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REFUSED 0,000 FOR BEEHIVE. Toronto, out.. May 23. —Harry Shillings refused an offer of |10,000 for Beehive on Thursday last. It ci ■ from .1. E. Laxton, for whom Ed Trotter is training Soring Maid and other horses. Mr. lid dings has m Inclination lo sell. Ii is well known I lull In- i siders this colt a belter horse than St. Bass or Hearts of oak. which brought so much cie lit to the white and scarlet Jacket. Apart from the sentiment represented by his desire to win a third Male iii four years with a borne bred by himself and trained by his son. Mr. Giddiags considered it a good business proposition to hold Beehive for himself against an offer of 0,000. Hearts of Oak won last year 1. tori in stakes ami purses for bias, and In- believes Beehive will do better than besides which he will still be ihe owm-t of In- borne. Beehive earned ,092 in bis two year-old form. Mr. Laxton asked Mr. G hidings to set a priee on the colt, but in return was asked to make a bid. "Ill take it if Harry Bays so." was Ihe reply. Harry being the younger of that name, who i-. in charge of the training. lb- did not say so. ami tin- transact imi consequently did not eventuate. It was the biggest oiler ever made for a Plater, and is a significant comment on the Improved position in which Canadian breeders now hud them selves as a result of he inducements offered by the jockey clubs. And these inducements will be steadily increased.