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PREVENT EXHIBITION OF MACHINE. Boom Booge, La.. June 4. governor Hall ami Speaker Thomas, alter a conference today, Interdicted the plan of the Keinhardt racing bill advo .al. . t. s, t up a pavi iniituei machine in the lobby of the capitoi and demonstrate to the lawmakers the operation ,,f the device. "If they want to exhibit a machine before a committee as evidence. there rould he no objection." said Sneaker Thomas. The ma. hin . was therefore taken before the cily ■gain committee tonight as evidence and the bill as re-drafted was then ordered to be repOCttd favor ably. It will come to a final vofe next Week. New Orleans. La., June 4. — Women of New or leans tonight will forward to Baton Bongo petl tions against the proposed bill to legalize betting at race tracks |n Louisiana. The women had been Browsed by the circulation of petitions favoring the measure, to which 16,000 names were attached, and al a nutss meeting last Sunday they decided to secure counter petitions. They began their cam polga Monday. On street corners lliey sought passer-by for their signatures, and when the Say ended 5.000 names had been secured. The women ■ ., ilw campaign still will !»• prosecuted and thai Other petition will be forwarded to the state capital when the bill is reported out of committee and come- up on the Boor of the house.