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Charleston gurries and Past Performances for Friday, December 4. ? r 17 WEATHER CLOUDY. TRACK GOOD. H It . . ... If o . o Ind. Horse. . AVt.. lice. A.AVt.IIan. 1 The figures under the heading "Rcc." in the I 18.V29 Kuisseau 105 1:14 0 113x710 li entries below show the best time of each horse 17770 Juatiuin 110 l:10Vi 4 UoX705 1; at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter I 14SSS Mollie Richards .101 1:10, . 4 113X705 .1! I where it finished. In cases where record was I 1S520 Brandywine ...111. 1:14and 4 111. .700 .1! J made mi otlier .than a fast or good track, abbre- 1777! Tiger Jim 114 1:153s 8 113X700 .11 I viations show track conditions. I Fourth Race 1 1-8 Miles.- 1! o o 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. A Racing starts at .2:150 p. m. Chicago time. 1:30. Track record: 1S30 1:54 0 110. 1; Xliims well in mud. Superior mud runner. is.",0S VERENA 105 l:.r.l:H 4 10SX725 Jj M maideus. Apprentice allowance. 1S531 Colonel Holloway .93 1:52 n 107X715 : First Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 18531 Centaurl ;. 081:52 3 105X710 I: 2-vear-olds. Maidens. Special Weights. 1S531 .Milton 15 1051;53 7 100X705 Track record: 1S23 1:00 1 10!. 1S530 High Class 3 101X700 Ind. Horse. AVt. Rcc. A.AVt.IIan. Fifth Race 3-4 Mile. fi 18310 Foxy Griff 112 l:Mf. J3;:xin;! 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. i 10191 Blackthorn ! l:0i 1U.. Track record: lSGJ 1:12 I 113. i " S.,VCi!iirlroi 100 1:0, 18331 Hi? Dipper 113 1:14, 4 113X725 r Voli lomi GreC" "inQ iio"-1r 1S.V2S3 Joe Knight 11111:18 5 113X720 i.ini, 109 2..i0.. ISKii .Andromeda l:10V.-.s lsu Gn,T:mf ... ..9iMU3 4 113x715 Endurance ,M-Sn 17SM Spolin 112 1:12 0 113X715 J; 4- I y I:rkW ???. ln01.lnit n"-nn Ciiarley McFerran .113 1:14 4 113x715 1830. Hitc 112 1:11,3 112... 00 Virginia 18528 MBrtn;. 109.1:14 5 113X710 , Second Race 3-4 Mile. 1S530 LAiglou 10S 1:14 4 110. .710 . -l-year-olds. Selling. 1S207 Spellbound ,.103 1:13 S 10SX705 i. Track record: 18001:12 1113. 1S255 Hen. Wilson 10S1:12 i 113 x 705 i, 1S3292 OHagan 103 1:12 113.. 725 1S070 Aware ..112.1:15 4 113X705 1S470 Laura 104 1:13 109X720 18442 Batwa 104 1:12 5 113X700 t 18314 Supreme 100 1:13 100X715 13070 Volthorpe 115 1:12 0 110700 t 14041 Fool o Fortune ...105 1:13 10SX715 Sixth Race 1 Mile. 1 1S47S Hildas Brother ...110 1:15 109X71.1 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 1! 1-S203 Mae 103 1:13 10!--iJ Track record: 124S 1:40 4 103. li JI5fJ! Ai:,x "Jn- Jih-V? loan- 1S530 Knight of Uncas . 0S1:40 0 112X725 li Mr1? WAv -X- - 1KBMI Patty Regan 03 l-.45s 3 102x720 ;,$.--,W ilk -h oA-iSs" 1S527" Frontier M 107 1:41- 3 102X715 V, haUor, - 1 1K7 Eenavaal M ....102 1:42 3 107.. 715 1S..20 General Warren ... 9... 1:1.5 v in-V-on 10..X00 jsn:50 Bsinjo Jim 517 1:44 3 102. .715 Third Race 3-4 Mile. 1S527 Moekler 112 1:39 0 1140710 -1-vear-olds and upward. Selling. 1S512 Early morn 1 OS 1:42 3 110.. 710 Track record: 180:i 1 :12- 1113. 1S531 Jacob Bimn 100 1:42 4 112X710 3S52C. DaddrGip 105 1:12 7 113X725 18530 Sam Ilirscli 105 1:41.- 4 114X705 r. 1.S5201 Hearthstone 110 1:14 5 110X720 1S47S King Radford 100 1:38 4 100 X 705 1 1S340 Gubrio 107 1:13 5 108. .715 18530 Nash 107 1:30 3 110.. 705 i 18520 Euterpe 103 1:15 4 113X715 1S374 Rodondo .87. 1:40 . 3 105X705 l 1S52S Oue-d 107 1:15 4 113X710 18527 Ford Mai 105 1:43 4 100x700 1 17NS2 Elsewhere 99 1:14 5 10SX710 18207 Dahomey Boy 107 1:40 5 114X700 1 . j : 1 t O O The small figure under "Str." shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next m-the race. The small figure under "Fin." unless the horse won shows -.the number, of lengths, the horse was J behind the winner. Weight to be carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races. o j 1 FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs, 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special Weights. 1S23 .... 1:00 4109. J 1 Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys. Started Order of Finish J FOXY GRIFF b. c, 2 115 By Marta Santa Marina Warner. and Hogan. 1 1S310 IJitonia ai f l:07fast 14-5 112 3 2 2 2 2 F Teahan 13 Dundreary. Resign. Wodan 1 17105 Chnrchl 3-1 l-:lGmud 41-5 112 i 4 3 2J T Rice 12 McAdoo. Nobleman. Talebearer i IVr.C- Douglas U l:07fast 2S-5 107 3 2 2 3 33 J McCabe 12 15111 Dudley. Dortcli. Butterton J 17.".04 Douglas tl t l:U7fast 2S-5 112 fi G 7 3J 23 K Bool 11 Burwood. Christie. Iiig Reach j 1;.20S Katonia fS r l:O0mud 21-20 110 2 3 4 4 5si J-J M.artin 11 Tctan, . Resign. Jzzetbey , . l.r,0S2 Latonia C-8 l:01mud 29-10 112 2 2 2 2 212 12 Martin 10 So.Iy. Jack Carey. Sir William 15005 Latonia G-S l:01fast 2 112 1 2 2 22 23 F Keogh 11 Chesterton, l.angliorue, M.Maker 14950 latonla 5-S 1:01 fast 17 108 1 3 2 3 2J 1 Kwli 0 Shoddy, Delano, .Pif .Jr. BBACKTHORN, b. g. 2 112 By Broomstick Idargerique M. A. Col ton. , 1C191 FortKrie 5-S l:01mud 11-5 WJ S 7 7 71 713 J JlcCabe 11 Unity. Flossie Crocket, Kazan i:14 Ilamtou 5J ,Esl-:OSfast 3 10S C C S 7nt C3 J Hanover li Balernio. Proctor. FlossIeCrocket j 15S27 Ham ton 6-8 1:02 fast 9 112 4 S Ci u3 .1 Hanoveri2 Polly Flinders, Resign. Palermo 1M1S AVindsor f l:0Cfast 10 95 1 3 3 3J 2 J Metcalf 0 M. Cassidy. Jzzetbey. M.Duchcss , 1G5SC Windsor Si f 1:09 fast 3i 93 5 3 3 3J 3J J Metcalf S Ken, Burwood. Tie Pin 1G4AS Fortlirie 5-8 1:01 fast 24. 109 .4 3 3 45 4i II Nathan 0 Vogue, Celebrity, Almee Leslie 15151 FortErle 5-8 l:00fast 10 . 105.2: 2 2 2 22 J Metcalf S in Del, Gertheluia, Kazan ; 15201 Ham ton 5-8 l:01fast 6. IOC. .5 lib 3 C 1" CJM Nathan 10 Reliance.. Balko. Jack Winston 15131 Hamton 5-8 l:01fast 25 105 .34g 2 3 3J 2 M Nathan 12 Eagle. Kazan. Reliance ; ST. CHARLCOTE. ch; c. 2 115 By St. Savin Charlcoto W. Gerst. 1S290 Latonia 5?. f l:07fast SS 100 C 8 S Sl 63J F Roblnsnll Chesterton. Bamboo, Lit. String 18242 Latonia ul f l:0Sfast IS 112 8 S 7 71 7 T Rice 12 Long Reach. Jester, fee Albert 1809S Latonia fi f 1:08 fast 01 107 11 9 9 9 109 K Lainasr 12 Bamboo. Dundreai-y, Ostnonde 175C2 Douglas 5J f l:07fast fid 107 12 12 12 10 9l4JF R0blnsnl2 Bill Dudley, Dortcli. Foxy Griff 152S0 Latonia 5 f l:07fast 67-10 100 2 3 4 41 45J F RoblnSu C Gano. Business Agent. Bamboo 1515G Latonia 5J f l:0Sfast 29-5 107 5 4 3 1 3h F Keogh 11 Sprudel. Dundreary. McAdoo 15105 Latonia 5J f 1:07 fast til 105 C C 5 4i 513JF Roblnsn i Jlanioc. Resign, Outlook 14918 Latonia 5J f 1:09 fast fid 107 7 3 4 2i 32i F RobInsnl2 Business Agent, Rhodes. Syrian COL. TOM GREEN, ch. c, 2 115 By Cunard Bandello Mrs. J. S. Everman. 1S333 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 29 103 14 11 11 11 14"iC VanDunl4 Cardigan. Dortcli, Resign 14132 Douglas S-S l:00fast OS 112 fi 3 4 9s 95J M Grhier 11 Frondeur, Pif Jr., Rancher 14315 Douglas 5-S l:00fast 94 103 4 4 4 4S 54S L Deronde 5 S.SUoot.T; Srhuman, Dr.Carmen 14273 Churchl 4i f 51 fast 2J 107i C 4 3 33 W Griner 7 Superhuman, Martiuos. M. Pearl 141S4 Churchl 4i f 53 fast 13 113 1 2 G GJ W Griner S Luke. Marion Goosby. Dr.Carmen 14157 Church! 1 . 1-2 4Sfast . 22 112 6 . . 4 21 2n W. Griner 11 S.SUooter. . D.cCarmen. C. qf Gold . ANDROMEDA, b. f. 2 112 By Duke of Ormonde Signorina T. L. Walters. 1S4C0 H.deGce 5A f l:09fast 40 107 7 1 3 101 1011 D Hoffmanl" B.James. HalfRock. D.ofDunbar 1S42S H.deGcQ 5J f l:09slow GO 109 7 2 2 oi 75J D Hoffmanl7 Pennyrock, Babe. Lady: Bryn 1S405 H.iteGce 5-S l:01fast 100 10S C 11 12 12s Sls D Hoffman 15 Retlectlon, Dinah Do," Thrill 1820C Laurel 3-4 1:15 fast fid 110 C 7 10 10l ll10 E Auibrosel2 Minstrel. MIss Frances, Volant 17971 Laurel 51 f 1:0S fast fid 105 2 C G 12l 1415iC Turner 14 Eagle. Lydia A.. Ella Jennings 17420 Wtlbine 5-S l:01slow 7SS 102 6 5 G G1 G8 D HofTuian 9 Venetia, Eafcle, Commensia ENDURANCE, b. f. 2 112 . By Marathon Anna Brooks. U, .H McCarron. 1G9GI Vcouver 4. f 55 fast 5 1G9 S S S S S.18..T OUJrleji S ClassyCurl. Studdert, Char.Wrd 13S72 Cliarlen 41 f 5Ggood 25 112 . 7 7 7 73 H Skirvin 7 Jesse Jr.. Dr. Larrick. Netherbow THE LARK. br. f. 2 112 Bv Dick Welles Winter H. G. Bedwell. 