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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. King Ceorge has given up his dailv canter in the Hyde Bark district of London because of the activities of the suffragettes. Joe Dawson, automobile racer, is hovering between life ami death in an Infllaiiannllii hospital as the result of internal injuries received in list Saturdays race. The Vaintie abandoned yesterdays race with the Resolute in order to pick up two of her crew who fell overboard, after obtaining a long lead in the heavy weather conditions that prevailed. The price Brovisioual Bresident lluerla ileiuan.l-for his retirement is the legalization of his otti ciai acts since his appointment to the provisional precdeoey, according to advices from the Mexican capital. What is said to be the largest flag pole in the world, an Oregon fir. 210 feet long and six feet in diameter at the butt, was raised on the Panama lacilic Exposition grounds. It is the gift of As-loiia. Ore. Inder the management of Ceorge J. Could the estate of the late Jay Could is said to have been more than doubled in value since tlie deata of the willow of the latter. The personal fortunes of the Coiilds have increased proportionately. Bankruptcy for many of the solvent railroads of the country would follow tlie enactment of the Barbara, antitrust bill as it now stand--. Robert s. Lovett, president of the Union PaehV BaUroad, told tiie Senate interstate commerce tomuiitt. -. Colima. capital of the state of that name and one of the most iin|iortant cities in southwestern lei.o. has fallen into the hands of the constitutionalists under General Aiamiib,. former governor ■ I l :liiiia according to ottici-u information furnished Admiral Howard. While the Spanish authorities, from King Alfonso down, are making strenuous elTorls to aflOare Colonel Roosevelt a hearty welcome when he arrive- in thai country for the wedding of his son, Kermit, there is ii deep feeling among the Spanish people that the visit is inopportune and iintactlnl on account of the former presidents active partici potion in tin- Spanish American war of How to deal with the growing menace of the militant suffragist agitation is becoming a problem of tremeiHloiis import not only for tin- Lnglisii rovSetnoeat, but the the community at large. All effort! of their will-wishers to persuade the militants that they are retarding instead of advancing. the cause have been in .iin; they are convinced that nothing but force will achieve their aims and they have of late been applying themselves Willi renewed vigor to outrages.