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MONTREAL KACING SPIRITED , . i HEARTS OF OAK WINS CONNAUGHT CUP IN HARD DRIVE WITH PRIVET PETAL. i Sir Blaise Scoits Over Pan Zareta in Overnight I Handicap by Narrow Margin — Sister floience | Wins, but Is Victim of Mishap. i Montreal. Quo., .in.. 2. Hearts f Oak, winner Ol i.iSl .Veals Kings Plate :I1 W Ibillc, 11111 a horse i. .! ■ ! as the best of the Canadian -breda raring at 1 present, showed a snaarl performance in tin- feature hi . ■ ■•■ i- al tUae Bonnet* this afternoon when be beat Privel Petal a bead i:i the .losing fttrMe of the ! t uunaugul Cup, ■ dash of one mile and ■ quarter. ill., ils i, i ak carried ll." pounds, came from 1 .. -li i ■ t • 1 awl, in a driving tini-n. oathtsted the tiring Privi t Pcral. The latter wa- urubablj heal and bad lap- lin ased I letter Judgment In rating his n....;ui al a sluwei pace, he would have beateu the winnr r Aa .1 .vns. Invi Petal was ru*hed into a long lead . oa the baekstretch with the result thai be tired badly in tlnj butt furlong. Privet Petal ran the iu ; three-eighth* in 35%, live eighths in 1 :. . and . seven -eighth* In 1:26% Aithougb beaten In today* contest. Privet Petal showed thai be is a inns,- tar better than aaosl people rated him ami the chances an thai the next lime he meets Hearta of Uak be v :i: beef bint. This was thi third running of the Coonaught Cap, the brief bister of whieu is as follow*: Vear. Winner. A.Wt. Jockey. Val. Tine. 1U12 Plate CJa-s ...7 131 K. Martin.. $ ♦.-..-. 2:12 , 11!:: liwana Tumbo..4 131 J. Wilson., l.o.i.". l:|im, jui4 Hearta of Oak. 4 US II. Uraj l.ZTO -:us.-. , sister Ki. i cnce signalised her re-appearance after 1 being rot down at Havre de Grace by winning the •■"•al race, in which she heat the poorly bandied 1 Key a length When Bister Florence palled up it 1 was fonnd that sh - bad been again cat dnwn and the 1 Injury was in almost tin exact place as the runner • ear. Roy, ridden by Denny, beat the other* away froui in.. airier, l.nt was taken back. At the end he closed with ■ nisii and was overhauling the winner with every s;ii,;.. Denny* ride was evidently 1 itol narhrractorj to the stewards, as be was called ,» „ Into the stand for an explanation. T. S. Parker. *dj v. iei uf the liinse. waa also sent for am! another easion will probably Ik- held over the race tomorrow. .s.i Blaise, which was beaten in the Jacques Car tier stakes through poor handling, got his revenge this afternoon when he led hoaae the speedy Pan Xercta in the si foriong* handicap. The two fought it «.nt throagh the last sixteenth and at the end tin lilt: pounds that Pan Zareta was asked ;. shoulder : ■ is d-et and she was beaten ■ acini hilf length. I.i.. ..line hack this afternoon and scored another victory in the steeplechase. There were only three starters, hut they raced i:i a .lose bunch |.ietty much all the way. Al the nineteenth fence, where Extoa was lapped 011 Bryndown, ne made a mistake and fell. Kerniatli snffei .1 a broken ik.s - as a result of the fall. Jockey Harry Snyder has purchased the contract thai -1. S. Tyre" held on him. The transaction entailed a transfer of fl,S06 which the rider tuned over to the Washington torfatan. Snyder will in the future ride as- a free lance. I». Hay mood reports the arrival of a haadsoote foal by Sea Kinji out of the Disguise mane, sal koutthV. al his laim. .Sal Volatile lias now been mated to Hie Plying Iox stallion. Italamont The iatier. by the way. has gone wrong and will not lie In training this season. I. 1. Ityan, manager of the Canadian National Breeding Bureau, reports the donation of the stallion Bwana Tumbo t- the barean. I he following official* Lav,- been sanctioned by the Canadian Badng A**ociationa for the Dorval meet lug: Stewards. Capt. T. .1. Clay and .1. A. Murphy; judges, FrancX Nelson and Herman 1". CoOkllng; Starter, .lames Milton: racing secretary. Joseph McLennan. Joseph A. Murphy will also act as ■toward at the Ottawa track.