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Juarez Entries and Past Performances for Friday April 9 WEATHEE CLEAE TEACK FAST The figures under the heading Eec in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1911 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbre I viations show track conditions I Racing starts at 2 0 p in Chicago time tHO tHOX X Runs well In mini Superior mud runner M maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Eace 58 Mile Mileoycarolds oycarolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record l jiS 7f 5 102 1021ml 1ml Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHanio io s = Chas Goctz 12 100 lirx7lo lirx7lolit2 lit2 Trulane 10270r 109tr Greenbrae 107 1OIH 4 112 700 10 i Riibv Sun 11 100 5 lliX7O lliX7O10ST2 10ST2 Old Rob SI 10 101 3 102 603 19901 Round Up 112 100 4 112X09 112X09199jS 199jS Nobby 10 01lt 5 113X003 113X00330Si2 30Si2 Goirgety SI 102 101 J5 1 I203 I203IiWKV IiWKV Piiikland SI 11O 101 4 HOJiOO HOJiOOlObOl lObOl Queen Slaeve SI 110 101 4 1100i0 1100i0I707 I707 Ed J 112 HA S linxtiSiO linxtiSiOlt lt Amazement 103 101 1 112XOS3 1 S24 Kathrvne Itoberts ItobertsSI SI 10R S3 S3iti20 iti20 EVO Sit loooso 15001 Believe Me SI 5 Ili7o Second Eace 5 12 Furlonss 4ycarolds and andTrack upward Sslliag Sslliag5S7 Track record ii ii185SS 5S7 i os J i r o 185SS Kitty Stantield 102 107 4 104 14 Noble Grand 115 107 1 i 114 114X720 l 3 Tempest 104 107 4 KM IOOX7in 123 Polls 10 108 8 1 104 04 X Tli lUt25 Dr Neilfer 11 107 lor 105X705 ItSlM Felina 10 i07fi 4 IDC litiX70r 1 S U Ey White 110 l0tfif 8 109 109X700 10925 Ra Prospect 107 105 4 10S Si95 I94S Ca t Lindsley 108 10755 5 109 109XC05 1J1SCS Ev Padwick 107 107 7 103 GU5 10948 Re ards 112 1OS 0 105 105XIKK 1092C Cl id Chief 5 105X1590 19SG7 Ell 4 109 GOO Third Eace 1 Mile MileSyearolds Syearolds and upward Soiling SoilingTrack Track record iJ724 1 o X 102 102lK lK 2l i Commendation 10S 140 7 100X725 100X7251S7 1S7 Hester 100 1 4 105X720 19950 = 1 a dy Mint 102 1 G 9SX720 9SX7201JK10 1JK10 Flying Kil 1 S 105X715 11102 IVtit Bleu 90 140 3 81X710 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 15050 Thomas Hare 10510 4 102 710 199253 Stolen Ante 01 118 01X70 10921 Henry Walbank M01S 7103X703 10902 Smiling Slag 00 141 S9700 S9700lOSSli lOSSli Slarshal Tilghman107 1 SO 5110X700 5110X700Fourth Fourth Eacc 78 Mile Mileyearolds yearolds and upward Handicap HandicapTrack Track record 1B112 l2f 3 110 110lOSSI lOSSI John Reardon 109 1J5 S 122X723 122X72319SS3 19SS3 Rash 1151M 7 7115X720 11CXT20 19940 Manganese 1O 1 50 4 02X720 4 107Q720 10731 Miss Fielder O l2oVr 9 71 715 r 19903 Hard Rail 105 l24 f 4 100X715 100X715i 10003 Pontefract 103 123 i 07X71310KK2 97X715 10KK2 Kittie Slay o 90 710 710Fifth Fifth Eace 58 Mile MileByearolds Byearolds Selling SellingTrack Track record IKIS r7 3 120 12019881s 19881s John Spohn 103105 07X723 10904 Sniders Best 107 101 104 720 1090 Slake Good 101 101 100X715 10122 = Rag o 101 100 715 715lOSiil lOSiil Vesta 101 100 100X715 100X71510C45 10C45 SIiss Lewiston 111 105 05X710 19922 Charity Ward 90 50 105 710 71010SS1 10SS1 Rreezer Ill 101 102X705 102X70510S2S 10S2S Ida Piuack Htt lOlJf 107 700 700Sixth Sixth Eacc 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsSyearolds Syearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record iU87 10 150 10901 Ynba 110 105 1OC10S S 112 725 VKKKi Fjifner 10S 1 J Azurea 10S 10Sl0 l Wi i 510 510s s Marsand 10S1X 711 5 fty Hoywood 1 1O 1 MPA Jill 5 Big Lumax 100 10 4 it 8 Tight I5ov 97 105 5 11 11G G SHss Chaucer 110 108 4 10 4 l loc oc Alletr 112 1O5 12 11 5 Augustus Ileinze 104 107 4 10 108X095 4 Hinata H5 105 4 1C 1CSeventh 100 090 Seventh Sace 1 Mile yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record i724 1 SS IS 102 MAEY EMILY 97 1 5 105X725 Melts 108 ltS 7 110X715 MeltsUtah Utah Street 109 0 1050715 rrince Conrad 110 I H 105X715 Singletoe 90 1 IO B 00X710 ISlack Mate 105 11 100X710 Sharper Knight 107 17J 5 105 710 19904 = Concha 09 710 Spindle Swede Sam