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CANADIANS GETTING MUTUEL POINTERS Laurel, Md., October 24. The operation of the j mutuel system here is being watched" with particu- iar interest by representatives of various Canadian tracks on account of the general adoption of this svstem in Canada next year. These representatives of Canadian tracks have had the working of the i system here under special observation with the ! idea of securing a system that will include all the latest time-saving improvements and moans of conveying information to the public as rapidly and I as generally as possible. One thing seems certain, . that the public will benefit from the competition t among the clubs to secure what will best serve their patrons. The system here works smoothly. The machines are of the latest type and show the investments ; reduced to dollars, not the number of tickets sold. Onlv one clerk is necessary for each machine, rtho ticket-seller registering the sales. The calculating : is done rapidlv, and the returns are posted in full I view of the public in the infield facing the grand I stand, and under the official finish numbers. There i are twenty-six machines in all, and the amounts i run from to 0. Another way in which it is apparent that the public will lie advantaged by the general use of the . machines all season will be the speedier and more reliable operation, due to tlic fact that clerks employed J the whole season will lie much more skilled than when working at this method only two weeks in the year, as in the past in Canada.