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I GOSSIP AND COMMENT FROM KENTUCKY. Louisville. Ky.. June 4. — While a few of the stables will leave Douglas Iark for Latonia before the meeting hen- comes to a close toasorrow, tne buik of the horses will go Saturday erening on a special train arranged for by Eugene Eirod. who always looks after such accommodations for tne hor.-es ami their owners, trainers ami Jockeys, A few horses will remain here until early next week ami U.D on c Latonia at their leisure with a view to raciag only during the closing three Weeks el tin- ateeting. which begins Monday and continues for twenty-four racing days. These are chiefly horses thai hare come out of their late races in none too good condition. Hy the middle of next week there will scarcely be a score oi horses quartered at the two tracks lure, which illustrates how- tin- coming meeting ai Latonia lias impressed on tin. minds of horsemen this season, a- with tin. tempting stakes and puis..; in sight there for twenty tour racing days, every horse able to race at all creditably is being pressed into net lice. The Inaugural Handicap, s--t for the opening day of the ateeting, i- attracting attention right now, especially since G. M. Hendriea great colt. Great Britain, showed such an impressive performance in his tir-t start here Wednesday, lie was running fast at the end of tin- race, which was run in 1:11-.. am! it was surely a gral itication to see tin Mm of The Commoner show in his first public appearance that la- has const back a- a four-year-old porhap.-. better than ever. In spite of the prestige of many of the other probable starters in this stake. Monday, it is probable that Great Britain will go to the post favorite for this mil: and a sixteenth s: ik. with its added value of ,000. The Spring Trial Stakes, which will feature the closing daj of the Douglas Park meeting, nrrmn sure to attract to the post all tin- stars developed in the kindergarten class on tin. Kentucky tracks Hi- season. James Butlers unbeaten Ally, Climber. and the J. . Camdens one-eyed crack, Luke. hare been watered especially for this rich stake ami tin racing during the past few days at this track has brought several other smart youngsters into pr iuence a- likely candidates for this event. which with the exception .if the Breeders Futurity ai Lexington and the Cincinnati Trophy to be run during the coming Latonia meeting, is the richest of all two-year-old stakes on the Kentucky t r ■■■; -. this season. It is figured that the Spring Trial Stakes, with its 107 nominations ami tne starting i. i - probably will be worth in gross value about ,200. The winner of this event may be abb- to follow it up with a victory in the Cincinnati Trophy, which will be more than ,000 ross. Tlie racing strings of C W. Jasscr and Seymour Vciller will lie shipped next Tuesday to Butte. Mont., from Douglas Iark. Mr. Gasser will have aine horses and Mr. Veiller rive to race on the Inter-monntaia tracks. Both .if these sirinu- hare been racing almost continuously since last tall at Juarea and on tin- Kentucky tracks ami they are going to Butte now so as rest until the meeting begins there on July 4, as most all the horses in the two stables have gone stale. Two of the members of c. W. Gassers string an- two year olds purchased in New York for him at the A. P.. spreckel- sale List week. Mr. Gassers brother was in New York ami bought tlmse youngsters for tin owner of John I. Waketield. Dr. C. Cans has gelded for E. R. Bradley the two-year-old bay colt. Between I-, by Golden Maxim Spanish Match, and this youngster is temporarily "•lit of training. He will In- taken by trainer Cliff Hammon to Latonia with the rest of the big striuu. which composes the stable of E. It. Bradley. This turfman ha- surely had his share of bad racing luck this season with the string of three-year-olds which lookid so formidable as Derby candidates. Boots and Saddle was lame when he went to the po-t in hi- race Tuesday with Korfhage. Hodge ami Joha Guml. and the going wrong of Bradleys Choice on the ere of the Kentucky Derby leares only Blnck Toney, Pushy Head ami Peach Comber ir which trio to gel a starter to the po-t in the Latonia Derby. Pi ots ami Saddles lameness mines from soreness rather than from any serious ail mem and he will doubtless come out .if it soon, but in the meantime is he is losing some opportunl tii- to win -ome good rail- for his liberal owner. Mr. Bradley has surety made a big outlay to -•.lire a high-class winning stable and while the snin". in- now has will in- aide to win sun., races. it Is greatly crippled by the troubles that have befell Hie best of its three year -olds.