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I I , , I | | ■ . | 1 • 1 1 ; ; 1 : 1 1 • GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. I". Covet nor Snlzei has an meed his candidacy for the governorship of New Iforfc at Ike coming .-lection United ..ih.iais aMlnmte thai the total length "I public roads in the I sited Stales is approximate! li.225.tioo miles. Seven persona, I af them women, were burned lo death and eight more were badly injured in a tin- thai spread through i hi style east-aide rene- in.-iit iu New fork. John l.ind left Washington for his home in Minnesota. He does not expect to return to Washington iu connection with Mexican affair* unless sent for by Presides l Wilson or Secretary Bryan. Mote than ISO inmates of the Sing Sing prison. Warden James y Clancy announced, have vol- , niileeroil to enlist iu the army to -To to Me.ico if fiorernor Glyna will consent to parole them. Efforts lo induce Hiierla lo permit the closins; of Hie gap ill the railroad made by General Maas a sin, it distance ootaldc of Vera Craft, when the Mexican troops under his command emanated that port, have failed. The Colombian congress ratliied the treaty with the United Slates by which Colombia is to receive 25,000,000 and certain concessions in the settlement of the Ioiilc standing dispute between the two countries over Panama. The Norwegian parliament has followed the lead of Secretary of th* Navy Daniels and adopted a resolution prohibiting the consumption of intoxicating liquors by o facers of the Norwegian army and navj during their term of service. Police raids mi the London suffragist headquarters resulted in the discovery that several members ..f the royal family, including the Irinee of Wales, have been regular contributors to the militant funds. While Qneen Mary tried to contribute, but her offer was refused. cslerdavs baseball results— National League: New York 4. Chicago l: Cincinnati S. Phils delphia L: Boston 11. Pittsburgh 2: sr. Louis 7. Brooklyn 1. American League: Chicago 2, Washington 0; Philadelphia s. Cleveland o. Federal Leagne: Brooklyn S, Chicago 1. A sir iiiir protest has been tiled "with each senator by the business men of the United States agsbisi atittiorixlne. 1 he |nrounaed interstate trade emmis sion to exact from corporations information concern bur trade processes, profits from particular articles, names of customers, and other commercial secrets. Mediaiion. often strained to tin- breaking point, is now bettered lo be hopelessly wrecked through the liisistancc of the Mexican delegates that Huerta be allowed to name his successor and the equally tirra refusal of the United States to agree to such a plan. The civil marriage ceremony uniting Miss Belle Wvatt Willard ami Kermlt Roosevelt was performed in Madrid yesterday. In Spain, as in nearly all the other continental countries, the law requires a civil as will as a religious ceremony. The religious ceremony will lake place today a t noon iu the chapel of the l.ritish embassy. The New York Yaehl Club officers" sloop Resolute won the tilth race of he series preliminary to the selectfoa of the Americas cup defender. Over a windward ami leeward course, twenty-two miles in all. oil Sandy Hook, she beat Alexander Cochrans Vanilie l,v about lour arterites, without lakin advaatage of her time allowance. Bnfhmee started, hill dropped mil because her tigging was iml iu propei condilion. The column of sleani ascending from the top of Mount Lassen in California has Jim lashed in height, but still is higher than the column sent up dining the disturbance of last week. Iorest Supervisor Rushing made an investigation aad says the action is geyser anil not volcanic. No smoke is ascend nag, inn tin- steam forces up a large ipiantity of light blue ashes which discolor the base of the column, making il appear like smoke. The ashes have liisi scattered over portions of Hie e itry twenty twenty miles nines itisiaui. distant.