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STAKES ARE WELL FILLED ENTRIES FOB CHURCHILL DOWNS EVENTS PRESAGE GREAT RACING IN KENTUCKY Nominations for Frank Fehr Stakes ScventyEigrht ScventyEigrhtin in Number Give Good Line on Useful Selling SellingPlaters Platers That Will Engage in the Sport Louisville Ky March If Entries for the Frank Fehr Selling Strikes to be run during the spring incqllng nt Churchill Dawns have been announced i v iMcietary JI C Applegate of tin Xew louisville Jockey Cluli Seventyeight nominations were made mil although the event is a selling stake the list of eligible includes MIIIIC of the leading performers of tin turf The race is to be it one mile for hroeyeirolds and upward with 1000 added Among addedAmong lie nominations are sueli exponents of speed as Iron Mask holder of the American record i 10 for six furlongs and tlio mark of 10 lor live and onehalf furlongs Hringhurst OIK of lindens cracks Hawthorn Helen Jiarliee Leo Skolny Hradlevs Choice Boots and Saddle and Yandergrift all thoroughbreds that would figure prominently in anv kind of a lield many stars are available Ibis season and there is sure to be such spirited competition in all events of any considerable value that stables seeking to augment their incomes are expected ti ho unusually tree in sending their charges to the post All of the local tlxtnres have tilled generously and it is prob ¬ able That titlds of record breaking numbers ns well as class will face the barrier in most instances instancesThe The studies at the Dawns are beginning to fill The local colony has just been increased bv four of P T Chinns racers two belonging to T Taylor three owned by K L Hodgers and fourteen belong ¬ ing K William Gerst GerstJJie JJie full list of entries for the Frank Iolir Stakes follows 1 1 Austins Indoleinc U IndoleincU MorrisU L Bakers Father Uiley and Joe Morris U H Makers Samuel It Mevir Sleeth Old Ien anil Grecian GrecianK K 15 Bradleys Bradlcys amice Hoots and Sad ¬ dle StarsT Beiianer ajId Bars a hif Stars T T ISniwns Undaunted ami Altiunnhii AltiunnhiiC C F Buschenievers Hawthorn BHnghurst1C 1 X Canidens BHnghurst 1C T N lions Blackthorn I ActressK Al Civills Robert Kay ld Star Actress CandleGallahcr K U Klkins Inyberry Candle VogueC Gallahcr Hros Vogue C IalgeeWilliam W Casters Dryad and Ialgee William Gcrsts Alador Brickley and St Charl 011 1 p pA A 1 Hancocks Gaelic and Einhroiderv Izzetbey1J 1 S Hawkins Hank ODay and Izzetbey 1J Her Hanworth and Devil Fish I FishI J Kelieys Hoos Hoo and Serilemlier Morn W MornW L Lewis Africa Beau and Expectation ExpectationJ J Livingstons Iron Mas Sosius and Bob Hens ley HaroldMcKenzie 15 T Longs Dnndreiiry ami Harold McKenzie Adkins Helen Barbee and Leo Skolnv 7 MatManns lilt Edge EdgeI I I McDowells siar Tasmine Liberator and Dark Flower OontlomaiiA II Meads Brookficid and Irish Oontlomaii A Millers Dae DaeII II L Morris Intone IntoneW W K Mlzclls Key Mar Mallard and Mabel Mont ¬ gomery 11 Oots Dorcris 1 I Itrspess Itesign and Christie XearerT C ChristieC K Kobbins Little Xearer T II Ryans Kash Kashit it K Semis Cardigan 1 W Schorrs Eddie Delling Goldcrest Hoy Van dergrift Aunt Josie Ceo Koescli Mars Cassidv and Ilndcnthal IlndcnthalAfis TowerC Afis 1 Shillings llocnir and Conning Tower C A Spelts rhartler rhartlerF F Stiltons Stout Heart Straus Hedland HedlandJ J Imensetters Crover Hughes C Van Meters Cream CreamJ J T Weavers Ymir YmirF F D Weirs Mex MexW W G Yankes Vilhite and Gipsv Love LoveW W J Youngs Water Witch