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.1 ■ 11 .. " ■ . " t a , , 1 1 . ; I I 1 i 1 , I , i j • I ■ . J I 1 1 1 i : 1 GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. A decree dissolving the thread trust was handed down. Pope Pius X. celebrated his seventy-ninth birth day yesterday. Fighting and cruellies continue in the distracted Balkan states. The coronation of Emperor Yoshihito has been Bxed for November, 1915. Senator Albert Cummins of Iowa has been re nominated by the Republicans. The French cabinet, under the premiership of Gaston Doumerque. has decided to resign. Twenty-three Chinese received degrees at the 100th commencement of Columbia University yesterday. Militant suffragettes raided the peaceful Welsh town of Criccieth. when Lloyd George delivered an address yesterday. A. S. Cochrans Vanite won the first of the races preliminary to the defense of the Americas Cup from the Resolute. District Attorney Charles S. Whitman of New-York has announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for governor. The Mongolian government for the third time has presented a Bote to the American and Baaapeaa ministers requesting recognition of Its autonomy. King George has donated ,000. Queen Marv ,200. the Prince of Wales ,200 and Queen Mother Alexandra ,000 to the Empress of Ireland relief fund. Three decisive engagements with federal troop-between Zacatecaa and San Luis 1otosi were won by the constitutionalists. May 30 and 31, accord big to reports received by Carranza. The House adopted without a record vote the Webb amendment to the Clayton antitrust bill. declaring that none of the acts ■peeiOed peaceable strikes, boycotts and picketing shall be construed to 1h- illegal. In a unanimous opinion the New York Court of Appeals upheld the action of the court of impeach nient in removing William from office. Conn sol for Sulzer announced their intention to take the case to the lnited States Supreme Court. President Wilson began reading the appeal for clemency 011 behalf of the twenty-nine ironworkers leaders convicted in the dynamiting conspiracy. Several days are expected to elapse before the presi dent will 1m- ready to announce whether or not he will interfere;