.171 It. K. Watkins 7,944 25,581 10.130 8.438 9.345 15.440 15.566 19.560 113.003 i:. B. Bradlev 11.408 15.403 13.888 1.205 13,188 11.200 ls.354 28.336 112.373 I.cvcrwyck Stable J. 8.085 12.220 15.915 25.895 13,878 19.577 7.915 108.077 C. R. Ellison 37,041 40.907 17.409 5.890 107.907 K. Coirigan 44.388 19.350 30,737 5.845 1.235 101,556 J. C. Milam 14,087 25,598 9.910 10.800 10.782 4,395 10.715 9.513 90.400 A. Turney 0.83O 12.587 10,180 7.975 0.355 3.797 10.776 31.294 95.793 I.. A. Cella 9,005 30.740 47.151 7.025 95.121 J. II. McOorsalek 25.289 54.441 13.823 93 553 Weber and Ward 7.740 9.993 12.518 9.955 13.542 8.910 15,828 10.10.8 88.007 F. J. Dons 7.805 27.008 13.590 20.120 19.125 88.254 T. P. Hayes 23.005 9.441 20.044 2.140 5.414 0.129 1,241 13.789 87 203 :. H. Holle 10.101 27.849 14.003 15.305 8.983 1.950 85.130 II. B. Dnrvea 17.280 3.0. 915 29.040 4.030 1,750 1,049 81.070 F. J. Parrel] 19.935 51,905 12.220 84.120 J. K. Waiuw right 13.595 9. 282 10,833 14.498 18.734 17.043 225 84.012 J. B. Rradv S3.040 83 040 I. .1. Kaincv 33.530 24.120 17.525 7.130 82 305 J. B. Kcsiiess 10.955 3.825 10.540 10.040 7.108 9.081 8 001 8.835 82.045 M . Shietls 38,871 14.850 18,188 1.868 5.878 1.7Ml si lli K. D. Williams 7.595 10.253 14.2-50 10.550 19.290 7.220 si 158 J. K. Wideuer 12.560 45.905 11.580 300 2.88.5 .... 7 205 80 495 K Cook 20.850 37.550 14.720 455 "... 7! I 587 H . lav 23.980 9.320 2.140 15.588 10.075 9.408 3 Sir, 3 705 78 !S3 J. W. Fuller 35.154 7.079 3.3S.S 7.816 9.355 2.175 0 802 5 015 78 043 H. B. Jennings 35.240 31.495 4.230 0.120 300 77 ::s:, 11. B. Brandt 9.120 14.147 14.235 13,536 12.930 5 930 i 55S 70440 S. Daget 00.258 9.040 75 s:is F. Johnson 18.920 13.270 1.255 5.420 4.405 4.378 8.955 20,160 75.703 Patcnogne Stable S.205 5,S.!l H S.lNO 75 375 T. D. Sullivan 32.020 18.715 7.773 5.573 1.475 720 8 318 75*196 I. MacManas 2.S50 31.140 0.210 11,888 9.911 13995 75ior H. C. llallcnhcck 24.480 33.S47 15 381 73 718 K. .1. Mackenzie 5.8H 7.0S0 15.745 10,367 17508 15281 71921 It. Davies 3.099 S55 535 3.015 0.130 3 290 20 035 33 388 71547 J. F. and II. S. Xewinan.. 11.175 6.530 10,080 1.845 1.925 7.935 15 302 14*613 69*406 W. MeLeaaare 5.906 150 7,805 12,105 20.365 9 747 11795 070;: F. Trotter 27.031 16.618 10,335 s7o 7.475 3 000 . 2 230 07V.9 St. James Stable 31,188 32.415 10.029 3.141 0C,7sl r. . Smithson 18.553 8.895 5,074 14.200 10.005 3.212 2 045 3 490 00 134 T. II. Williams 19.175 31.785 14.795 186 [... 05*920 J. N. Camden 14*75 4.975 4.574 10.329 10 448 27 32 i 65*622 A. L. Aste 14.835 21.555 0.502 1.878 4.HH lolosl 64903 W. J. Young 7.475 16,330 15.450 9,2oO 4.573 4.717 3 163. 2*066 03 479 Mis. r. A. Livingston 1.120 10.715 10.435 7.815 16 400 16*706 63*250 J. II. McCairen 16.712 7.654 4.23t 5.555 8.327 5 312 6 910 7V4 62 133 J. C. Ferris 11.275 22.100 4.851 4.070 1,888 4 140 0 455 7*345 iiT«l7o W. 8. Williams 41.020 13.943 6.757 255 ; q~- i:. K. Thomas 35.995 25.583 oi-,7s C. E. Diirnell 9.380 51.910 "" "" «i**an I. M. Civill 9.487 10.558 9.188 15.335 3.535 400 2*730 *8*«43 5 | S73 Chelsea stable 7.610 8.130 17.035 15.090 s.435 1288 5V10-. Ilnrricaiia Stable 10.880 36.300 8.205 1.795 0.51O iwO 67*410 W. Cahill 2.165 10.025 15,615 16.428 4.130 2 185 1205 :-,To 55*855 IL P»rr BJ 250 4.08O 12.035 14.775 23 102 54*892 l:iownleigh Dark Stable. 19.320 17,900 11.250 2.035 2 705 o-ji rl4 rlSt, . shields r.4.528 .;;;;; ;;;;;; v;|-;o" J. I. Holland 7.420 2.155 13.626 42 445 54040 W. F. Sehulte 13.885 9,403 9.545 7.050 4.6BS 1883 5 542 675 52*698 William Carth 10.355 1.775 11.020 4.205 16 325 8 490 500 52.870 D. C. Johnson 19.145 19.225 8.905 4.140 ... 51*415 W. W. Harden 15.110 17.510 2.580 2.1.NO 4 017 7 414 2 354 61*165 Henderson and Hogan 16.735 9.2o7 10.34! 7.757 575 60*628 •Stable ran in he name of W. C. Yanke. Stable ran in the name of F. A. Forsythe.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1914050901/drf1914050901_1_5
Local Identifier: drf1914050901_1_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800