untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1914-06-06


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1 The • ••• I IIV •••• Monthly Form Book containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during the month ot May, is now on sale. _ _______ — — — — PRICE .00 DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, Illinois 1 1 LAST CHANCE YOUR Collyers "Cut Rat©" offer of the LAIONIA MEETING— one horse daily, and mailed the NIGHT BEFORE— for the nominal sum of 0 closes tonight. As previously advertised, the offer INCLUDES all specials. Here is what I have been doing the past six days: May 29, SPRITE WON May 30. QUARTERMASTER . WON June 1. Withdrawn June 2. GREAT BRITAIN.. 2nd June 3. WINNING WITCH.. WON June 4. EIRST DEGREE . . . WON Positively the ONLY horses sent out on the above dates. Information tiled with this paper THE NIGHT BE10RE. SPECIAL — I have made exceptional :i!anire. meats for information from Latonia. this in add-,- tion to the staff which worked at Douglas Park., II your subscription to Latcnia is received before 10 P. M. tonight Saturday, it will include Tuesdays 5 advertised spec-al — FREE. A rare olianro. Bush your subscription — NOW. BERT E. COLLYER Ilrnie-lv witli tin- tlii.-airo An., * ., ■in. SUITE 309. OXFORD BUILDING. 118 North Li Salle Street, :: Chicago, 111. s_s_s_bjsjs_s_s_s_s_sj n____B _8fjj8»y WW~_ _F_i HANDfcOME, ftl=sHsL-ri8W INTERESTING and %arr JNfcsJl, and CLEAN. Sample mailed FREE. Write for YOURS. C. W. BELL, World Building, NEW YORK. THE TURF REPORTER Room 509, 22 Wet Quincy Street, Chicago, Illinois. Fridays Pom Special scratched. Dailv lost. SATURDAY S SPECIAL. No. 301 in Book 49C nOW oil -",]■ it :,|| neus stamls. :!." cents. AMERICAN THOROuirxiBRED. Baltimore Building. :: :: Chicago, 111. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A WEEK at all live news-stands. SATURDAYS BEST: Ox 17. Fridays Best Won. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW. TODAYS SPECIAL: New York. Military. Monologue, Robin. Yesterdays Wire ran secoad, ami Special and n. caskmal scrati b d. Room 446. 321 South La Salle Street. Chicago. 111. Tlil. STANDARD TURF GUIDE. Koom 403. 22 West Guincy Street, Chicago, Illinois. Yesterdays r*« rm Special, Chesterton, 10-10, stcaad. FRIDAYS FORM SPECIAL: March-Grapc-18-15-21-37. Y lerdays Daily Wire ran secoad. The Monthly Form Book eoataiala g charts of all races run on recognizi 1 bracks la Noct- America tartag the month of Hay, is now 011 s;iie. PRICE .00. Bi-sle copies l.y mail will POSI I I Vl.I.Y only he sent as regffttered mall, with an extra eliurt* of teu eeata for reaatratioa. Not raapaaatbla for books seat as regular mall. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court :: :: Chicago, Illiaoiii

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1914060601/drf1914060601_6_4
Local Identifier: drf1914060601_6_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800