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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Philander C. Knox, former secretary of state, appeared in the Supreme Court yesterday as an attorney for Harry K. Thaw. He filed a brief in opposition to the state of New Yorks proposal to extradite Thaw from New Hampshire. Mr. Knox contends that Thaw has been adjudged iusane by the New York courts and was not reponsible for the killing of Stanford AVhite, and that it Is a fundamental principle of law that extradition proceedings may not be used for any other purpose than to return a fugitive criminal to trial. David Lamar was found guilty of impersonating Representative A. Mitchell Palmer of Pennsylvania for the purpose of defrauding J. P. Morgan and Co. and the United States Steel Corporation. lie was sentenced Immediately to serve two years in the federal penitentiary at Atlanta. Ga. His counsel announced that an appeal would be taken to the United States Supreme Court on writs of error. Lamar was admitted to 0,000 ball pending an appeal. Light submarines are under construction at the Union Iron works at San Francisco, owned by the Bethlehem Steel corporation, officials of the works admit. The boats are to be shipped iu sections, although the destination is not known. The Fore River Sliipbuildig company, of Quiiiey, Mass., a.xo owned by the Bethlehem corporation, is reported to be building twelve submarines. The 1914 corn crop of Kansas was worth 9,320, 140, according to the report of J. C. Mohler, secretary of the Kansas board of agriculture. Tho same report places the value of this years oats crop at 7.7S0,204. This makes the total value of three Kansas erops .2S,083,471, the value of the wheat crop behig estimated at :?15t,5S3,031 in a report recently issued. A protest lias been filed with the State Department by- representatives Of the beef packers of Chicago against seizure by Great Britain of cargoes of meat products shipped to Norway and Sweden in neutral vessels and against failure by Great Britain to release or pay for foodstuffs seized estimated to be worth about ,000,C00. The, Progressive party will nominate a candidate for president iu 1010. Its campaign of education will lie continued 011 the lines laid down iu 1912. The party will offer no compromise, either to Republicans or Democrats, except on the single essential that the tariff must be removed from national politics. An industrial commission to serve without compensation as the panacea for the industrial ills t the Colorado coal fields to which his adiniustration will Ik; heir, was suggested by Governor-elect George A. Carlson before the federal commission on industrial relations. The Schmidt Ceramic Company of Berlin. German has acquired the old glass factory at Porter, Intl.. and will make special chinaware "there. Employment , will be given to several hundred men. Ibis particular industry is the first of its kind iu America. President AVilson is considering urging congress to enact legislation which is designed to give tho United States greater power towards protecting it self against violations or neutrality by American citizens. That one year of the war iu Europe will add 00,000,000 to the foreign commerce of the United States is the estimate of Edward E. Pratt, chief of the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce. The initiative and referendum may not be resorted to in California except hi reference to subject matters legislative in character, according to a decision of the district csurt of inneals. It was reported at Aera Cruz that General Car-ranza has opened negotiations witli representatives or General Francisco Villa to restore peace between the opposing factions. Only one person in every thousand in Denmark is unable to read and write, coiiinared., with seven out of .every 1,000 hiithe United States;