1S42S H.deGce 5i f l:09slow 50 104 5 3 10 17 17" F Coleman 17 Pennyrock, Babe, Lady Dryh 1S303 Pimlico 5J f 1:08 fast 32 109 2 3 10 10 10lI4J McTagrtll ITn.Bryn, Marvelous. LightWlng 15914 Hamton G f l:0Sfast 30 10S S 2 10 9U10 V Keogh 12 Palermo, Proctor, FlossIeCrocket 15729 Windsor 5-S 1:01 fast 20 1 05 4 2 3 9 91SJG W Carll 9 Dongro. Kazjin, BestB.andTucker 14791 Dorval 5-S 12 101 12 4 8 12 lliG W Car1112 M. Cnbell. Burwood. R.R.Miller VIRGINIA HITE, br. f. 2 112 By Stromeland Bethel Gray A.-KY Watson. 15307 limlico rS f l:usfast fid 112 8 11 11 11 ll,s J J Brownll Herbert Temple, Thrill, Kazan 1474G Mboro 4i f 1:00 fast 3J 107 7i C Knight 0 Carl. I5ahe. Miss Possum 12972 Cliarlen 3-S 37hvy lb 112 7 7 7101E Martin S La Patrie, Norma L., Kewpie SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling. 1SC9 1:12 4 113. OHAGAN, b. g, 3 113 By Oddfellow Rubus M. A. Colton. 1S529 Charlen 3-4 l:15good 2J in 1 2 2 2 C Turner 8 Undanfcd, L.Paul, Coprtown 1S3G7 Latonia 3-4 1:12 last 22 105 9 9 9 9 OHK Martin 11 Othello, Coy. T. M. Green 1S327 Latonia 3-1 l:12fast 3G 100 fi 4 4 Sh 3- E Martin 7 B. Hensley. Othello. Glencalrn 1S2CG Latonia 1 l:3Sfast 19 99 3 2 2 G G G20?.E Martin 0 15.ofl5.15.Mawr. Chrisinc, Lther 181G2 Latonia 1 l:41mud 2S 93 3 1 1 4 719 J Smyth 8 Prince Hermis. Luther, Hocnir 1S1-1S Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 13 111 3 7 5 Gi 911 E Martin 9 Furlong, Othello, Lackrose 17911 Churchl 1 l:3Sfast li 100 3 2 2 3 3 313 K Martin 0 Leo Skolny, Hoenir, Harbard 17C0G Douglas 3-4 l:llfast 17 93 5 G G G CeJ J Smyth G PanZareta. L.Skolny, Leocharcs 17507 Douglas 3-4 1:12 fast 25 103 3 G 5 Zi 2 E Martin 11 L. Moonet. Furlong, B. nensley 17454 Douglas 3-4 1:12 fast 22 102 2 3 3 2and 4"JE Martin 9 II.Barbee. B.Hensley. L.Moonel 17215 Ix-xgton 3-4 1:13 fast 31 100 4 4 4 3l 23 E Martin 5 Othello. Transportation, Hocnir 16114 FortErle 1 l:29fast 10 109 3 3 3 3 3 GJ G Burns i Paintbrush, Indolence. Harbard 1C044 FortEri" 3-4 l:llfast 40 W 7 G 7 7 G1 Gi F Coleman 7 Leocbares, BackBay, Lit.Nephew LAURA, br. f, 3 109 By Woolsthorpe Incendiary H. G. Bedwell. IH41O ll.di Ute 3-1 l:13fast 12 iu4 4 4 3 5tw 55 H Laflerty O Emerald Gem, Prairie, Sherwoot 1S3G1 limlico 3-4 l:12fast 19 105 1 3 3 53 C6i J Smyth 0 Crosubun. TrueasSteel. J.J.Lillis 1S325 Pinilico 3-1 l:13fast 34 104 2 3 4 3J 4 J Smyth 7 Mater, HaPenny, Ilurakan 1S052 Laurel 3-4 l:13good 29 102 10 6 G Ci 7s?. J McTagrtll Kewessa. Jim Basey. J. J. LIHIs 18010 laurel 3-4 1:18 slop 3J 105 G 1 1 l3 l4 R Shilling 10 Hypatia. PbyL Antoinette. Fonl 17932 Laurel 55 f l:07fast 15 105 3 3 2 3J 43J G Byrne 11 J. J. Lillls, U. Jimtnle, Crossbun 17S04 Iaurel 3-4 l:13fast 31 105 4 4 G 5i 5 U Neander C Be. Mater. NaDier 17539 H.deGce Gi f l:07fast 18-3 102 5 5 3 3 3H E Taplin 8 JIniBasey, LadyGrant, FredLevj 17438 H.deGce 3-4 l:15slow 7-5 105 3 1 2 23 1 E Taplin 10 Canto. Ph. Antoinette. C. Squaw 172G3 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 9 105 1 4 2 3i 2 E Taplin 11 Striker, P.Antoinette. L.Traver? 1G2G5 FortErle 3-4 l:lShvy 11-5 97 G 11 lJ l1 F Coleman 9 Salon. Mordecai. Sprlngmass 1611G FortErle 3-4 1:13fast 3-4 99 3 1 1 11 21 J Metcalf 8 Nigadoo. Anavri. Ravcnal 1595G Hamton 3-1 1 :13fast G mi 4 11 in 1 R Taplin 11 G.Cnp. Dr.R.L.Swarenger. D.Pel SUPREME, ch. S, 3 106 By Star Shoot High Degree E. McBride. 1S344 limlico lniiJ.v i:47 fast 11-3 mi 3 1 1 1 l2 ii J Connors 11 Petelns. Napier. Ford Mai 18.!09 Pinilico 1 l:41fast 4J 107 1 2 2 2 21 3l J Connors 10 Lit. England, Al Court, Napier 17X84 Bowie Gl f l:21fast 6-5 101 4 G 5 53 43J J Connors 7 Votes. Humiliation, Batwa 17739 Bowie CJ f l:21fast 11-5 10:; 3 4 3 Ill3 J Connors 5 Mater. Armor. D.R.L.Swarenger 175GG Bowie 3-4 1:14 fast 9-5 107 5 3 1 1" l2 E AmbroselO Cannock. Grazelle. Humiliation 1741C Wdbine 3-4 l:14hvy 19-10 102 7 7 7 7 o2 II LalTertyll Gordon. GrazeKe. Dicks Pet 17323 Wdbine 3-4 l:12fast 7-4 1021 1 1113 ll J Metcalf 11 Droll. J. II. Houghton. Bendol 171GG Dorval 34 l:15fast 3-2 1011 1 2 1 Is 1 J Metcalf 9 MissB.Harbor. SongofRks, Cecil FOOL OFORtrUNE, b. c. 3 108 By Chilton Australina M. Foley. 14S41 Conght 1 l:14fast 17-10 102 4 4 3 5 5 5 J Callahan 5 Stucco. Czar Michael. Zodiac llil.5 l-.-iv.ji I I V, I :,iSfast 11.-5 9S 3 5 3 4 3h lh J Callahan 9 Snowllakes, CIsko, Dynamite JIM. LlmlJon. J V-S l.f,5fast 18-5 98 G 9 8 S Gl 21 J Callahan 9 Clsko, Dynamite, Jabot 14557 liliicrv.ii. I l:40fast 20 ICG 1 G G G 2" 2 J Callahan 7 Galaxy. Buzz Around. Nash 14.IH IIh.IIi r. I l:41 fast 25 W 5 5 7 7 G G81 W HInphy 9 Paton. Little Engtacd. Orpcrth llCt 11 il.cfft i 1 1:13 fast 4 99 10 11 10 Sb 81 R Booker 11 Corncracker, Cbenault. Province Y.V.m 11 .Jci.fB 2 i l:15slop 25 93 5 7 7 7 7" n Booker 7 Parlor Boy, Deduction. Joe Finn 13M0 iLiiif i I I:l2fast 4 112 7 5 6 5 441 R Estep 7 Florin. Tlieodorita. Gipsy Love Win l-.U fast 4 ins 5 4 4 5 4l J Groth 0 B. Hensley. Manganese. S. Oakf HUDAS BROTHER, b. g, 3 109 By Blues Eucharee A. J. Steward. U47S H.deGce Hn7oyl:4G fast C it! a 1 1 1 I3 1 J Smyth IS Dang.Mrch, Car.Reod. Al.Court 1S441 H.deGce 1 1-S l:31good S 99 1 1 1 2 31 4" J Sinvth 7 G. Fisher, J. Deibold, B. Quince 1S419 H.deGce lm70yl:4S hvy 10 10:; 2 11 1 l2 3 J Suivth 11 .T.Deilwld. II.Hchison. P.Regan 1SP91 Piinlico 1 1-1G 1:49 fast 14 100 3 4 5 G G Gc J Sinvth S Ilolton. J. J. Mills. Lit.England 1S2G4 Pinilico lni70y l:13fast 16 95 G 1 1 1 1 1J J Sinvth 12 AstIor, Kimnundy, Col.Holway 15308 Pinilico 1 l:llfast 1G-5 103 7 7 7 7 4" 45?. M Buxton S Galaxr, Aurora, Battery 1S57 1-nirel 1 1-1G l:4Cfast 2G 107 5 S 7 5 4s 3s E Ambrose 9 Balfrdn, Dr.Duenner, CaroNome 18i07 Laurel 1 I-1B 1:40 fast fid 105 3 3 2 2 2" 2 E Ambrose 12 B.Aruund, Netmaker, Spellbound 18IC9 Iiurel 1 1 121 103 G G G 5 G3 GiJB Ambrose 9 Ladv Grant. Penalty. Joe Finn 18110 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast fid 104 10 10 10 8s 11" E Ambrosel2 Hill" Stream. L.Grant. B.Around 1S010 Laurel 3-4 1:1S slop 39 105 9 8 8 fi G2,A NlcklauslO Laura. Hypatia. P. Antoinette 1790G Bowie 51 f l:0Sfast 25 10S 9 9 9 SU 7 R Watts ti IU Malidl. Sliadrach. Grazelie 17881 Howie 3-4 1:15 fast GO 113 I 5 fi G. 2i J Connors 11 Cliilla. Moniv Fox, Char. Brown 1777G Bowie 51 f l:0Sfast 100 105 S 11 10 92 9 C Jones 13 Grazelle, Chas.Cannell. Aniericus MAC, b. c. 3 109 By McGee Little Whit G. W. J. Eissell. JXJU3 Latonia 3-1 l:13fast fid 113 5 4 4 4 GrJ D Connelly 1! Tliesieres. Oakland. T. M. Green i lM5s Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast fid 112 3 3 3 81 STD Connellyl2 Miss Declare. Droll, Charmcuse 1G151 FortErie 3-4 1:13 fast 10 103 6 7 S 92 S1 V Obert 13 Arran. Supreme. Sureget 1G03S FortErle Gl f 1:07. fast 12 109 13 13 13 121 12,s E McEwenl3 Blue Mouse. Silk Day. Supreme 1.G14 Windsor 5j f l:07fat 15 112 3 7 7 72 103 1 !onnellvl0 Colors. Galar. Nigadoo 15398 FortErle 1 1-1G 1:47 fast 9 113 fi 1 2 C G .. G2J.D Connellv 0 Tom Hancock. Mockcrv. Ilolton 1G0OG Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 3-2 103 3 3 2 U 11 D Conncllvl2 Bank I51I1. Jus.Goebel. CbarlesB 14978 Latonia 1 1-1G l:46fast 111 104 4 3 5 3 5s 51D Connelly 0 Buck Keenon. Bac. Flying Feet AJAX, ch. g. 3 100 , By Cunard Miss Marconi R. Hanley. liM.: Hlllcrest 7-S 1:31 fast 3 116 fi 4 fi n u11 1 .MctuglilO Autumn. Sarolta. Scaret Letter 1779? Hlllcrest Ab.VS 1:00 fast S 115 I :s cJ 32 T McCugh S Golden Ruby. Kelly. Sear.Lotter ; 177G1 Hlllcrest Gl f l:24fast 5 112 5 fi fi 5 4"! T .McCugh s P.Gannou. Qrtrrniaster. Curieux 17727 Hlllcrest C4 f 1:24 fast 15 10:! 4 . 5 5 Gl fi12 Median 9 Marl v I.011. AVavering. Autumn 17G1J Hillcrest Al5-S l:0flfast 10 107 fi 5 4 43J Median s S.orRocks. IfkvOBrlen. St.Bass : 174S0 Wdbine 3-1 1:14 fast fid Jflt S 7 7 S 7" MiChan 9 V.Stroine, Clias.Caiinell. CSauee 17277 Dorval GJ f 1:09 fast 30 109 5 5 5 fi G,2JG W Carll 0 B. Belle. BelloTerre. M.B.Harbor ; 17215 Dorval Glfl:10 fast 18-5 107 7 5 4 32 45! 0 VanDun 7 NadaMas. CbarleyBrown. Aurllle 11C7 Dorval 3-4 l:lCifast VI 1041 3 1 1 l4 l WObert 7 Aprba, Bodlii. King Chilton ? r 17 H It If 1 li 1; .1! .1! .11 1! A 1; Jj : I: fi i i " r J; , . i. i, t t 1 1! li li ; V, r. 1 i l 1 1 j 1 t J j 1 J 1 J 1 1 i J j , j , ; ; . ; : ; SIR CALEDORE. ch k. 3 109 By Sir Wilfred Fairie Queen E. J. McGraw. d 1" Empire : WlW S 111 2 4 4 4 3 34 A. JTOojr. 