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■ . . ! . . 1 - 1 I • s II 1 if f GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE BAY. The Bttuatkm in 1 lsler again alarms the British government. s- 11 1 tor Bradley of Kentucky is gravely ill in Washington. Charles Herman, siveutv years old. iuvinteer of the- ale- lex-k. died at Zel ieiiople. Pa. Rebels are- lne-nai-ing Albanias capital and tie-Austrian ami Dalian allies aie planning to semi IrOOpa to the lese-Ue-. J. L. C. Jenkins of Troon. Scotland. Urea the British amateur golf championship by beating C. I., lle/.let of Portrush, Ireland, by three- up ami two tee play, in the- tinal round of thirty-six holea. A petition siyne.l lev seve-ral thoiltiaiiel citizens of Michigan asking congress to recognize Dr. Frederick A. Ce e«k as ihe discoverer of tin- aorth pole was prenented to tin- senate by William Allien Smith. Before the Federala evacuated Saltillo they destroyed the casinee. cathedral and many of the. main business blocks ami public buildings. Several buildings were lireel and others were dynamited. An appeal by Beckers eeauaaeL which i eertaka to be- made, will act as a stay of executiem. giving Becker more than a year to live, ami with it the hope of another reversal of the juelgrnent of the trial court. The loss of the- new lightship Halifax No. 19. with twentv five- aaea em board, is Indicated by the discovery of wreckage anil three boelie-s near Lis ib. l0O miles east e.f Halifax. N. S. The light ship was on her way to Halifax from Paisley, Scotland, where she- was i.uilt. De-inoe-ratii- leailirs in the Senate an- coutieh-ut that tie- Panama eanul tows exemption repeal bill will be disponed of this week. Senator Kern, leader of the- majority, says a vote will be taken Mav 28, e.r shortly after ward, ami that the repeal bill will be passe-el by a majeirity of at least ten. Tin- Japanese- -American arbitral ion treaty, it is announced by the Japanese- government, lias teeeu ratified by Japan. As ratlned, the treaty pledged the contracting govemaaenta te arbitrate- all i|ii "~ lions excepting only those- affecting vital Interests, Independence or national homer ami the rights of third parties, With the- thoremglme-ss wliieh has always characterised his work. Sir El neat Shackbte.n is about to make a pre Mini aarj trial exDidttkm limb r -ir: ti.-conditions in tin- glaciers e.f Norway ie. test the rations for his trip aereaa the- antarctic continent. which he hopes to make- in fe ur and a half nioulhs without the usual mod depots. The Landau police carried their war against the militant suffragettes into the enesnya camp yeste-r day by raiding tin- headuuartera of tin- Womens Social and Political In ion at Kingsway Ile.use-. Leading uphrtu of the organization were arrested anil documents and boe ks were seizeei. The- raiel is believed te be the hist step in a eaaapaiga ordered by the government to crush the militants. The plans of the meeliateirs prewide that MesJco fe.r a jH-rieKl of time is to have government by tommies hm Three or five men, acknowledged aiil he-re-nts of lluerta ami Carransa, will form the- e-.ui mission. They will succeed lluerta within a short time after the agreement is ranched at Niagara Tails. Following their induction into office they will receive Ihe hearty support of the Inite-el States ami the powers of Semth Amerb-a. A nroctaasation ..r general amnesty will be- banned. It the Constitu-; tie nalists persist in their parpese to cootiaue the revolution they will be- frowned upon by the United States, and the new- government will In- encouraged to take- up arms to bring them to their knees.