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SAY FIGHT HAS JUST BEGUN. ga. Batog Rouge La. June 1t. -The executive cam m it tee of tin- New Orleans business mens organuta tioa thai advocaiid ill. Beiahardl racing bill today gave out the following statemeat: •While we have received i temporary setback in our efforts to bring clean racing to the city of New Orleans, the tghl ha- iu-t begun. We heg to thank the nil lie .-,uil ■ iii irieiiil- in lie- -tale ,,i Luuislaaa and the cil. .i New uileaii- lor their support." ni.oeiiii-nt wa- started here today looking to i be iniioiiuctl i a bill slmiutr to the Batnhardt measure in the senate, within the next tew days, and trying it over again.