4 Jlr. Snlgs,. Ilinnlliatlo.i Phew A 17512 Jimpiro 3-4 lJ4slow llG 107 .a 4 4 4 l1,..! MgTag rt 9 Ottp 1" kito M.Sberw d, TigtJIm . 1M Empire 3-4 1-13 fast 10 107 2 G 4 6 fi" II Hammer 7 Ilillatfon. Hermis Jr.. Coreopsis 1G145 King El. AbGlf 1:25 fast 4 IOC. 1 G 6 G2i .1 Howard S Gitnua. Marty Lou, Cooster 1G409 KlngEil.. Ab5-8 1:04 hvy 4 .104 4 5 43 34 KSinlth S M. I rimitv, II Queen,. C, Brown 1G33I KinrEd. 3-4 l:16fast 8 103 1 G 5 6ll,l.T Howard 7 Cooster. Toroiifo. Idrty Iu , 1G159 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 15 102 1 12 13 121 12" A Neyliin 15 M.B.Eubahks. ! Iliafitoh. Gvcnor 15S34 Empire 3-4 l:l2fast 10 107 3 8 7 6 G12 A Ncyloh 8 Cimpcon. J.D.Wfleld, Eblem 15783 Empire 51 f l:Q7fast 12 101 7 8 4 21 22 A Neylon 9 M. elma, Andrew. . Lmblein 15534 Empire 11-16 1:50 slow 12 93 2 3 4 3 3S 44J B MarCO 0 Heartbeat. Camellia. Rodondo 15436 Aqueduct 3-4 l:15sIow 10 97 1 G 5 5l G1J McCahey 0 L. Dwyer. M. AVarren, Herrals.Tr. 15215 Aqueduct 1 l:41fast 15 103 4 5 4 3 32 4i J McCahey 0 J.Rnflehl, SyossetlL, S.andStrlpes 15C95 Aqueduct 3-4 l:12fast 20 99 4 4 4 42 4i J MCCahey 7 J.J.Lillis. Recession. Northerner ARCHERY, ch. c, 3 . 97 By Masetto Skeptical W. Gerst. 1S079 Latonia. Im70y l:15faat f id 103 G 4 9 9 92 9HF Robnsni3 Eectation OReilly. B.Latimer 17938 Churchl lm70yl:46hvy 153 . 100 3 2 2 4 52 523. F Roblnsn 7 Soslus. Little I.eau, Indolence 17503 Douglas lm70y 1:45 fast 24 103 7 2. 2 7 8 810 F Robinson S Allan Gold. Rust.Brass. loynbiy 17451 Douglas. Im70y l:45good 23 .100 111 1 Gi 7 12 F Robinsn 7 Iockery. Robt. Kay. Roblnetta 1709G Lex,gton 3-4. l:14tast 23 109 4 3 8 72 7s F Roblusnl2 SanJon, JustlceGoebel, Lonenlan 14G05. Douglas 1 i-16 l:4Gfast 150 94 7 8 S S 75 72 F Roblnsn S Furlong, S. Hirsch, W.s Wonder SALVOR, ch. g, 3 92 By Salvation El Sonora A. G. Blakeley. 1S4GI-H.deGce 51 f 1 :0Sf ast- 10O . . 97 13 13 13 102 lOUiA Collins 14 Useelt, Dr. DQiigherty, MissJean 1G70D Conght 51 f l:12slow 40 102 4 7 5 6 G"JJ Campbell ! Trap, Aprlsa, King Chilton 1G396 Windsor 3-4 l:13fast CO 99 G G 7 8 82 F Coleman 9 Askller. Bes.Latimer. Robt.Kay OENERAL -WARREN, ch. g, 3 105 By Cesarion Katie Havlin G. C. Pons. 18526 Charlen 5-8 l:02good CO 109 S 12 10 103 831W Garganli! Luria. Viley, Hearthstone 17756 Hlllcrest Gl f l:24fast 3-2 112" 2 G 8 72 G"JC Grand 9 Ratlgan, Yankcr, Grecian Bend 17700 Hlllcrest Ab5-8 1:01 fast 2 107 G 5 3 4i T McCugh S AVin. McGee. X. Duncan, Lit. Ep 17610 Hlllcrest- Ab5-8 1:00 -fast 5 112-4 3 22 2S Grand . 9 Frigid, . AVVs Baths. Cap Nelson 17270 Dufferin Ab5-S l:01fast 8 107 - 4 3 32 21 C AAhite 9 TwentyrOne, Travel Light. Ilykl 1713S Dufferin-Ab5-8 l:02fast 7 107-5 7 9 9!1!.! .Howard 9 Mrs. Lally. Curieux. Excalibnr 1C02G Dufferin Ab5-8 l:02fast 12 103. G . 7 Fell. AV Kelsay 10 J. AVise, .Faucbctte, Haldeman 15275 Delmier Ab5-8 l:0Gmud 4 ill 10 9 8 91 C Grand 10 F. Flower. G. Karme, Ed Llska 14S49 Dorval lm70y l:47fast 8 92. 1 6 S S S 82..T Smyth S Olga Star. P. Thorpe. Ft.Sumter 1481S Dorval 3-4 l:15fast 7 98 6 10 8 S2 8" J CallahanlO Ugo, Jewel of.A3a, Birka 14709 Dorval 3-4 l:16fast 10 .102. U 7 8 61 73i J . Smyth 12 Salesla, Blue Jay, Sackcloth 14373 Del!niler GrS l:05slow 3 102 2 2 1 l3 J Dreyer 9 Marg.Lowry. Fawn, DoraM.Lutz 13S37 Juarez 3-4 l:l3fast 8 103 2 6 7 6U 61 J . Dreyer 13 Aragonese,. St. Graine, L. Young 13620 Juarez 1 1:41 fast 10 93 2 4 7. S 10 11 a. W AV Tlqrl2 Monmouth. Knll-Inla. S. Lump 13577 Juarez 1 l:40good 4J 97 3 11 6 3 51 5 . A Neylon 14 FIrstStar. Kall-Inla. Urs. Emilia 13524 Juarez . l.l:395sfast. 5 93. 5 2 2 2 3i 4S1 E Haynes 12 Balronia. Hasson, Clsko 13499 Juarez 1 1:49 hvy 3 S7 9 3 1 1 lot 2" B Marco 12 M. McKee. MarleCoghill, McAlan THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 1S09 1:12 t 113. DADDY GIP. ch. g, 7 113 By Prince Esher Mamie Lou L. Reidel. 1S32C Charlen ... 5.12good 20. 113.11 11 9 9 59 J Connors 13 Luria. . V iley. Heartnstone 17162 Lexgton. 1 l:41fast 59-10 140 2 2 1 1 U 3i Mr J .Mer 5 TomKing. Rust.Brass. Sautander 1G430 AVindsnx .. .5. f .l:09mud 15. 113 G 5 7 71 58J E McEwenlO Mama Johnson. Salon. Hobuoli 1G297 AVindsar . 51 f l:07good 50 114 3 3 4 4l 52 P Goldstn 9 Astrologer. Colquitt, Rubicon II. 1C0S6 Dufferin 61 f l:2Gslow 3 112 1 11 li l1! T McCugh i T.IIonand, Hdeman, M.Priscilla 16030 Dufferin Gl f 1:25 fast 12 10S 3 4 3 l2 lli J McGinn 8 Cleopat, Bursar, Mother 15GS0 KMngEd. 61 f 1:22 fast 6 115 7 7 5 55. J McGinn 9 Fasces. Leialoha, Miss Menard 15630 KingEd. Gl f l:23fast 5 107 5 8 7 53 W Kelsay 10 Belfast. John Robert. Ynca HEARTHSTONE, b. h, 5 116 By Ben Strome Strychinia Mrs. G. B. Cochran. 18526 Charlen 5-8 l:Q2good 15. 116 10 S 5 3l 351 F Moore 13 Luria, Viley, Euterpe 1S384 Pimlico 3-4 l:13tast fld.100 5 C 5 52 49 J Dreyer 12 AV.PItzer, Honey Bee, Gold Cap 1790S Bowie 3-4 l:14fast .60--."ai0 6 3 S 71 G R AVatts S Gold Cap, Luria. Quick Start 1777G Bowie 5J. f l:0Sfast 20 108 5 2 1 2i C31 T Nolan 13 Grazelle, Chas.Cannell, Americus 17599. Bowie . 51 f l:0Sfast 40 103 1 2 1 l3 l2 E Ambrose 8 Elsewhere, Roy.Onyx, Dunstpan 17566 Bowie 3-4 1:14 fast 40 108 10 10 10 10 1046 D HoffmanlO Supreme, Cannock, Grazelle 13494 Charlen 3-4-1:16 good 40 109 7 7 7 51 6 J HanoverlO L.Fortuue. S. -quaver. Surpassing 13350 Charlen 3r4 l:16good 12 125 9 II 6 I1 GJJ Henry 9 Semi-quaver, Castara. R.Gordon 13272 Charlen 51 f 1:09 good 20 117 G 4 2 4l 711 D. Lindsay 8 Briar Path, Batwa, Coming Coon 13236 Charlen 3r4 l:17hvy 30 115 2 3 1 52 7"1F Keogh 10 Toddling, Amoret, York Lad 13138 Charlen 3-4 l:lGgood 20 115 1 4 3 8 82 R Goose S Premier. Dr. Kendall, DicksPet l297VCh4rIen 51 f l:10hyy 3 117. 2 2 2 2J 21 S Davis 9 S.Grump, B.Around. Raleigbl.I. GABRIO, blk. g, 5 108 By Nasturtium Obscurity J. Grilfin. 1S346 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 21 113 13 12 11 11and 10" R Goose 14 TheReaeli, L.London, Rio Brazos 1S171 Liitonia 1 WC l:47good71-10 112 2 2 2 2 4 1 4J E McEwen !1 Jl.AnnK... Garneau, P. Callawav 1S1S3 Latonia 1 1-1G l:4Gfast fid 111 2 4 4 5 43 Gsi E JIcEwenl2 Joe Deibold. Louise Paul. S.Maid 18074 Latonia 1 1-1G l:47fast 28 111 S 4 4 4 4 G41.J HanoverKl Jim. Gill., JoeDeibold. ISon.Elolse 17997 Church. 1 1 1-16 1:51 .hvy 209 103 2 3 3 4 4U 5"JE Pool S J. Deibold, Marshpp, C.JIeFerran 17913 Churchl 1 1-16 IhS fast 28 103 G 7 5 G fl C31 E Pool 13 Coppertown. Erin. AVander 17C51 Douglas 1 1-1G l:47fast fid 110 2 3 4 4 71 7 J - Hanover 14 Injury. Little Bean. Bula AVesh 17547 Douglas 3-4 l:12fast HI 110 3 3 4 5 53 E Martin ! Bermudlan. The Reach. Sureget 152S5 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 31 lit 5 3 4 7 9 9"JF Keogh 9 Camellia, Carpatlila, Prospect 15159 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45f ast 47 108 5 1 2 3 3 441 R AValdron 7 Jen.Geddes, T.M.Green. Geo.Stoll 14952 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 27 115 3 5 8 8s 8 AV Obert 9 Eustace, Louise Paul. Furlong 14780 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 22 108 4 5 3 lb 1 1 AV Oliert 11 Kly. Yankee. BeauChiltoti. Raoul EUTERPE, b. f, 4 113 By Ort Wells Halcyon R. Hanley. 18526 Charlen 5-S l:02good 20 11:5 9 fi 7 5 4i F Teahan 13 Luria. Viley, Hearthstone 1S315 Latonia 1 1-16 1:46 . fast fid 109 7 5 7 5 S1 11 J T Rice 13 Guide Post. Geo. Stoll, Bonanza 1S267 Latonia. 1 1-J6 l:47fast fid. lit 10 7 7 7 7 64 F Teahan 13 B. Eloise, Billows. C. McKerrau 18163 Latonia 1 1-16 1:48 mud 84 110 C 2 3 3 42 412 F -Teahan S Bonanza. BneChance, Hermuda 1SQ13 Latonia lm70y l:44good 15! 99 4 3 3 4 G2 G3J J Acton S Bonanza, . Geo. Stoll. Fellowman 17794 Hlllcrest 61 f l:23tast 3 115 2 3 3 l2 1 T JlcCugh 8 M. Menard, D. Boy. Braudywine 17703 Hlllcrest Gl f 1:24 fast 2 110 1 1 1 l2 l3 T. McCugh 8 S.ofRocks, Qrmaster, Lcamence 17615 Hillcrest 61 f 1:24 fast 6 107 8 6 6 51 43 Median 8 MissMenard. MartyLou, BlueJay 17334 Dorval 51 f l:0Sfast 9 104 5 5 G 54 643 J AVoods 5 Ancon. Spolin.. Sackcloth 17278 Dorval lm70y 1 148 fast 3 106 1 1 1 1 21 34J J. Callahan C Gerrard, V. Strome, Blllle Baker 17217 Dorval 1 l:43fast 15 114 4 1 1 1 1 21 J Callahan 4 LIndesta. The Spirit. PrivetPetal 17104 Dorval 3-4 l:16fast 41 100 3 1 1 11 3J R Neander 9 Veneta Strome, Fonf. May L. 16952 BlueBon. 