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TRAINING GALLOPS AT WOODBINE. Toronto, Out., May 12.- Most tavorabic conditions of weather and track were provided for the trainers who worked their horses at W.h dbine Sunday. One unfavorable oiif.onie was that Mausolus. a promising Guineas candidate, pulled up lame. Last season Maasolaa met with a mishap lo ear of his forelegs, but this most recent trouble is behind. In view of the goad work that the Plater has done this -piing it is regretable that he should have gone wrong again. Mausolus was sent the Plate distance, finishing the mile and one-eighth in 1:50. after which he was pulled up for the remaining furlong. The fractional times were: 20. 52. 1:17%. 1:44%. Amazement and Sky Socket, two of the Davie-three-year-olds, ran a hall mile in 40. going the quarter in 24, and three eighths in 36. Plate Glass was iu better huinor than usual, and did three-quarters in 1:10. Moving Picture worked the same distance in 1:10%. Other works were: Peaee* Sauce and Cannie Jean, a half in 51%. the former beating the latter rathet easily: Yorkville. three-quarters. 1:18: Qart ley. three eighths in 30; Ragman, five-eighths in 1:07: Dead Shot, the same distance in 1:04%: Percy Ryan, five-eighths iu 1:08%; Saiuhag. a half in "il at. All of Hie horses of the Fuller and Scott itrfcata were on the track for exercise, and appear to have 1 fully recovered from their long trip from Dallas. Tex. The work at the Woodbine Monday morning was don,, over a slow and cuppy track. The Seagram Platers were the only Guineas candidates aske.l to step along. Dark Rosaleen. Meissen and Froissart. wont a mile in 1 :52. Sea Lord and Vas-tatio went a second faster, and one and one-eighth miles in 2:04%. cantering. Bustling and Puritan La— put in a handy mile in 1 :50%, while Ypsilon and Sir Lancelot went a half in 54. The Dyment Platers. Beaucheval and Mail Order, went a half in 53%. The two-year-olds. Lady Cur BOB and John Thompson, a half in 51%. Jack Morgan and Keltons half was in 55. Double Bass. Tippecanoe and Crystlawoga went together a quarter in 24%, half in 50% and three-quarters in 1:10% ill easy siyle. The Robert Davies Pal aeaa candidate. Gold Bad, breezed a mile in the center of the track in 1:53. and Roguish went three-quarters in 1:22%. Dr. Neet put in three quarters in 1:18%. First Sight. Calgary and Recoil did a mile at a two-minute clip. Fountain Fay went the liost mile of the morniug in 1:47. The Gorman pair. Gerald G. and Voivode. ramped liner graft cm in 1:24. Walkers Bearer did a half iu B0%. and Dynamite three-quarters in 1 :22. George W. Scotts J. H. Houghton went a half in 52. Dr. R. L. Swaietiger. Captain Ben and Sir L. Joe breezed a quarter through the stretch in 25 -ecoiids. as did Floral Park. Sir Blaise and Harry Lauder. Gay- Boy. Taunt and others of the Campbell string will be sent back to Banie today. Some new material will be added to the stable during the season. Yesterday mornings arrivals included five horses belonging to Willie Martin, in charge of W. Hen nessey. from Havre de Grace. Our Maheile, Kykesle, Diamond Cluster. Howard Legov and Ooboarg Utile made up the lot.