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VANCOUVER FORM CHART. VANCOUVER, B. C. Octoter 10, 1914 Seventy-eighth day. British Columbia Thoroughbred Associations Meefing. Minora Park. Weather wet. Presiding Judge, Thomas J. Wcllman. Starter. Edward Tribe. Racing Secretary, Robert F. Lcigh-tou. 18001 First Kace 5-S Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second, 5; third, 5. Equiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 17957 Galene Gale 105 1 A Green 610-100 177993Nebska Lassl09 2 H Stuart 19-10 17G40 Starboard 109 31 C Riddle 33-10 17039 Moorewood 103 41 R Feeney 23-5 17977 Mono Lake 109 51 Munro 4S 179452Abihu 100 Cl A Pickens 29 17G24 Arany 112 1- F Battiste 2S 17957 Salomy Jane 109 8 G AVarren 10 17925 3Flying dOr 1C5 9 H Clark 15 Time, 25. 50, 1:05. Track muddy. mutuels paid. Galene Gale, 4.20 straight, place. .GO show; Nebraska Lass, .40 place. .S0 show: Starboard. .00 show. AVinner E. Morefields br. m. 7, bv Solitaire II. Hcrlha trained by E. Morefield. Start good. AAon driving: second and third the same. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Overweights Moorewood, 4 pounds; Galene Gale, 1; Flying dOr, 1. Second Race 5-S Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-ls and upward. Selling. Net value to winner O; second, 5; third, 5. Equiv. Odds Hl. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. PTOGO Faustina 112 Is C Riddle 310-100 179582LiIlian Ray 112 2J H Tlmrber 37-10 17958 Tallow Dip 112 33 H Stuart 13 17979 Mammy 112 42 A Mott 14-5 17953 Norrd Rose 112 52 A Pickens 11 17979 A. Slupskey 112 6 G Warren 3 Time, 25, 50, 1:05. Track muddy. mutuels paid, Faustina. .20 straight, .00 place, .00 show; Lillian Kay, .G0 place. .S0 show: Tallow Dip. .80 show. AVinner S. Landos ch. f, 4, by Star Shoot Nisbat trained by W. Scuitio. Start good. AVon easily: second and third driviug. The winner was entered for 00: no bid. 18003 Third Race 5-S Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second, 5; third, 5. Equiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 17957Freda J"sonl09 VI J OBrien 210-100 17960 Round Up 109 2" H Tullott 33-5 J 7!522Etbelburg 11.107 34 H Clark S 17742 Hoisington 112 4 H Stuart 12 1791GLady Pender 112 5 A Pickens 4 17978 Jake Argent 115 G2 AV Mondon 23-5 12122 Cesario 112 7 A Mott 42-5 Time, 25, 51, 1:05. Track muddy. mutuels paid, Freda Johnson. straight, .40 place, .80 show; Round Up, .S0 place, .80 place: Etbelbnrg II., .00 show. Winner AV. St. Alncents br. f. 3. bv Radford Miss Matthews trained by W. St. Ainccnt. Start good. AAon driving; second and third the same. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Overweights Freda Johnson, 2 pounds; Round Up, ia004 Fourth Kace 3-4 Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second, 5; third. 5. Equiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 1783G Lady Innnccl04 In A Mott C9O-100 179G2 Ft. Johnson 105 2 H Clark S 17783 Laura Clay 109 31 G McMartin 19-10 J79G1 Cap.Lindsly 109 4!JG Molesworth 10 17902 "Violet May 105 5U H Stuart 4 U7958Burl 112 C J OBrien 31-10 Time, 25. 51, 1:19. Track muddy. mutuels paid, Ladv Innocence, 5.80 straight, .00 place, .S0 show; Fort Johnson, .GO place, .80 show; Laura Clay. .20 show. Winner P. F. Gloss b. 1, 3, by Salvation Mi Reina trained by AV. Gloss. Start good. ASon driving; second and third the same. The winner was entered for 00: no bid. Overweights Violet May, 1 pound; Fort Johnson 1. lo..s fir tti Kace 5-S Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-ohls and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second, 5; third, 5. Equlv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 17959 Dotty 107 Is T Dealy 190-100 17710 Bird Man 110 2 G Molesworth 9 1 7959 The Feller 112 31 F Battiste 3-2 17954 Geo. Karme 112 45 A Pickens 12 17959 Adena 112 5 G Warren 4 Time, 24. 49, 1:04. Track muddy. mutuels paid. Dotty, .so straight. .4U place, S2.40 show: Bird Man, .G0 place, .C0 show; The Fellor, .20 show. Winner W. G. Girvins b. m, 7, by Cherry Leaf Little Devil trained by J. J. Conner. Start good. AVon easily: second and third driving. The winner was entered for 00: no bill. 18006 Sixth Race 1 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 40; jeeond. 0; third. 0. Equlv. Odds Ind Horse. AVt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 17740 Jacob Bunn 107 is H Clark 430-100 17949 Judge Sale 109 2J R Feeney 9 fI795GGerds 109 3 C Riddle P.J 17903 Dick Benson 112 45 F Battiste 3S 1 7980 3 Mollie Cad 109 5 II Stuart P.2 17834 L. Van ZandtlOO 6 J OBrien 19-10 Time, 26, 51, 1:18. 1:47. Track muddy. mutuels paid, Jacob Bunu. 0.00 straight, .SO.SO place, .00 show: Judge Sale, 3.40 place, 1.G0 show: Gerds, .40 show. AVinner J. II. McCarreus b. o. 4. by Hippodrome Hurrah trained by E. AVilkerson. Start good. Won pulling up: second and- third driving. The winner was entered for 00; 110 bid. 18007 Seventh Race 7-S Mile. Purse 50. 4-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second, 5; third, 5. Equiv. Odds Ind Horse. AVt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 17982 3Pr. Conrad 10D 12 J OBrien 270-100 179C2 Zinkand 105 2 H Clark 3S-5 17835 Lotta Creed 109 3 C Riddle 5-4 17980Triste 112 42 F Battiste 47-10 179583D.Mgomery 110 51 G McMartin 17 17944 Lady Mint 109 6 .H Stuart 16 Time, 25, 51, 1:18, 1:34. Track muddy. mutuels paid, Prince Conrad, .40 straight, .S0 place, .40 show; Zinkand, .60 place, .S0 show; Lotta Creed, .20 show. AVinner H. Fcss ch. g, 5, by Kismet, by Melton Kate Campbell trained by J. AV. Murphy. Start good. AVon driving; second and third the same. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Overweights Triste, 3 pounds; Dave Montgomery, 1; Zinkand, 1. 18008 Eighth Race 7-S Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second, 5; third, 5. Equiv. Odds Ind. Horse. AVt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 179483Forge 105 1 H Clark 200-100 17830 3Cordova 109 2n A Pickens 27 17753 Cisko 109 31 A Mott Si 179Gl2Sweetbait 109 4 C Riddle 73-10 177G63Bnt Candle 112 5and J OBrien 3J 17982 AVater Lad 102 Gi T Dealy 13 17982 High Street 112 7 AV Mondon 7 17950 Far Cathay 109 S H Stuart 10 Time, 2G, 51, 1:18, 1:33. Track muddy. mutuels paid. Forge. straight, .G0 place, .00 show; Cordova, 5.00 place, .40 show; Cisko, .80 show. Winner R. Ripleys b. g, 4, by John F. Blessed Damozel trained by R. Ripley. Start good. AVon easily: second and third driving. The winner, entered for 00, was bid up to 05, and bought in. Overweights Forge, 1 pound, High Street, 3.