7-8 l:29hvy 20 100 4 4 4 5 i1 A?. R. Neander S Bushyllead, Aren. Strome, Gordon 16707 Conght 51 f 1:11. hvy 30 110 7 5 4 41! 431 F Teahan 9 BlackCTilef. JoeKnight, QUEED. ch. gr. 4 113 By Russell La Tour H. B. Gorin; 1S52S Charlen 5-S l:01good 30 113 S 8 8 ? 7JR Shilling S Colors, 151. Chief, Joe Knight 18129 Latohia 3-4 l:12fast fid 114 9 12 12 12 1221C Dishmonl2 Royal Tea. Luria, Salon 17S43 Hlllcrest Gl f l:24fast 3-2 113 2 3 3 l2 I2 M. Griner 8 Barette. DIcie Jackson. Aan Bu 17723 Hlllcrest Ab5-8 l:00fast 21 113 0 5 31 2i M Griner S Marg. Lowry, Cloak. PrinceCbap 17637 Hlllcrest 61 f 1:25 fast 21 113 Left at the post. M Griner 10 Mother. Tempest; "Scarlet Letter 4G745 Hillcrest 7-S l:34slop 3 122 S 4 3 33 3 A AVrispen S L.oKirkcdy. BlueJay, Caswary 1CC32 Hlllcrest 61 f l:25fast 6 117 2 3 3 11 l2 M Griner S Mother, Cassowary, L.oKcaldJ- 165GS Hlllcrest 61 f l:27hvy 2 IIS 5 5 5 - 5s G51 J Pengast 8 Largo, Miss .Alenard, Baretto 1 16412 KingEd. 3-4 l:22hvy 3 111 3 1 l3 l4 M Griner 8 Leialoha, H.IIhlsdu. K.Stalwart 16338 KingEd. Ab3-S 5Sfast S 110 G 5 4 4s M Griner 8 Ugo. Lord Lolghton, Bursar 15685 KingEd. 61 f l:25fast 8 114 1 3 3 G21 7. Shannon 7 B. Jay, Protagoras, N.Mucbacho 15589 KingEd. Ab3-8 5S fast 12 11110 S 71 7s O Jackson 12 Rosemary. Miss jean. 15. Thomas 153S2 Delmier Ab5-S 1:09 hvy 3-2 111 1 2 1 l1! C Knight 0 Protagoras, Fasces, Golden Ruby 15305 Delmier Ab5-8 l:09hvy 2 115 1 3 2 2l! 0 Knight S Silas Grumn, Free, Rye Straw 15266 Delmier 61 f l:2Gmud 7-6 115 2 2 2 33i-O Knight S Redpath, Mod.Priscilla. Fan.Hall ELSEWHERE, b. m. 5 108 By John F. Oxalis G. E. Bruner. 17SS2 Bowie 3-4 l:15fast 12 110 7 9 9 S OR Booker 14 Birka. Ben Quince. Jol!v Tar 17S10 Bowia 51 f l.-0Sfast 7 107 9 11 9 9J 8"iP LWiUer 12 Ida Lavhila, Sliadrach.- TopRock 17599 Bowie 51 f l:0Sfast 13 101 5 5 5 2U 22 AV AVarl S Hearthstone. R. Onvx. Dustpan 14S92 Mboro Ab5-S l:0lfast 4 m 653 C Knight 7 Monty Fox, Top Rock. Montcalm 14799 Mboro Abol f 1:09 fast 31 ill lh A-.Mtbews 7 Monty Fox, Remarkable Ivellv 14749 Mboro Ab51 f l:08fast 3 111 G C Kniglit S Bobby Cook. Danville 11., Malik auiSSEAU, b. g; C 113 By Batts Kitty Belle Brooks G. H. Geiger. 1S329 Charlen 3-4 l:15good CO 113 7 7 7 6s 6411W Gargan S Lndaunted, Ollagan, L.laul 13SS3 Charlen lm20y l:4o good 12 110 9 5 6 6 71 71BJC Knight 9 Armor, Ta Nun Da Tom King 13S65. Charlen 3-4 l:16slow 15 HG 9 8 7 41 41 C Knight 9 Batwa, Premier,. Nimbus 13S53 Charlen 11:47 hvy 6 114 7 8 6 4 4- 4"JF Keogh 7 Font, Servicencc, Masler Jim 13834 Charlen lm20y l:47mud-16-5 111 8 7 5 5 4l 5 R Pickett 9 Font, Jndge-Monck, Ralih Llovd 137SG Charlen lro20y l:45good 15 119 3 6 3 3 31 2ll C Knight 8 Orperth. Judge Monck. Prospect 1S75G Charlen 1 1:46 slow 10 110 10 9 9 6 5h 6 H AVolfe 11 Gerrard. GaH Boy. Buzz Around 13678 Charlen 11:47 hvy 2 116 5 4 G 3 41 3 C Knight S Spellbd. Servicence. Ta Nun Da 13612 Charlen 1 1:45. slow 12 111 2 4 3 2 24 23 C Knight S Big Rock. Milton B Sepulveda 13G00 Charlen 1 l:47mud 2 . 112 8 6 3 1 lb Ink c Knight . 8 G. Pallen. P. Regan, Myceuae 13334 Charlen lm20y l:47hvy 7-5 112 2 2 2 2 21 3J C Knight 8 Pat. Regan. K.of Uncas. Spellbd 13186 Charlen 1 l:44good 41 109 5 4 2 2 U 3i C Knight 7 Polly II.. Mycenae. Fiel 13450 Charlen 1 l:46mud 6 1121 8 7 4 1 5 6 C Knight S Tom King, Tay Pay Font 1340S Charlen 1 l;44mud 4 112 1 5 3 2 1. 1 C Knight 10 K.ofUncas. D. Jkson. Snowllaktfs 13377 Charlen 1 l:45mud 10 1131 7 7 7 5 A 42 C Knight 9 Volthorpe. Coreopsis, Stealaway 13286 Charlen 1 l:43good 15 112 5 fi 5 5 fih 63C Knight 8 Sber. Holmes. Helen M J. Stein 1321S Charlen 1 l:45slow 21 107 8 5 2 1 1J 3li J Deavpt S Scrimmage. C.F.Guger.D.Derty IUAQUIN, ch. g. 4 113 By McGee Sweet Charlotte E. Moore. 17776 Bowie 51 f l:0Sfast 100 105 13 13 13 13 132JJ McFadn 13 Grazelle. Chas.Cannell. Americus 14S91 Mboro Ab5-8 l:01fast 12 10S 24 D LIndscy 8 Ada. Golden Castle, Inlan 14S2S Mboro Abol f 1:09 fast 6-5 ill 7aJ C Kniglit 7 Cberry Seed, BigLumax. Castara 14774 Mboro Ab5i f l:0Sfast 4 113 CiA Pickens i Ynca. Cannock. Netmaker 14700 Mboro Abol f l:09fast 7 113 35 A Pickens 8 R.Dolly. T.Hancock. L.oKcaldy AlOLLIE RICHARDS, ch. f. 4 113 By Star Shoot Silver Blaze P. L. Short. 14SSS Mboro 1 1-1G l:52fast 12 105 732 S Johnson S L.oKcaldy, H.Hutchu. Drawn ffi ATI.,bor0 A?f 5l:S2asi ? Hi Si i -M,:c"u s Malik. Kedron. Willie AVaddell I46i3 Mboro f 6 Ab5i l:09y5fast 110 u3 S Johnson S BenLoyal, C.Oueen TravelLight 14575 Electric Ab41f 56fast 2 ICG 4 AV Holmes S Big Luinax. Phew Ada HS16.0 6H,1:S fast L JJ1, , 21 11 t;"a",L1U2 Chil.Squaw. G.Castle. TheUrcbln IH?2-deG ce Hl:l6.,slop 32 10ai 2 4 3 o 5 5 5 M Nathan 8 Batwa. D.Dougberty. M.Moments James n 7-S l:29fast 30 102 4 5 5 7 5J 5i E Carter 12 Miss Velma. Brush. GoldenCastle 13892 Jamesn 51 f l:llhvy lo 109 11 13 13 122 12" H Wolfe 13 Deduction. S. Grump. BelloTerre 13848 Charlen 51 f l:llhvy 6 101 G 3 2 32 31 E Martin 9 Austin Sturtevant; Batwa. Elma fYht K. By Stalwart-Miss Canale J. Wilkinson. 1S..2G Charle 11 u-S l:02good 101 20 110 12 9 no G 7 791 R Shilling 13 Luria Vilev. Hearthstone lll7. 5,-d;Pce 5iJ:JLS01dS?,, ".7 vi 12 11 lll 11" II Lafferty20 Coy, Grazefle, Eliz. Harwood E m co , :l4fast T, J Xi4 S S S ct 65 s Davis 12 Joe Finn. Dicks Pot, Delauer -3:4 !4S m co Irn.Oy l:4afast fid 97 12 6 9 G 62 71 AV Ural 12 H.Brother. Astrologer, Kliuudy S m co lm70y 1:47 fast 112 9 s 7 8 83 s" E Ambrosell Supreme, Petelus. Napier 1S303 Plrnlico 1 l:41Vfast fid 101 10 7 7 8 9 9" AV AVard 10 Lit. England. AlCourt, Supreme 5 crcst iVi.,t.asl ? J 5 4 3 U I3 E carter 7 AAravering, MartyLou. P.Dumas 17791 Hillcrest CI f lfast 1 118 3 G 6 51" 4i M Griner S Euterpe. M.Mnard DahmevBov 7 J7?8 fJHcrcat Ab5-S l:00fast 21 118 1 4 3 32J J iSyt fi General Ft. Monroe. furious S CTCSl A.IilM l 7 I 2 1 I3 I4 C Grand 8 Dicie Jackson, Curious, Irish Lad W"icwst Ab?i 7:?5i?faS I 77? , 9 C; CV -T Iavpt 9 Ft. Monroe. Ynca. Big Lumax 4, Sd,1?n?e 7 mt!?0d Sax 1 1 3 3k K A"l"-ose 9 Birka. Gen. Ben Led!. Hoffman i4?li - i XXSll tl I it - k 15. E AnibrosQ 8 M. Jean. Belle Terre. K.Stalwart Uirn 5 f TrfJ ?-2 J?5 i S lit. 31 13 Ambrose 9 Al Court. Batwa. Lord Wells ny.o :Mrall ?o l 5 5 S 5h 5 1 w War1 n Colston, MissB.Harbor. Rodondo 17104 Dorval 3-4 l:16andfast 10 108 7 4 3 51 C D HolTman 9 Arencta Strome. Font. Euterpe "GSR "M, b. 8 113 By Robert dOr Sister Mae T. Cheek. t ASr !:.Sanda!j ? 7 3 t S l, T3 ll Wat,s 10 C-istara. Frontier, .lack Lixson 1.602 Bowie Gl f l:22fast v- 2o 111 4 8 7 Gl 53S R Troxler Batwn Frontlpr TIenrlnltn V rlJjSiJfn ?- Wit Bt 4,A I tscale ntri nnSfl Ai A-1,1:nf?lr VQH1 U$ ,11 ,7"w Kc,8r 7 Belle Terre. Barette, Ynca S 1? AiS. ifi.H U Wi, X 1 Est rider. M Griner S Tbos. Hare. Tempest. Mia IG6I0 Hillcrest Ahu-S l:01fast 10 112 3 2 2 ink J Deavpt 9 SearlotLetter. Fanchette. Kedron FOURTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 1S30 i:n4 0 110. sfIE-l4-4 3:54 fast 20 103 COS 3 8 Vfe fVi !27 Latonia 11-10 l:4Gi5fast 47-10 105 7 9 9 9 72 7UJ Collins 9 lCnfC!in!icV tau l" Ah 1S020 Churchl 1 1-S l:.37hvy 41-11 103 5 4 1 1 l2 l2 T Rice 7 Mar" n C M S Win, IodSI llfllt1 21$ 2 ? 5 4 1 eCabe P lift Jffi Vpand l l ,8o!S8SSJ 71 107 G G 4 i I TnJ S Sl!eeStLr AWnX JZffS I-ef Ktn 1 1-S l:52fast 11 101 5 3 4 G G3 G,u F Robinsn S Star Actress Rash Yniir 151S7 Latonia 1 3-1G lfast 2710 107 3 3 4 3 21 21 AAr AV Tlor 8 Be, Tranimrtatlnii lnrv nti if 14SG9 Uitonia 1 1-4 2:00 fastlOS-100 105 5 G G 4 ?.h 2i" C DlshmonlO l e I-VHow nan 14732 Latonia 11-8 1:56 mud G 105 4 G 3 2 2 2 AV AV Tlor 7 Flvlng Tcot Hwin l n,ir Prrant 14653 Douglas 1 1-S l:51fast 31 103 3 3 3 3 23 lu AA AV Tlo? 0 RBuek Keenon. White Wod COLONEL HOLLOWAY, br. h. 5 107 Bv Ethelbert Sweet Hawthomn T t n.rmi 18534 Charlen lm20y 1:40 good 5 10S 1 2 3 3 fit c H lirferty 5 15 iwv T?.: If IS397 PlmIlco 1 1-2 2:36iifast 21-3 103 1 2 2 3 4 4C1 J McCahey ri Good Dav Tm lS3SlP nillco 13-lC2!02 fast 22 . 101. 