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PROPOSER REFERENDUM ON RACING. The New Orleans Times-Democrat publishes the following from its legislative correspondent tit Baton Rouge: "The tight for the restoration of racing at New Orleans will be forced to the front early in the session. Bepreseiitative Beinhardt of the Nintn Ward arrived with copies of the raciug bill that he will introduce, and at once began work anioni; the lawmakers to win summit for his measure. I am in this fight to win. said Mr. Bernhardt, and I believe my bill will pass. There will be no quitting, and it will be a tight to a finish. The activity of Mr. Beinhardt stirred up some of the opponent i of racing, and the contest over the bill was started before its introduction in the House. Representative l/ocke. the author of the Locke law passed in 100S. said tonight that he did not believe the Reinhardt hill will pass. "I have not heard of any change in sentiment upon the radag ptopoaltloa, -aid Mr. Locke. Neither have I heard of any member of the Legislature who oppose racing being jarred hose from their opinions. "Beercseatatire Dnpoat, who. with Representative Locke, polled the House at the last session and m-cured pledges from a majority of the members of the House to kill any racing bill introduced, -aid that lie will vigorously oppose the Reinhardt bill or any other measure of a similar nature. "The Beinhardt bill provides for the creation of a State Baling Commission, and permits of the pari mutHol system of betting. •"Representative Labarre. of New Orleans, -ai 1 that he would offer an amendment to the Rein h.-irdt bill providing for a referendum election on the i.-icing question. The amendment will provide for an election in New Orleans in November at the -ainc time that members of Congress are chosen, the object being to avoid any additional expense. The amendment will provide that if a majoritv of the .nullified electors of Orleans parish vote iu rarer of racing the commission named in the Rein hard! bill shall cotne into existence. If a majority .f the people vote against the restoration of racing the Locke law will stand, and racing shall ni prohibited." Represeiitai ii Reinhardt introduced his bill on Monday. lb- t-kc.l that it he referred to the Com niittee on Utile. .«f the City of New Orleans, as h. -tat.d that lie .eiihl show that H.OOo people Bad signed a petition aaklng that legalized raciM he allowed iu the rltj of New Orleans. Mr. Reinhardt claimed thai should th,. Legislature fail to pas-hia bill. Bepreseiitative I.atierre will introduce a bill askim; that the people of New Orleans be allowed to vole on the question whether or not they want racing, I Locke, father ..I the anti betting bill, is busy Bboal the capital lining up opponents to the Reinhardt measure. It is believed that the race track measure will be a live issue during the present legislative session.