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MALE DESCENDANTS OF WILD DAYRELL. The English breeder has come to look upon the appearance Of the name of Kisber in a pedigree as a point of weakness rather than a source of strength, and has gradually extended this prejudice against all male descendants of Wild Dayreil. Only recently this matter Avas the subject of an interesting discussion in a foreign contemporary, but, rightly, a writer evidently of thorough practical experience warned his readers against tailing into the habitual mistake of generalizing in such important breeding questions. I do not tnink anybody can oppose the view, so often explained to nie by practical men, that a stallion or broodmare by Dog Rose, a chestnut son of See Saw, by Buccaneer, is an unpromising individual to breed from, though also in this case generalizing may cause serious blunders. There, is, lor example, the case of feather Red. whose dam, lied of Roses, is a chestnut daughter of Dog Rose. Feather Reds half-sister, Shako Down, on the other hand, has not shown the least promise this year, though her accepted sire, Santry, as a stallion is certainly a superior animal to Ravensbury, the sire of Feather Red. These two instances, though not quite justifying the antagonism towards Dog Rose, supply some other important and interesting evidence if compared with the breeding qualifications of Loved One, like Dog Rose, a son of See Saw, but a brown one. Tut! branch of I he Sir Iaul line of Herod to which all these individuals belong has been established by Wild Day roll, and it is undoubtedly a feature of far-reaching importance in connection with the fundamental value of Wild Dayrells blood that amongst the numerous products sired by the sou of Ion there is not a single chestnut, though his dam, Ellen Middleton, Is a daughter of the chestnut mare, Mvrrha. It appears, therefore, as if through Wild Dayrells paternal ancestors. Paulowltz, Cain and Ion, the powerful element of the famous Sir Ieter leazle which, like his sire, Ilighllyer, was a pure dominant lor bay or brown has been preserved. A complete change in the elementary constitution of this male line tock place with the advent of Rucca-neer, a son of the chestnut Little Rod Rover mare which traces in tail male lineage through Tramp, Dick Andrews and Jot- Andrews lo Eclipse. Tiat his chestnut element in Buccaneer was most powerful Is proved by the case of his famous daughter, the chestnut Formosa. Like Formosa and her sire. Kisber is also the son of a chestnut mare, i.e.. Mineral, by Rataplan; and there is no denying that, as far as breeding jnerits are concerned, this muta-liun in the hereditary constitution of Wild DayreMs blood determined a perceivable degeneration. Hut. again, it would be a j.rave mistake to take for granted that such degeneration is bound to occur in all identical eases. Loved One, for example, was tlie sou of tin chestnut 1ilgrimage. but as opimsid by his sire See Saw and his grandsire Buccaneer, both bays, he was a brown without any white markings, and we shall now see that tills particular character, which may be easily Identified as a heirloom of Wild Dayretls, is a feature worth going deepiy into. Though himself, of course, an impure bay. Loved One has sired Dinna Forget, a brown and a pure dominant for bay or brown winner of ?37,V.0l. which, again, sired tlie brown Dinneford winner of ?C."5,:SO. Dinneford, as far as I can ascertain, was a pure dominant as well. Tlie only other two sons oT Loved One at tlie stud in England at the present time are Cupid and Don Juan, both browns, as also is Duke Michael, a son of Dinneford. Loved Ones best daughter at the stud. Doris, like her half-brother. Dinneford. is a In-own and :i pure dominant for bay or brown, as also is Gondolette. another daughter of Loved One and the dam of Let Flv. "There are unfortunately only a limited number of mares by Loved One at the stud besides the aforementioned two. Mr. E. Kennedys mare. Salve, and Mr. Peter Fitzgerlnds mare Sahrina are particularly worth mentioning, because Ioth are brown and thus presumably of the same hereditary- constitution as Doris, Dinna Forget, anil other brown members of this line, which all appear to be strongly Imbued with the Wild Dayreil element. Considering this, I strongly believe that Sir Thomas Dewnr and Mr. 17. de Most re. who bought the gray filly by Rol Herode out of Salve and the brown fiilv bv The White Knight out tif Sahrina at the last Newmarket sales for ::r.O guineas and :;0 guineas respectively, have procured two of the best bargains of this year. Reverting again to the breeding of Wild Dayreil. it is worth noting that, firstly, his sire. Ion," also sired Adeline, St. Simons gruiidUani; and that, secondly. Ellen Middleton is a daughter of the Herod horse. Bay Middleton. The latter sired The Flying Dutchman, Galopiu maternal grandsire. Wiid Dayrells breeding, therefore, is a condensation, so to speak, of tlie Herod blood in St. Simon, which, to my mind, accounts for his own particular breeding qualifications, as well as for that of those of his sons and daughters whoso coat color denotes the presence of this powerful Herod element. The most successful daughter of Buccaneer at the stud was undoubtedly the bay, Jenny Diver, the dam of Palmfiower, which produced amongst others, St. Fiorian. the sire of Ard Patrick, and Siphoiiia. sister to St. Fiorian and dam of Symington. All through these three generations there is pure dominance for bay or brown, starting with Palmfiower, continued by" Siphoiiia and St. Fiorian in second, and by Syiniiigtou and Ard Patrick in third genera tion. from Jenny Diver. Similarly, Musa, Palm-ilowers Oaks winner by Martagon, and dam of Mirska, winner of the same classic, has proved herself a pure dominant for bay. It thus really appears as if this particular line of the No. 20 family, which; prior to Jenny Diver, had somewhat deteriorated since the days of her fourth dam. tlie Oaks winner, Ghnznee, has been revived bv the Herod element In Buccaneer, and has energetically been brought to the fore by the cooperation of the identical element in St. Simon. Curiously enough. Palmflowers sister, the Oaks winner. Jenny Ilowlett, was a chestnut, and so was her best product .the gray-maned Chittabob. but the weakness of this chestnut blood in hereditary is suggested from the fact that Jenny Hewletts daughters were all pronounced failures at tin stud. "Roulanger" in London Sporting Life.