2 3 4 1 22 3i V, Ambrose S GuvFisIier G odDnv ilM 18364 P mllco lm70y lrlSfdst 1 101 102 4 11 10 8 73 4 E Ambrosel2 II. Brother AsS S309 co 1 l:41V3fast 22 104 8 8 8 C 61 G3 E AmbroselO LIL Vmgfanil A?Crrt Sunreme t7?S3 Bowie 1 1-1S l:30fast 13-10 lOfi 3 3 2 4 42 421 P Louder 7 Jack Lav or l K q K 17SC3 Bowie lm20y l:45fast 13-10 107 7 6 5 5 42 11 P Louder S FMalfhAmklMo 2SSow e 1 ?1S l"st 4-G 111 G 2 2 1 11 21 A Nleklaus 9 Jack I aVson i P Regan R 01 vr 7696 Bowie 1 1-16 ltflfast 9-10 106 6 3 G G 3-k 3J G Byrne S Abbotsfd BlueMsJ Snmli rsch 17637 Laurel 1 1-S l:53fast 27 108 2 2 1 1 21 41 M Buxton 7 KltigRox Vll iwnv n.iiiii7 17441 H.deGce ln,70yl:4 slow 9 110 2 5 5 5 5 BJA Schugr r! nartworli,. WW. " ?H-, eS ce lm70ylM5fast 11-5 108 5 4 4 5 42 4U A Schugr 0 BusbvHea l. Penalt lir Dnenr 7312 H.deGce lm70yl:44fast 8 110 3 3 3 4 43 43 A SchugrlO Kxeciitor. iinrtworth Pennltv 15140 Aqueduct 1 1-16 l:4Sslov C-5 104 1 4 4 3 Ill1 M Buxton 5 Afterglow, r CENTAURI. ch. g. 3 105 By Star Shoot Vassari H. G. Bedwell. 3531 Charlen ImJOy 1:45 good 7 107 G 4 G C 4 41 C V.anDunlU Reno, Big Dipper, Progressive 181m Pimlico lm70y l:4G4iast 11-5 99 1 2 8 11 ll3 10S1J Smyth 1:5 Aftergw, Undercover, B.Quiiice 18323 Pimllco lmTOy 1:45 fast 101 97 3 2 2 2 2"t 21 J McTagrt ! G. Fisher, Dang.Mareb, Joe Finn 1S145 Laurel 1 1-4 2:06fast 53-10 Sj S a li G G1 531 D Steward S Guy Fisher. Un.Ben. BiilieBaker 1S02G Laurel 1 1-4 2:15?imud 19-10 S9 2 2 2 3 43 4 1 Steward i: Billie Baker, Mud Sill. Tay Iay 17994 Laurel 1 1-16 l:46fast 12 97 1 3 G G 4 3C1 1 Steward 0 llolton. Mud Sill, Dartwortu 17S79 Laurel 1 1-4 2:05fast 51-10 98 1 7 8 G 53 4 B Neander S Baton. Gotdy. .Mud Sill 17733 Laurel 1 1-S l:52fast 22 93 9 7 7 G 4J In 11 NeanderlO Holton, Gerrard. Iaton 17507 Laurel 1 1-1G l:4Gfast 21 100 2 7 7 7 5i 4 R Neander S B.Head.- J.-H. Houghton. T.Rump 17449 Wdblne 1 1-S l:54good a 99 2 4 4 2 2l 21 It Neander 5 Husky Lad. Un. Ben, Servicence 17375 Wdblne lm70y l:45M;tast 14-5 99 3 G 7 5 4 41 It Neander 7 Armor, Zodiac, Dicie Jackson 17295 Wdblne 1 1-16 1:49 fast 51-10 9S 712 11 9 7 54 It Neanderl2 Astrologer, C. Buford. J.Graliam 17172 Dor val 1 1-1G l:51fast 11-5 97 G 2 5 G 5s 11 .U Neander S Font. Slier. Iloimqs, Patty Regan 17070 Dorval 1 1-1C l:50fast 8-5 102 5 5 G 5 4k 2" It Neander 7 B.Bakcr. T.IIancock. Pontefract MILTON B b. B. 7 109 Bv Claude Ville Mario J. H. Baker. 1SG31 Charlen lnV.Oy 1:45 good 20 111 S 9 9 7 S Cai J HanoverlO Iteiio, Big Dipper. Progressive 1S33G Latonia 1 1-8 l:52tast 22 10G 2 7 G 7 5J G9 E Pool 10 JoeDeibold, ltobt.Kay. Stick Pin 1S2G7 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47fast 10 108112 12 11 9 9 8lSlR Goose i:; B. Eloise, Billows, C. McFerran 1S175 Latonia 1 1-1G 1:47 fast 14 10S 8 9 8 G 5i 4si J Hanover 10 Joe Stein, Weyanoke, Bon.Eloise 1S121 Latonia 1 1-S l:52fast 33-5 107 7 7 7 S 7! 6JC VanDunlO Geo.StolI. M. Ann K.. J. Docker v 1S020 Churchl 1 1-S l:57hvy 12 100 3 6 5 5 3 3s E Pool 7 Verena. Mary Ami K.. Sleepland 179C9 Churchl 1 1-1 2:0S mud 13 1011 5 5 45 411 E Pool 1 Fiy.Feet, Marshon, Mary Ann K. 17S91 Churchl 1 1-S l:55mud 31-5 105 5 3 4 G 3i 3? W "W Tlor S Flying Feet, Marshon. Phil Mohr 17G0S Douglas 1 1-1G l:46fefast 59-10 112 11 10 12 12 11 111J Hanover 14 Luther. Biir Dipper, Boy 17551 Douglas 1 1-S l:54fast 19-10 107 3 10 9 9 7 6C J Smyth 11 M.AnnK., S. OByan, W. Wonder 17473 Douglas 1 1-1G l:4Sfast 11 103 8 9 8 G G 41 E Pool 10 PcessCallaway, J.Steln. Wander 1724S Lexgton 1 1-1G 1:47 fast 47-10 106 4 9 10 10 9 61 E Pool 11 Geo.StolI. Bust.Brass. Bula Welsh 1SSS3 Charlen lm20y 1:45 good 10 117 2 7 8 8 81 9"JW Andress ! Arinor. Ta Nun Da. Tom King 13S59 Charlen lm70y l:50hvy 2 103 3 6 6 6 5s 41 R Pickett 7 Jacob Bunn, Joe Stein. TomKing 13S50 Charlen 1 1-8 2:00hvy 1 103 2 2 2 2 21 2 J Hanover 0 Kinuiundy, Good Day, B. Baker HIGH CLASS, b. g, 3 101 By Orlando Polly Prim A, H. Brandt. 1S330 Charlen 7-S l:30good 5 110 4 7 7 C 4 41 C VanDun 0 LAiglon, Gal. Boy. Ban. Jim 1S314 Latonia lm70y l:44last fid 103 9 S 9 6 G S7 A Neylon 12 Indolence, Robert IC. Ban. Jim IS2I2 Latonia lm70y l:43fast IS 109 4 5 4 1 3i 3i E McEwenlO Bes. Latimer. Billows. Brickley 1S079 latonia lm70y l:45Vkfast 10 10S 9 S 7 7 71 7s.1. E Martin 1!! Eectation. OReilly, B.Latimer 17995 Churchl 1 1-1G 1:51 hvy 13 9G 7-7 7 G Gl 5l J Smvth 8 Erin. Jimmie Gi:i. Roht. Kay 17SSS Churchl 3-4 1:13 mud 50 103 7 7 7 7 7" L Hartwell 7 PanZareta, l.IIensley. Kortliage 130S0 Charlen 3-1 l:15good 10 112 5 6 C ! 2 E Martin 7 Korfhagc, B.Cnarder. L.Fortune 13001 Charlen 5J f l:toythvy 1S-C 102 5 4 4 U ll 13 Martin 0 AlJones, Bulgarian, Dicks Pet 12971 Charlen 3-4 l:17hvy 12 9S 2 5 5 2and 21 E Martin 7 Soreimta, Polly II., Supreme 12S92 Charlen 51 f l:ll?shvy 10 111 3 2 2 2 1" E Martin S Al Jones, Peacock, Jezail 12GC4 Charlen 51 f l:10sgood 12 112 8 9 9 8 G3J R Martin 10 Bastante. Pulsation. Stellata 12G2S Charlen fi-S l:03good 50 102 5 6 6 5 431 B Martin 9 Runway. Bastante. RogerGordoi FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 1SC9 1:12 1 11H. BIG DIPPER, b. f. 4 113 By Astronomer Helen OC. M. A. Colton. 1S531 Charlen lm20y 1:45 good S 111 1 1 2 2 21 2h C Turner 10 Reno. Progressive, Ccntauri IK043 Latonia lm70y l:411!igood79-10 104 1 2 2 2 31 43 E .Martin S Bonanza. Geo. Stoll. Fellowmau 379G4 Churchl 3-4 l:14mud G7-10 112 1 3 5 3 3 E Martin 0 Balgeo. Richwood. Coy 17SSff Churchl lm70yl:47imucl 11 10S 1 1 1 2 31 451 E Martin S Reno, Mary Ann K., Oreen 17S54 Cliurhcl lm70y 1:48 mud 9-10 107 5 1 1 1 1 11 E Martin 11 GoldColor. TheGander. Sieeidand 17G0S Douglas 1 1-16 l:4Gfcfast 70 112 1 3 4 3 21 2 E Martin 14 Luther. Roy. Wander 17470 Douglas 1 1-1C l:4fiy6fast 99 107 1 1 3 7 81 9ISSE Martin 9 Grosvenor. Yinir, Mary Ann IC. 17097 Lexgton 1 1-16 l:47fast C3 107 7 5 7 fi 7 G1E .Martin 9 Transit. Wander. Boly Hill 17065 Lexgton lm70yl:43fast 43 109 3 3 4 6 5 51E Martin 10 Ui Mode. Beulah S.. Bula Welsh 1C43G Windsor 1 1-S l:59mud 2 103 1 1 1 1 ll 23 E Martin Good Day, Uncle lion. El Oro 1G400 Windsor 3-4 l:14andfast 10 108 9 12 12 11 11 E Martin 12 M.B.Harbor. B. Welsh. G.B.Ledl 1G29S Wnidsor 1 1-S 1:54 good 15 99 4 2 3 4 51 41 E Martin 0 La Mode. Just Red. Ask Ma JOE KNIGHT, b. g. 5 113 By Ben Strome Fair Empress P. Stire. 1S52S Charlen 5-S l:01good 10 lis 7 !J 3 43 35 J Dreyer S Colors, Bl. Chief. I. I.avinia 18351 Pinilico 3-4 1:14 fast fid 1101 7 5 3 4nk 8"1J Butwell 11 Besom. Delaney, Chas. Canuell 37903 Bowie 51 f 1:09 fast 12 111 3 4 5 51 31 R Watts 7 Jolly Tar. Cliil. Squaw. Flatbusli 17552 Bowie 3-4 l:15fast 15 115 S 10 11 13i 133 C Peak 14 Birka. Ben Oiiince. Jollv Tar 1777G Bowie 51 f l:0Sfast 15 105 11 7 9 10 10" V RhtmireBS Grazelle. Clias.Caniiell. Americus 17735 Bowie 5J f l:0Sandfast 5 110 7 6 8 7 7iR Troxler 10 Luria. El Mahdi. Ida Lavinia 17032 BlueBon. 3-4 1:14 fast 10 104 4 2 3 S S8i.T Metcalf 9 Dicks Pet. L.Lightning. TovBor 1C707 Conght Ci f 1:11 hvy 13-5 115 5 2 2 21 2 G Burns ! BlackChier, Mordecai Euterpe 1GG2G Conght 51 f 1:09 fast 0 117 7 G 5 G 7" G Burns 10 Colors. Tor Bov, Huskv Lad 1C4G3 KingEd. 3-4 1:18 slow 2 119 5 2 2 2 M Griner 7 Skeets. Galley Slave, Little Jake 1G44G KingEd. AbGlf 1:21 fast 3 119 5 5 3 4 M Griner 7 Kate IC. S.ofRocks. GaKevSlavf 10343 KingEd. Gl f l:27??.fast 2 112 2 111 M Griner 0 P. Antoinette. BlueJay. B.Mous- GERRARD. b. r. 4 113 By Superman Mayfair R. B. Stelle. 1S110 H.deC.ce lm.0yl:4G fast S 30S 3 5 C S 7 G"i.I Butwell 11 B. Around, Holton. Joe Deibold 1S384 Pinilico 3-4 l:13Vifast 72 111 7 11 11 10 10;iE Ambrosell! W.PItzer, Honev Bee. Gold Cup 1S20G Plmlieo 1 1:41 fast 41-5 113 1 2 4 4 4 5 J Butwell 7 StarGift, Ban. March. Ilumiliii 182C1 laurel 1 l:39fast 73-10 112 3 2 2 2 23 Ink J Butwell ! Al Court, Napier. Yen. StioinV 18139 Laurel 1 l:40,ifast 12-5 10GJ 2 11 1 1 1 J Butwell 10 Conmara. Hge Roo HrvLMer 1S053 Laurel 1 1-1G 1:47 good 22 107 4 5 G G i 5"1A Schugr 7 BushvIIead. Iloton E of Savor 17937 laurel 1 1-1G l:45irast 17 102 3 2 2 3 43 43 R Shilling 10 Bushy Head, King li. " Holton 17733 Laurel 3 1-S l:52fast 51 307 2 3 2 4 1 ?, H l-alT.rlylO Centauri. Iloltnn. Palon 1759G Laurel 1 3-1G l:45fast 05 3 07 2 2 2 2 2 3 J Collins 30 Scpulveda. Mud Sill Pcehmed 17335 Dorval 3 1-1G l:49fast 7 110 3 4 4 4 43 5J G W Carll 0 Tlie Rump. Holton. Bin- Mouse 1778 Dorval lm70y 1:48 fast 13-5 10G 2 2 2 2 1 3"t fj w Carll 0 V, Strome. Euterpe Bllle Raker 17220 Dorval lm70y lMSifast G-5 102 1 1 1 1 3 11 J Metcalf 7 FordMai. L. Rankin. Servicence . 17072 15orval 3-4 l:lGfast 41 W 4 5 fi 4 2J E Carter 10 Sackcloth. S, of Itocks. L h Tall 17032 BlueBon. 