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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. The Lever bill, designed to eliminate gambling features on cotton exchanges, was passed by the lower branch of congress, S4 to 21. The Chamberlain resolution, authorizing President Wilson to recruit the army to war strength, was reported on favorably by the senate military committee. In 1 thick fog and rain which rendered Tory Island invisible from the Irish mainland, the Anchor line steamer California, bound from New York tot Glasgow, wein ashore on the rocks off that island. Her passengers were rescued. Uchduke Charles Francis, now heir to the throne Of Austria. Hungary, is a typical young Austrian officer, gay and popular. He is devoted to his wife and a favorite with the emperor. IDs pre-doininani characteristics are tact and graciousncss. which explain his popularity. Henry Ford will give millions of dollars to aid the Bght against cancer and tuberculosis. He has a plan to use the Detroit General Hospital, or the board of trustees of which be is chairman and i which he recently gave 3,000.000 for the treatment and study Of the, prevention of these dis- east s. The United States intervened in the revolution in Santo Domingo in order to protect Americans and foreigner- in the besieged city of Puerto Plato. Under Instructions from the navy department the gunboat Ifacbias on Friday entered the harbor gl Puerto Plata and with its guns silenced the main battery of the federal artillery which was bombarding the city. Charles S. Melleli. former president of the New Votk New Haven and Hartford Railroad company. Frederick S. Moaeley, a banker, and Balpb D. Oil-lette of Westfleld, were indicted for conspiracy b the Middlesex County grand jury in Massachusetts on a charge of inducing the Investment committees of two savings banks in Cambridge to lend money to the Hampden Railroad corporation. , Vrch.Iiikc Prab i~- Ferdinand, nephew of Emperor Francis Joseph and heir to the Austrian throne, and the Duchess of Holienherg. his morganatic wile. were assastnated Sunday in Barayevo, the capital of Bosnia. Two attempts were made on the lives Of the royal party. A boaab was thrown at their motor car*, which was warded olf by the archduke. and his car passed before it explode! under the next car. which contained two of his aids, who wire slululv injured, inter 011 a man. said to be a young Servian student fired two shots at the royal car, and the archduke and the duchess were almt instantly killed.