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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. The American note sent by the United States to Great Britain protesting: against the action of British warships in detaining and seizing cargoes iu Aniercan vessels is under consideration at the British foreign olhce, where no intimation is given as to when a reply to the note may be expected. Yesterday afternoon Sir Edward Grey, the foreign secretary, held a conference at the foreign office with David Lloyd-George, chancellor of the exche-. pier; Reginald McKenna, secretary of home affairs;; Walter Runeimau. president of the board Of trade, and Sir Francis Hopwood. civil lord of the admiralty, on the subject of the American note. A frank; discussion of the note by British otlicials shows that they regard It as friendly and they do not be-, lieve the differences between America and Great: Britain are such that canuot be reconciled satisfactorily. Four thousand followers of Gen. Carranza, ao-: cording to official reiKirts received at Vera Cruz, do-; feated 5.0C0 men under Gen. Ifemia Zapata, brother; of Emiliano Zapata, and Andrew Almazon. An-; nomiccmciit also was made at Carranza headquarters: that Cliilpancingo, capital of the state of Guer-j rero, had lieeil captured by Carranzas forces. Mayor John F. Hurley was recalled by the voters; of Salem, Mass., in a special election. Matthias J. UKeefe, leather manufacturer and candidate of the; Better Government Association, defeated him by a: vote of 3,405 to 2.G2D. It was the first recall elec-; tiou in New England. It was charged that Hurley; had not enforced the liquor laws. Brig. Gen. Robert II. Hall, U. S. A., retired, dieJ: at his residence in Chicago Heights. During his; long active service, which dated from the civil wari through the campaign in the Ihillippines, he was--known as one of the most scholarly officers in the arniv and a strict disciplinarian. Gen. Hall wis-born iu Detroit, Mich., Nov. 15, 1S37. ..i One hundred and live vessels which operated under foreign control prior to the outbreak of the European war have been added to the American merchant marine since August IS, when congress passed the act admitting foreign built vessels to; American registry. The vessels represent a carrying capacity of 373,840 gross tons. Gen. Hills Carranzistas in Naco, Sonora, began firing -again after sending out scouts who were reported to have been driven back by Yaqui Indian., These Yaquis are believed to be part of the guard Maytorena threw around the town to prevent Hills troops leaving before Brig. Gen. Hugh L. Scott s peace plan was finally accepted. General Angeles, close friend of General Villa and General Zapata, and acceptable to the Mexican1 national convention, will be the next provisional president of Mexico. This is the substance oT re-ports to the State Department at Washington from; its political agents and the news is satisfactory to; the department. Passengers arriving at Laredo. Tex., on a train from Monterey, Mex. brought word that the Carranza garrison lias evacuated the city, leaving for Hijmllta. a junction between Monterey and Tor-reon, where a battle with soldiers under General Villa is expected to occur. That reports made evident that business was improving throughout the country was given out by President Wilson, who has been receiving information from all portions of the land. The president stated that the improvement was slow, but assertcil it was sure. The general opinion among diplomatic agents in Washington is that Great Britain will not yield to the demands made in the note by President Wilson for amends for the seizure and detention of American merchant ships. They expect England to seek a compromise. Representative Hinebaugh of Illinois, who or ganized the Progressive group in the house of representatives and the Progressive congressional com mittce. of which he is chairman, announced Unit; henceforth he will affiliate with the Republican; party. The steamer Navarra, 2.047 tons, which left St. John, N. B.. under charter to the . admiralty and bound for France, struck on Holmes, island, . near Yarmouth. N. S., and is reported to be breaking up. No word had been received as to the .safety of her crew. Shipment from the Chicago stockyards valued in excess f 55.000,000 have been confiscated by British war authorities. And there has come to the packer no promise of reparation.