3-4 1:14 fast 40 109 3 G 7 7 S1W Obert 9 D.Pet, L.Liglilniug. ToyBoy BPOHN, b. g, 9 113 By Peep oDny Smirr fj. J. McCaffertv. 17814 Bowie 3m20y l:4Gfast G 112 .! 2 3 Fell. E Ambrose S P.Regan. LAig on. I. of Shelbv 17737 Bowie 3-4 l:14andrast 20 10t; G 5 . i 41 5"i II Chappell S Batwa. Dr. Donirhortv. Clillla " 175G7 Bowie -S l:285fast 4-5 111 2 111 1" 3n R Ambrose i Batwa. Strite. Capt. .ThcoIki 17334 Dorval 51 f l:03fast 7 109 2 2 2 2nk 2h E Ambrose C. Ancon. Sackcloth. Sir Fretful 1727G Dorval :M 1:14 fast 25 100 4 6 G 51 52 C, W Carll S II. Shaw. Paintbrush. Vreehind 1721C Dorval 51 f 1:09 fast 3S-5 107 1 4 4 31 3-t c VnnDun S Lambs Tail. MisH.Il;ir1r. U"o 37102 Dorval 3-4 l:lu5fast 4 105 1 2 3 35 3 C VanDun S Sackcloth. Ford Mai. Batwa 37032 BlueBon. 3-4 3:34 fast 30 109 5 3 5 Gl 7UO VanDun 9 Dicks Pet. L. Lightning TovBov 1CIG5 KingE.l. 1 f l:25slow 21 112 G 4 5 4l".T Bauer C MlssJ.-nn. PierreDunias. BliieJay 1C310 KingEd. Gl f 1:24 fast 3 135 G 5 4 3s J Bauer 8 Pierre Dumas. Blue Jay. Elbelda CHARLEY McFERRAN, b. g. 4 113 By Lissak Anna Hastings J. M. Goode. . 1S.3.!G Latonia 1 1-S l;52fast 21 no 7 4 4 4 SI 9" J McCabe 10 JoeDcibold, ltobt.Kay, Stick Pin 1S295 Latonia 1 1-S l:54fast 23 112 S 9 9C1 J Hanoverl.". M.AnnK., Stlcklin, Bon. Eloise 1S267 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47andfast 25 30G G 2 G 3 2h 33 F RobinsnlS Bon.Eloise. Billows. Ch. Buford 1S1G3 Latonia 1 1-1G 3:48 mud 22 304 2 4 4 4 5 5" W W Tlor S Bonanza. BneChance. Hernnula 17997 Churchl 1 1-16 1:51 hvy 19 107 G 4 2 2 3s 3 L Hartwell S Joe Deibold. Marshon, Garneau 17943 Churchl 1 1-16 l:49hvy 20 103 1 3 3 2 21 5-3 A Neylon 9 .T.Dockery, Ph.Mohr, Impression 17551 Douglas 1 1-8 l:54fast 28 111 4 3 5 4 4H S W Meehan 11 M.AnnK., S. ORyan. W. Wonder 17469 Douglas 1 1-1G l:47,ifast 6 307 3 1 1 3 4 71W Andress 9 Verena, lengiiee, L. II. Adair 1720S Lexgton 3-4 l:13fast 27 113 5 5 7 52 3J W Meehan 11 Thesieres, Lit. Bean, Iuilse Paul 17000 Lexgton 3-4 l:14good G 107 1 4 4 31 2 A Neylon 11 D.Piatt, J.D.Wfleld, B.Prospect 16055 Lexgton 3-4 1:141 last 14-5 114 . 1 W. Meehan :? U. Steppa, Yemassee 1E991 Lexgton 11-16 l:461-fast 31 112 13W Meehan 4 Texas Tommle. Polls, Bank Bill 15319 Latonia 1 1-8 l:52ifast 49-10 107 2 7 7 4 3 3SJ.A Neylon S Carpathia, Dilatory. A. Sellers DARTRE, ch. m. 5 113 By Anak Tremar E. P. Dodson. 1S52S Charlen 5-S l:01good 41 113 2 G 7 GJ 51 T Nolan S Colors, Bl. Chief, Joe Knight 1S011 Laurel 3-4 1:18 slop 97 111 1 S 7 61 j,Jl II Wolfe 10 Jim Basey. ParlorBoy. M.ltoblee- 17C59 Bowie 3-4 l:14fast 9-5 10G 0 11 11 1 T Nolan 10 M. Brush, Dr.Dogherty. Pontefet 17532 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 9 109 2 4 5 7 6 K Karrick 31 Chilla, P. Antoinette, IulvGrant 169GC D.Ivodge 5-S l:02ifast 2 116 3 5 5 45 4"4T Nolan 5 .Manganese, S. Graine, Idallavinia 16932 D.Lodge 3-4 l:16ifast 2 104 3 2 1 3 31 T Nolan 4 Barsac, Clark M:., Manganese 1C734 Anacda F C l:10fast 4-5 104 1 -2 3 .S- 331T Nqlau 7 Bermndian, This.Berie, WildRear 1C530 Anacda F C 1:12 fast 2 104 2 4 3 21 2h T Nolan 4 Wild Bear. Fitzgerald. Clara W. LiAIGLON. b. o, 4 H6 By McGeo Rose May A. B. Davidson. 1S530 Charlen 7-S lOandgood 5 lis 1 2 2 2 U lJ "W Obert 9 Gal. Bov, Ban. Jim, II. Class 1SS92 Pimlico 1 l:43M;rast 31-5 102 111 2 2- 5ij J McCahey S Undercover, Minda. Jack Laxson 1S37S Pimlico 1 1-1G l:49fast lu 100 1 6 6 5 5"t Jtj w Ward 10 Napier. Oakhurst. King Radford 1S355 Pimlico lm70y l:4Gy5fast fid 103 7 7 3 3 4 9".J Callahanl.! Aftergw, Undercover, B.Quince 1S309 Pimlico 1 l:41fast f Id I0S 5 9 9 7 7 73 J Callahanl0 England AlCourt Supreme 1S139 Laurel 1 l:405fast 17 103 9 10 10 9 10 10le C Fbther 10 Gerrard. Conneinara. HedgeUose 17S83 Bowie 1 1-1G l:50fast S 114 4 2 1 5 51 5 R AVatts 7 Jack Laxson, P. Regan. S.IIirsch 17814 Bowie lm20y l:46fast G 115 4 5 5 5 11 2 R Watts 8 P.Regan. D.ofShelby. O.theSnds 1769G Bowie lm20y 1:4G fast 12 ill 2 2 2 1 in in U Watts 9 D.ofShclbv. F.Mai, II.Hutchison 17639 Bowie 3-4 l:14fast 8 108 3 7 S 7 5J1 J Connors 10 Martre. MissBrush. Dr.Dgherty SPELLBOUND, b. g. 8 108 By Albert iHoodoo W. A. Burttschell. 1S20 Laurel 1 1-16 1:46 fast 41 110 G 4 4 3 42 41S A Langfd 12 B.Around. H.Brother. Netmaker 1S133 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 26 103 5 G 8 S S S,3JH Lafferty S Petelus. Al Court, Napier 1S093 Laurel 1 1:40 fast 109 105 4 4 7 12 14 13" A Langfrdl4 IIcdgeRose, Ven.Strome, Battery 17332 Dorval 3-4 1:1G fast 8 310 2 7 7 7 73 J Callahan S FordMai, MissBIIarbor, Trovato L278 Dorval lm70y 1:43 fast 5 111 5 4 4 G 0 6JJ Woods C. Gerrard, Veneta Strome. Euterre 17255 Dorval lnv70y 1:47 fast 12 111 G 5 5 G 5"k 518iW Ward 0 OlgaStar, BltieMouse. Kinmuudv 17072 Dorval 3-4 l:lGfast 5 309 6 6 5 71 30 W Obert 30 Sackcloth. Gerrard. SongofRocks 14151 Pimlico 3-4 l:145fast 9 310 3 7 8 7- 7"! J Butwell S LAiglon. Montv Fox, Joe Finn I390S Jamesn lm70y l:47fast 8 101 3 5 4 5 51 61E Carter ! Napier. Pollv II.. Armor .3871 Charlen 1 1-8 1 :57slow 4 108 4 2 2 2 21 1 R Waldron 9 EllaGrane, MarvAnnK.. Mvcenae 1SS59 Charlen lm70y l:50hvy 2 101 1 2 4 5 C GJ F Murphy 7 .Tacol Bunn Joe Stein. Tom King 3S22 Charlen 1 lr8 l:59slow 4 103 5 1 1 1 lii U W Goose S Servicence. B.Baker. MarvAnnK. 13798 Charlen lm20y 1:47 good 41 109 4 G 4 4 3 3J R Waldron 7 Kinmundy. Gerrard. Ford" Mai 3EN WILSON, b. g, C 113 By Kismet Jennie K. G. Wcntwortb. 1S255 Vcouver Gl f 1:2G hvy 91 312 G 5 4 4 5 A Pickens 0 High Street. Oblivion. Fan. Hall IS229 Vcouver 31 f 1:14 hvy 19-20 112 1 3 4 4s 3CJ H Stuart fi J. Argent, Ft.Johnson. M.Donlin 179S2 Vcouver 7-S l:29slow 51 112 1 2 2 2 2 1- A Pickens C H.Stroor, Pr.lonrad, Water Lad l,couver 7"s l:34hvy 31-10 112 5 111 31 31 A Pickens 0 M. Donlin. Win. I.. L.M.Eckert 17931 couver -S l:31hvy 43-20 112 2 2 4 4 4i 4t II Stuart Judge Sale. Fan.Hall. .T.Gaitens io2 Vcouver 7-S 1:3G mud 53-10 108 5 1 1 1 lb 1 E llayues C FarCathav, Ohlivn, L.M.Kckt I11OS V cnuver 3-4 1:20 mud 33-20 110 4 3 3 21 2 J OBrien 9 JudgeSiUe. TallowDlp. Hazel . Ii640 Vcouver 5-S 1:0G hvy 3-2 109 1 3 2 2- 1 J OBrien C. DnnPeld. Proso.Lad. C.LindsIev couver 5-S 1:06 mud 39-20 112 2 2 3 3 2 E Haynes S MissKrug. J.Frank. MottosPriu ..couver "-S 1 :" mud 17-5 112 4 4 4 31 2 E Havues S Joe Blair. lanfl.-Il. it-. Lad iJii .couver "-8 1:05 mud 4 112 5 4 4 4. 2n J OBrien S -Bertha V.. Aranv, Abihu LoOG Vcouver 51 f 1:12 mud 23-10 112 4 5 3 5 5-J G Warren S Tal.Bip, MikeDonlin, Mot. Pride AA?E hT- Z 4 113 By Kilkerran Mindful R. Pending. laurel 1 1:41 fast 122 115 7 10 9 9 9 9 E AmhroselO D. .March. Dr. Duenner. N.Grand ur,el 3-4 1: IS slop 40 118 S G 7 73 105 C Fbther 10 Laura. Hypatia. P. Antoinette. .i0 6 7-S l:29?ifast 2 113 1 4 3 2 21 21 R Watts 7 Miss Brush. Sis. Florence. Strife Ui2 Sow e 7"8 1:30 fast 1S"W n- " 5 31 1 E AmhroselO Servicence. Notmaker. Henprck Bow e 11-16 1:50 fast 4 107 3 3 3 3 41 431 A Nicklaus 9 Stentor. MichaolAngelo. B.Baker if ,WS. . 7-8 1:28 fast 7 103 8 4 4 2 23 C Bgame 11 M.B.IIbor, . S.ofVIlcv. B.Quince li li-1,0,06 lm70yl:4614fast 50 JOS 7 6 6 9 93 Denriisoni:: Dr. Duenner. Stentor. II. Lauder 17412 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 40 109 8 7 6 71 9U DennisonlO Maier. EI Maluli. Ben Quince BATWA. nr. e. 5 113 By Mazagan Screech J. H. Buscher. JS142 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 good 30 109 1 .11 33 12 1218 A NicUlaus20 Coy, Grazelle. Eliz. ITarwood mil H.deG ce 3-4 l:14slow 100 110 2 S 10 8 S3 A NicklausE! BlueThistle, Kewessa. Hon. Bee 1S404 H.deGce 3-4 l:135fast 30 312 30 31 14 11 14" A Nicklausl4 Striker. Yadnpeep. Undaunted Bow e Gl f l:21fast 12 113 7 7 3 3 33 P Goldstn 7 Votes. Humiliation. Supreme 50W 0 :iJast 5 110 2 3 1 v v A N!eklns S Dr. Dougherty. Chilla. Ancon Ji902 Bow e Gl f l:22?ifast 9-10 133 9 7 G 2 11 A Nicklaus 9 Frontier. Henrietta W . P.Regtn i::ST Sowie. 7-S.l:28Vifast 5 10S 4 3 4 3 21 2i A Nicklaus 5 Spohn. Strife, Capt. Jacobs 1281 Dorval 51 f 3:0Sfast 33-5 305 7 G 5 33 V J Callahan 9 AlCourt. Brand vwine. LonlWolIs 2T,S0R.?E,b- ,e- 0 115 By Woolsthorpo Voltario F. E. Brown. lar e.n lm,0y: J:7?hvy, Is"5 W- l 2 3 G il 5i J McTagrt O Roy. Meteor. F. Duster. EITendt 5-Lmr e.n H:,mud 5, 3 3 11 l V J McTagrt S Joe Stein. Effendl. Sher. Holmes Uuar e." , -78 :hvy, W 211 7 61 541 n Neander 7 Tom King. Toddling. Linbrook 13143 Char e n Im.Oy l:4?mud 1-0 110 3 2 2 2 23 1" R Neander 0 Gallant Bov. Flel. I.lnhrook :lr e.n uy :mu 2 . 