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1 I I ! : ; t r r i i . , II 0 J3 g to DEER LODGE FORM CHART. 51 DEER LODGE, Mont., September 14. 1914. Eleventh day. Powell County Bacing and Fair Associations Meeting of 14 days. 0 books on. Weather cloudy. Presiding Judge, A. T. Dobson. Starter. B. Ezcll. tj 17262 First Bace 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3- j year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to win- ner 50: second. 5: third, 5. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey Op. CI. i 171303Gotobed Son 110 1 TV Ormes 2 2 1C941 Ethel P. 114 2" W Leeds 1 1 17145 Kryptok 103 3i M Matthews 10 7 1G747 Ahvilda 101 4 D Weber 3 5 16890 Banmingo 110 515 R Squires 15 20 17J32 Miss Lee 101 C G Bczanson C 7 17124 J.B.BryV.S. 110 Refused.RPauloy 15 20 ; 17130 Tuli 111 Fell. H Mempa 4 G Time. 25, 52. 1:13. Track slow. Gotobed Son, T-IO place, 2-5 show; Ethel P., 2-5 place, out show; Kryptok, even show. Winner J. Hamiltons b. g, 4, by Gotobed Viona trained by A. Berry. . , Start poor. Won easily; second and third driving. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. j Overweights Kryptok, 4 pounds; Tuli. 4; Ban-j mlugo, 3. 17263 Second Bace 1 Mile and 20 Yards. Purse " 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value : to winner 50; second. 5; third. 5. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey Op. CI. 17130:M.Musgrave 109 lnt G Bczanson S-G 3-u 17080sFootloose 109 23 J Robbins G-5 3-2 1G935 Beene W. 109 33 M Matthews C 7 17080 Crox 114 4s W Rosen 8 10 1G935 Ed. T. Fryer 112 5 W Leeds G 8 Time, 274, 54, 1:23, 1:49, 1:51. Track slow. Madeline Musgrave, out place, out show; Footloose. 1-3 place, out show; Beene W.. 3-5 show. Winner G. Cooneys br. in, S, by Ethelhert American Beauty, by Powhattau trained by G. L. Brooks. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. The winner, entered for 00, was bid up to 05 and bought in. Overwoights-i-Crex, 5 pounds. 17264 Third Race 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 50: second, 5: third. 5. -Ind. Horse. Wt; Fin. Jockey Op. CI. 17047 Angeius 114 15 W Leeds 7-104-5 17150 Miss Tempo 110 .2 R Pauley 5 G 17132 Go On Sam 114 3andl D Weber G 12 1G875 Watso 114 4 J Donavon 2 7-5 17131 Yip-Hy-Ya 10S 5l W Ormes 4 6 17134 Rose Sweet 115 G C Kirschbaum 6 C Time, 25, 52. 58. Track slow. Angelas, 1-4 place, out show: Miss Tempo, 3-2 place, 4-5 show: Go On Sam. 2-1 show. Winner D. K. Carters br. g, 9. by Sandringham Vespers trained by O. P. Bomigh. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving. The winner was entered for 00: no hid. Overweights Bose Sweet, 1 pound; Tempo, 2. 17265 Fourth Race 5-S Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 50; second, 5; third. 5. Ind. Horse. Wt. Flu. Jockey Op. CI. 17 145 2 Joe Busher 112 12 J Robbins 10 20 17135 Real Worth 111 2 H Mempa 3 4 17125Har. Scarum 103 33 D Weber 5 6 17085 Lay Low 115 4J G Bezanson 7 7 1G9G7 Blacksheep 112 5s W Ormes 3 4 17 12 G 2 Golf Ball 115 G3 R Pauley 1 3-5 171463Sierra 112 73 F Anderson G G 17129 The Fad 113 S G Willis 12 15 Time, 26, 51, 1:05. Track slow. Joe Busher, S-l place, 4-1 show; Real Worth, S-5 place, 4-5 show; Haruin Scarum. even show. Winner A. E. Dempseys cw g. 4, by Prince Eshcr Mamie Lou trained by E. A. Dcmpsey. Start good. AVon driving; second and third the same. The Aviriner was entered "tpr 00; no bid. Overweights The Fad, 1 pound: Beal Worth. 5. I726S Fifth Bace 5-S Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 50; second. 5; third, 5. Ind. " Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey Op. CI. 171473Belle Bird 114 D D "Weber 4 41 v 17128Dr. Neufer 115 23 C Kirschbaum 2 24 17148 "Wild Bear 109 31 M Garner 3-2 7-5 . 17128 Sen. James 115 41 D Boland 2 7-3 he 17131 Zool 107 5l G Bezanson 15 0 r 17134 O.Cungham 111 G H Mempa 10 15 Time, 25, 50, 1:03. Track slow. " : Belle Bird, 3-2 place. 7-10 show; Dr. Neufer. 4-5 i piace, 2-5 show; Wild Bear, 1-4 show. Z. Winner W. XL Mikels ch. m, S. by Thicket . Belle of Harrlshurg trained by A. J. Mikel. Start good. Won driving: second and third the i spme. The winuer wa entered for 00: no hid. p Overweights Sqnator James, 1 pound; Ormonde i a Cunningham, 4; Dr. Neufer, 1. he ie 172G7 Sixth Bace 3-4 Mile. Purse 50. 4-year-s olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner : be Ie 90; sccoud, 0; third, 0. r , Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey Op. CI. tl714GKid Nelson 115 Is W Leeds 2 2J i- 17135 McAlan 110 2l R Pauley 12 15 171352Sam Connor 107 3nfc W Ormes 4 1 17125Srar Blue 113 4 G Willis 10 20 17084 Medio 10S 55 J Robbins 4 5 171292BellsnIcker 107 G:S M Matthews 7 10 17133 Bob Farley 117 7 J Donavon 3-2 2J f 1714G Calcium 115 Wlieeled.DBoland 3 4 I Time, 25, 51, 1:18. Track slow. Kid Nelson, even place, 2-5 show: MCAlan, G-l 1 placq. 3-1 show: Sam Connor, 2-5 show. Winner tl. W. Hoags ch. c. 4, by Solitaire II. Bohemian Lass trained by II. W. Hoag. Start bad. Won easily; second and third driving. Tiie winner was entered for 00; no bid. n. 51 Overweights Star Blue, 3 pounds; Calcium. 5; McAlan, 3; Medio, 1.