2 2 3 4 3 2h R Neander 8 Bil.Bnker. "MnryAnnK.. I.lnhrk wil nl l- M5Vsmua, ll llS 5 1 I 5 l vi G T5urns n Coreopsis. Stealaway, Rnlssean r ? 3-4 1: 6 good G-5 110 6 6 6 4J 3 J McTagrt 9 Seml-ouaver. Incision Votes mr e " II l:5good G 312 1 1 1 lj i .T McTagrt 0 TonyW.. FlylngYankee. Pollyll. lo23oCharIen n 3-4 3:18 hvy 8 111 6 5 4 2 2 M Buxton 10 Spellbound, incision. Barium SIXTH EACE 1 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. 124S l:40f, 1 10.1. l0GCrnDl,O-Af1.!?ar,ch- 6! Bv Kniht of Pearl-Prudence H. G. Bedwell. 14 mur. 1 l:u0fll 1, H 115 - 745 , - s P 7i 7 .1 Hanover 9 LAiglon. Gal. Boy. Ban. Jim IJiSFlcolm MS I g S ? BB? liTaillln fandP ch SBi;fcr ill lii I randSSM, 12331 Charlen lm20y l:474hvy 4 113 7 5 4 4 2 j HanSve S land"2u. RuTsse Spellbound PATTY REGAN, ch. g. 3 10 By Stalwart Carrie Jones F. Harlan. 1830 Cnarleii T-S l:3Digood 4 lid 5 3 3 3 51 a8J E Tice ! LAiglon. Gal. 15oy, Ban. Jim 1S4S0 H.deGce lm"0vl:45 last 20 03i U a S C" 5" J Dreyer 14 Ilmiliatn, Iluraknn, Pgressive 1S419 H.deGce lm70yl:4S hvy 12 103 9 9 6 5 4l 431 R Shilling 11 J.Dcibold, H.Hliison, H.Brother 1S20S Laurel 1 1-16 1:47 fast 2J 100 4 4 4 3 32 2i It Shilling 8 Hen Quince. NobleGrand. F.Five 18141 Laurel 1 1-16 l:47fast 31 100 1 6 6 6 41 2l J McCahey 9 Soldier, Quick Start, The Rump 17SS3 Bowie 1 1-16 l:50fast S 103 G 4 C 1 lh 2J J Connors 7 J. Laxson, S.Hirsch, C.Holloway 17S14 Bowie lm20y l:4Gfast 8 10C 7 6 6 4 2J in J Connors S LAigion, D.ofShelby. O.T.Sands 17738 Bowie 1 1-1G l:504fast 10 100 4 7 3 4 53 3 P Louder 0 J. Laxson, C.Holloway, R.Oliver 17C02 Bowie 6J f l:22fast 3 10C 7 C 5 6s 43 J Connors !t Hatwa. Frontier, Henrietta W. 172S2 Dorval 1 1-8 l:57V4fast 5 100 3 2 2 2 3 3J W Ward 4 The Rump. T.Hancock, L.Rankin 17172 Dorval 1 1-16 l:51Vfcfast 5 102 3 4 3 3 3i 41 W Ward 8 Centauri. Font, Sherlock Holmes 16954 BlueBon. 1 l:41slow 100 100 2 3 3 3 4 2 W Ward 7 Harry Shaw. Zodiac, Mediator FRONTIER, b. g, 3 102 By Ogden Star of the West J. W. Bangle. 1S527 Charlen 7-S 1:31 good 7 30G 5 3 2 2 2 2i W Ural 11 Kilday, Transport, StarsandStripes 1S1S3 H.deGce lm70yl:46last 12 112 1 1 4 8 Ui 10" R Troxler 11 Elesplan, Half Rock. Slumbercr 1S433 H.deGce lm70yl:47 fast 5 107 4 3 2 3 3U 2 J McCahey 9 Dakota, Dan. Master. BlekPine 18430 H.deGce 3-4 1:15 good 20 109 7 7 S 5n C11 J Dreyer 15 Wcldship, MartinCasca, Dakota 18117 H.deGce lm70yl :52?Bmud G 103 10 S 8 7 6l 43 J McCahey 14 Henedica, F.Godmer, D.Master 17907 Bowie 1 1-16 l:51,andfast S 97 2 5 5 C 4"t 40 1: Forehd S O.theSands, S. Hirsch. V.Strome 17885 Bowie 1 1-16 l:50fast 31 97 3 3 4 3 21 2"k J Dreyer 9 Kinmundy, The Monk, Lewin 17S11 Bowie 6i f 1:22 fast 11-5 10SS 1 2 2 2J 21 R Troxler 9 QuickStart, Elect, Marg.Meise 17779 Bowie 7-S l:29fast 21 92 4 7 6 5 3l 2s P Louder 10 Castara, Jack Laxson, Malik 17691 Bowie 3-4 l:15fast 6 98 4 G 6 51! 44 J McKver 11 Bendel, MartinCasca, QuickStart 17C02 Bowie CJ f l:22fast 4 105 6 5 3 41 21! W Ward 9 Hatwa, HenricttaW., Iat.Regan LENAVAAL, b. f. 3 107 By Transvaal Lena Brand H. Oots. 1S337 Latonia 1 1-S l:32fast 27 101 C 10 10 10 8 74 C VanDunlO MudSIll. MaryAnuK., Lou. Paul 1S079 Latonia InuOv l:45fast 13 105 13 11 10 5 41 4r-J C VanDunl.i Eeetation. OReilly, R.Latiiner 1751 Douglas 1 1-16 l:47fast 25 103 14 14 12 11 9 D10 C VanDun 14 Injury. Little Bean, Hula Welsh 17550 Douglas 1 l:42Vfast fid 102 11 11 11 11 G; 2i C VanDunll Well Known, B.Latimer, R.Kay 17218 Dorval 5 f 1:08 fast 50 102 7 7 7 7 618 C VanDun 7 Grazelle, Arran, Sackcloth 17072 Dorval 3-4 l:16fast 50 101 10 10 10 10 S" C VanDunlO Sackcloth, Gerrard, S. of Rocks 1C9S0 BlueBon. 3-4 l:15M;Slow CO 103 14 14 14 121 12UC VanDun14 Arran, Chad Huford, Grazelle 1C709 Conght 51 f l:12.slow S 102 9 8 G . 63 C1JC VanDun 9 Trap, Aprisa, King Chilton 13646 Windsor 3-4 1:14 fast 16 100 10 9 9 83 10U C VanOuiilS Gen.I5.Ledi. B. Head. B.Latimer 151G7 Latonia 3-i l:12fast 74 103 7 7 10 9 9JW Obert 11 Coy, Tavolara. Louise Paul 14056 Lexcton 3-4 l:14fast fid 103 3 7 7 6l Z C VanDunl2 Bav.Candle. LittleBean. Mockery BANJO JIM, ch. g. 3 102 By Mexican Lillian Fonso W. Walker. 38530 Charlen 7-S l:30sood 10 105 C 5 4 4 3 31 E Pool : S LAiglon, Gal. Koy, IlighClass 1SS49 Latonia lniTOy l:44last fid 107 12 11 11 S 73 7s F Murphy12 lierinudian, First Degree, Birka IS314 Latonia lm70y l:44fast fid 104 2 3 3 5 41 31 L Hartwelll2 Indolence, Robert K., Charmsc 15212 Latonia lm70y l:45fast 21 104 1 4 3 3 5 5 E Pool 10 Res.Latimer, Billows, HighCIass 1S079 Latonia lm70y l:45fast 48 110112 13 12 13 111 H13 E Carter 13 Eectation, OReilly, B.Latimer 17S40 Hillcrest 1 1-16 1:53 fast 12 105 G 6 4 41 4 E Carter S King Radford, Thos. Hare. Cole 17795 Hillcrest 61 f 1:24 fast 20 107 10 8 0 S1 SJ E Carter 10 Curious, Pierre Dumas, Barctte 17724 Hillcrest 1 1-16 1:54 fast 3 104 4 3 3 2 4S K Carter 9 Dahomey Hoy, CoTe, Barn Dance 17612 Hillcrest 61 f l:21fast 8 107 4 S 7 6l 5,u E Carter 9 Autumn. Quartermaster. Lit. Ep 17449 Wdbine 1 1-S l:54good 6 !S 4 3 3 4 41 58 II LaiTerty Si Husky Lad. Centauri, Uncle Ben 17375, Wdbine lm70y l:45y5iast 15 81 -5 7 G 7 GJ 719JR Acton 7 Armor. Zodiac, Dicie Jackson 17160. Dorval 3-4 l:15Vf,fast 12 110 8 9 8 8 81 E Carter 9 Supreme, M.B.IIarbor. S.ofRocks 14440 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:47fast 83-10 97 5 4 4 3 33 3J F Murptiy 5 PoIIylL, HuzzAround. HuskvLad 14400 WTdbine 1 1-16 l:50Vfcmud 63-10 . 87 1 3 2 2 2 33 J Smyth 4 J.II.Hhton, H.-E.Susn. Meditor MOCKLER, b. g, 6 114 By Sain Thercsia V. W. Wells. 1S527 Charlen 7-8 1:31 good G 115 2 2 4 S 11 ll18 W Obert 11 Kilday, Frontier Transport 1S2SG Latonia 1 1-16 1:46 last f ld-104 5 12 12 12 12 12JW Obert 12 Sun Queen, Hermuda, Geo. Stoll 15247 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46fast 152 107 2 6 S 8 9 3s T Rice 9 HonncChance. Bonanza. OlgaStar 1S102 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46l"ast 89 101 2 3 3 f. 6 6,!f.W Obert C. Bouah S.. M.AnnK., Coppertowu 17651 Douglas 1 1-16 l:47fast 192 104 S 9 14 14 14 144H Hresch 14 Injury, Little Bean, Hula AVeTsh 17509 Douglas 1 1-16 l:46fcfast 197 107 9 8 10 10 10 103U Hanover 10 Impression, B. Chance; Hermuda 17435 Douglas 1 1-1G l:46andiast 187 99 9 9 9 9 9 9" F Rolnnsn 9 La Mode. Cstonhine. Impression 17029 Lexgton 1 1-16 1:54 hvy 33 106 5 5 7 7 61 6 W W Tlor 7 Ymir, WorldsWonder, J.Dcibold 15248 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47fast 8 107 6 6 6 6 6 6 F Keogh G Barnard, L.II.Adair. AnnieScUcrs 15213 Latonia lm70y 1:49 mud 11 111 6 7 4 4 4i 3 F Keogh 7 U.Color, CIi.McFerran, Kingling EARLYMORN, ch. c, 3 110 By Peep oDay Performance E. F. Condran. 1S312 H.deGce lm70yl:46 fast 12 100 3 2 3 4 4i 533 J Dreyer 11 .T.Deibold, Hurakan, Uncle Muu 1S4S2 H.deGce 51 f l:07fast 10 109 3 1 1 11 21 J Butwell 11 Yadopeop, MartinCasca, Soldier 3S165 H.deGce 51 f l:0SM-,fast 20 103 S 4 3 31 31 J Smyth 12 D.R.L.Snger, Udnted. R.Gdon IS 142 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 good 15 10S 3 3 5 81 7 1 A SchugrJ Coy, Grazelle, Eliz. Ilarwood 1S416 H.deGce 1 1-16 1:53 mud SO 95 C 5 6 G G 6,3U Tollard 0 J.J Lillis, Bushyllead, Orperth 1S404 H.deGce 3-4 l:13Vandfast 100 101 14 13 13 13 33 1 J Pollard 14 Striker. Yadopeep. Undaunted 16633 Saratoga 11:42 fast S 10G 5 11 1 11 331 M Nathan 11 Easter Star. Undercover, Pebcto 15735 Empire lm70y l:46fast G 95 2 1 1 1 33 l5 D Steward 7 Delegate, S.andStripes, T.Urchin 15303 Empire lm70y 1:4G fast 2 110 G 6 5 4 43 491 G Byrne 0 Kiug Box, Halgee, Marg. Meise 15391 Aqueduct 1 l:4Cmud SI 108 5 U 6 6 C C Turner 9 Delegate, E. Star, MissCavanagh 15330 Aqueduct 1 l:41fast 1 108 2 2 2 2 21 2 O Turner O Belray. Delegate. MissCavanagh 15169 Aqueduct 3-4 l:14fast 15 110 1 11 1J 2.J D McDan110 His Nibs. Dakota. Peaceful JACOB BTJNN. b. c. 4 112 By Hippodrome Hurrah J. H. McCarren. 13.31 Charlen lm20y 1:45 good 15 309 9 7 7 9 C S1R Mason 10 Reno. Big Dipper Progressive 1S03S Vcouver 1 1:48 mud 14-5 305 4 3 3 3 3s 3;1 II Clark 4 Mr. Mack, Seiupsilla. Melts 1SO0G Vcouver 1 1:47 mud 43-10 107 2 2 2 1 l3 l3 II Clark 7 Judge Sale, Gerds, Dick Ben.ron 17746 Vcouver 1 l:4Smud 13 103 G 5 4 5 5 4 II Clark 7 Durin. Conliagratn, Zoroaster 17677 Vcouver 1 l:4GAUvy 9-5 112 1 4 3 2 3! S5 G Moles th 7 L.VanZandt. L.Innocce, J.Frank 17435 Vcouver 1 l:47mud 1S-5 10S G 6 G 4 4 4" J OBrien 0 D. Benson, Contiagration. Fclina 17382 Vcouver 11:47 mud 27-10 10S 3 4 4 3 S3 31 G Molesth 7 Durin. Dick Benson, ProRealis 17320 Vocuver lm"0yl:51 slop 17-10 109 5 5 4 4 i- Ss G Warren 5 Zoroaster, Thaka, Durin 17189 Vcouver 7-S l:29hvy 2 106 2 5 5 5 41 31! J OBrien ii Sempsilla. Hy.AValbk, Zoroaster 17123 Vcouver lm70yl:lS slow 63-10 307 5 3 3, 1 l5 1 J OBrien 5 Hardy, High Street. Melts 17775 Vcouver lm70yl:44fast 23 30G 6 G G G 6 51 It Carter ! Hardy. Brando. Anibri I6G10 Vcouver 3-4 l:13ifast 26 106 9 9 9 S 7si R Carter 9 Zenotok. Hardy, Light Knight fcSAM HIRSCH. b. g, 4 114 By Electioneer Carthagena Mrs. J. D. Misick. 18330 Charlen 7-8 l:30good 20 119 S S S 7 S SlHJ Dreyer 9 LAiglon, Gal. Bov, Ban. Jim 1S381 Pimlico 1 3-16 2:02 rast 253 10S 7 2 2 4 7 7C3 G Byrne 8 G.Fislier, Good Dav, C.Holloway 18364 Pimlico lm70y l:45fast fid 109 11 12 11 10 103 9,31G Byrne 12 H.Brother, Astrologer, Kinmdy 1S29S Pimlico 1 l:415andfast 54 107 2 9 9 7 C1 4i J Dreyer ! Halfron, Autumn, Flatbush 17907 Bowie 1 1-10 l:51andfast 6 10S G S 3 .2 21 2U J Dreyer S O. the Sands. V.Strome. Frontier 17SS3 Bowie 1 1-16 l:50fast 12 105 2 5 3 - 31 3 J Dreyer 7 J. Laxson. P.Regan, C.Holloway 17696 Bowie 1 1-1G l:51!4fast 20 103 G 7 7 4 5 41 G W Carll 8 Abbotsford, B.Mouse. C.Hloway 17601 Bowie 1 1-16 l:30fefast 15 109 4 5 3 4 4 33 G W Carll fi Strite. The Monk, Kinmundy 35758 Vcouver 3 m70yl:45fast 14-5 109 2 4 3 3 4 7lliC Grand 7 Hester, Treniargo, Sadie Shapiro 15677 Vcouver 1 1-16 3 :49fast 4 112 4 4 4 45 4"1R Pickett 5 Cantcui, Piiiliistina, Hester 35178 Denver 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 2 109 7 6 5 Threw rider.J Montr 7 Phil Mohr. Electric,- Balciiff 14758 Latonia 1 1-16 1:48 fast 21-10 99 6 7 3 5 2h In A Mott 7 Be. Transportation. S. of Danube 14706 Latonia 1 1-16 1:46 fast 9-5 97 4 4 4 4 31 3 A Mott 8 Carpathia. G.Teasure, S.ofDube 14C05 Douglas 1 1-16 l:46ifast 7-5 111 G 6 6 4 3 21 A Neylon S Furlong, W.s Wonder. G. Slave KING RADFORD, br. g. 4 109 By Radford Determination H. Neustadter. 1S47S H.deGce lm70yl:4U fast 30 liu 3 1110 15 15 14"3W Lillcy IS H.sltiother. Dan.March, C Reld 1S452 H.deGce lm70yl:47 fast 3 305 1 4 3 3 23 2and J Dreyer 12 Pcnless, I.Gmother, L.Rankin 1S4S5 H.deGce 1 1-16 1:50 good 25 104 10 11 11 9 6nt 5! J Dreyer 11 Autumn. HowdvIIowdy, Petelus 38423 H.deGce lm70yl:4Si4hvy 12 109 1 4 6 5 51 6 J Dreyer 11 BeiiQuince, EarlofSavoy. Napier 18378 Pimlico 1 1-16 l:49fast fid 102 9 9 9 9 4J 3 J Dreyer 10 Napier, Oakhurst. Fifty Five 18308 Pimlico 1 l:4lfast 19-5 133 1 2 2 5 6 51 R Troxler S Galaxy, Aurora, Batterv 3S279 Laurel 1 l:39ifast 41 111 2 4 4 4 3 2 R Troxler S Joe Finn, Lohengrin, Minda 18139 Laurel 1 l:40fast 66 100 8 9 9 10 81 S8 II LaffertylO Gerrard. Connemara, HedgeRose 17840 Hillcrest 1 1-16 1:53 fast 3 106 3 1113 1 U Acton 8 Thos. Hare. Cole. Banjo Jim 17635 Hillcrest CI f l:24fast 2 116 5 5 5 31 23 W Levee S Tyro, Col. McDougall, Colo 17195 Dufferin Ci f l:25M;fast 3-2 112 5 4 4 21 1 J Pengast 8 Grec. Bend. Mrs.Lallv, Sandman 17053 Dufferin Ab5-8 l:02fast 3 112 S 9 7 55 A Walsh 10 Lord Ladas. McAndrews. Luria 16719 Hillcrest Ci f l:25Vfast 3-2 117 5 3 2 33 23 A Walsh S Daylight. Bodkin. Casanova NASH. br. c. 3 110 By Nasturtium Aunt Bet J. W. Hedrick. 1S330 Charlen 7-S l:30Vgood 3 117 9 G G 5 G an M Oisen 9 LAiglon, Gal. Bov. Han. Jim 18482 ILdeGce 51 f l:07fast 41 IDS 5 5 5 6 6- G Byrne HYadopeep, Earlvmorn. M. Casca 1S1C5 H.deGce 51 f l:0Sy5fast 5 105 9 S S 71 5 G Byrne 12 D.R.L.Sngcr, Undnted, Emorn 14357 BlueBon. 1 l:40fast 13 109 5 3 4 2 31 46 F Paul 7 Galaxy, F. o Fortune, B. Around 112S4 Churchl 1 l:39fast 31 107 5 2 1 1 H 1 W Obert 9 Claxonette. Bushv Head. Pebeto 14234 Churchl 3-4 1:13 fast 26-6 112 1 8 6 3and 31 W W Tlorl2 Bay. Candle, L. Moonet. D Mint 14194 Churchl 3-4 l:12fast 91 99 3 1 1 24 2 A Neylon 13 Campeon. Edith W.. Drvad 14018 Lexgton 3-4 l:16iigood 11 112 10 7 10 8 5i W W Tlorl2 Allan Gold, Gitana. Pebeto 12107 Churchill 51 f 1:07 fast fid 113 11 11 8 81 4 Gould 12 Deposit. Bob Hensley, Is. Vail RODONDO, b, c. 3 105 By Sir Huon Azucena L. Most. 15374 Pimlico 1 1-10 l:4Sfast fid 1UO 1 1 1 3 41 o j Connors if Jarlhm G., Petelus. Mveenae 1S30S Pimlico 1 l:41fast IS 103 5 3 4 4 5i 7E Ambrose S Galax v, Aurora, Battefv 18257 Laurel 1 1-16 l:46fast 13 110 2 6 6 7 S1 9 S Davis 9 Balfion, Dr.Duenner. H.Brotlier 17422 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:49slow fid 107 G 3 4 5 43 lnt K AmbroselO J.H.IIoughton, Hus. Lad Zodiac 17250 Dorval 3-4 l:15fast 20 311 4 6 G 4"i 3lJ E Ambrose 9 Colston, Miss B. Harbor, R Coat 17019 BlueBon. 1 1-S l:54fast 23 101 6 5 7 Bled. G W Carll 7 Orperth. Zodiac. Holton 16901 BlueBon. 3-4 l:lG5livy 15 111 11 11 10 n 6 G W Car1113 Ortyx, The Spirit. King Chilton 35921 Empire lm70y l:46slow 12 112 5 6 6 7 7 71T1A Neylon 7 Executor, Y.Emblem, S.vtStripeS 15SG2 Empire 1 1-16 l:51mud 10 104 G 5 5 4 4 5" M Buxton 7 Loveland. GallantHoy. Heartbeat 35617 Empire 1 l:42good 10 106 3 2 8 Pulled up.J Kcderis S Marshon. King Box. Strenuous 35534 Empire 1 1-16 1:50 slow 10 303 3 1 1 2 2 3 J Kcderis G Heartbeat, Camellia, SirCaledore 15436 Aqueduct 3-4 l:15slow 6 305 5 .5 G G 5,0M Buxton G L. Dwver, M.Warren. HermisJr 15253 Aqueduct 3-4 1:39 slow 31 308 2 3 3 1 l3 J Glass 10 Chupadero. Pce Chilton. Dakota FORD MAI. br. g. 4 109 By Clifford Mai F. Musante. 38327 Charlen 7-S 1:31 good 9-3 110 6 S 7 5 5i sl H Lafft-rtyll Kildav, Frontier Transport 18399 Pimlico 3-1 l:14tast fid 100 9 12 9 9 l 8i R Neanderl2 Joe Finn, Dicks Pet, Delaney 15375 Pimlico 1 1-1G 3:49fast 36 301 2 4 4 7 7i S J Connors 10 Nanier, Oakhurst, King Uadford 18314 Pimlico lm70y 1:47 fast 87 104 11 5 5 5 4 45 H Laffertyll Supreme, Petelus, Napier 1S29S Pimlico 1 l:41fast 76 107 4 4 5 6 5l 6iR Neander 9 Halfren, Autumn, Flatbush 17907 Bowie 1 1-16 l:515fast 5 106 H 1 5 G GJ J McKver S O.theSands. S. Hirsch. V.Strome 17863 Bowie lm20y l:43fast C 104 2 4 1 1 21 21 W Ilinpby 8 C.Hllowy. II.Hchisn, B.Mouse 17C93 Bowie lm20y 1:46 fast 4 107 4 3 3 3 3 31 W Hinphy 9 LAiglon. H.Hliison 17663 Bowie 11-16 1:50 fast 10 107 5 4 4 5 51 533 J McKver 9 Stentor, MichaelAugelo, H.Baker 17332 Dorval 3-4 1:16 fast S 110 4 11 lj V J Woods 8 M.H.Hrbor, Trovato, Snringmass 17220 Dorval lm70y l:48fast 31 101 3 3 3 2 2 21! R Neander 7 Gerrard, LadyRankin, Servicence 17102 Dorval 3-4 l:15y5fast 20 305 4 3 2 2J 2 D Hoffman 8 Sackcloth. Spohn. Hatwa DAHOMEY BOY, br. g. 5 114 By Dick Welles Animosity M. Jacobson. 1867 Latonia 1 1-16 lMTandrast fid 111 7 11 13 13 13 133 C VanDuni:: H. Kloise, Billows. C. McFerran 17794 Hillcrest Ci f l:23fast 20 113 6 8 7 Gl 3 II Walls S Euterpe. M.Menard. Hrandvwine 17724 Hillcrest 11-16 1:54 fast 3 115 2 1 1 3 33 J Deavpt !l Cole. Barn Dance. Han to Jim 17703 Hillcrest 61 f 1:24 fast 7 330 C 7 6 6 6" .7 Deavpt S Euterpe. S.ofRocks. Qtermaster 17P37 Hillcrest 61 f 1:25 fast S 113 6 6 G G 53i J Deavprtlo Mother. Tempest. Scarlet Let tor 17271 Dufferin Ci f 1:23 fast 5 114 7 fi G r.3 Gl O Jackson S Nila, ChiltoiiChief. Mod.PrisciEa 1719! Dufferin 61 f l:25fast 7 117 2 6 G 5U 4? I, Goines 7 TTIick. Quartermaster Nila 16745 Hillcrest 7-S l:3lsIop 8 117 G 7 C . C 0lO Caldwell S LdoKirkialdy, Hlue.Iav Queed 10701 Hillcrest CI f l:25yEfast 3 117 7 G G 61 4 O Caldwell 7 TheMonk. Calethumpiaii. Uliek 1KG4S Hillcrest 61 f 1:26 fast 8 112 5 2 2 21 I3 O Caldwell S Lit. Ep. CalethuuipUn, P.Thorpe 1035O DeImier 61 f l:3Uhvy 20 113 5 7 7 fi3 S Johnson 7 A. Sturtevant. Fnsees H Stuan 35302 Delniier A 13-8 1:09 hvy S 115 3 7 8 S C Knight 10 liar. Queen. Lir.Erne, Ridceland 1.2C5 Delniier Ab5-S l:or,J,6mud S 114 I S 7 53i S Hruce ! Tackle. Field Flower. Mar.Lowry 15:!30 Delniier Al.5-8 1:02 fast 25 115 3 11 3d G S I.rnc- 32 Nila. Edna Liska. jilb- T ir 14760 Dorval lm70y 1:G0 fast 100 1101 4 5 8 S S3 S" W Waron 9 Dynamite. L. Rankin. P. Thorpe