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THOMAS WELSH IS HEARD FROM FROMNew New York April 10 Tom Welsh one of the hostknown trainers of horses on this side of the Atlantic and who at present is in France look ¬ ing after a string of horses belonging to American owners in it recent communication to Androv Miller says in an emphatic way that there will not be a race run in France until svery German has been driven back Into his own country countryWelsh Welsh is within thirty miles r the firing line being located on the Chantilly course We can hear the guns rattling every minut says Welsh and him gotten so qsed to them that we get lonesome when hey are silent in fact I cant sleep unless I got one of Ihe stable help to throw bricks at the wall of my house and beat the doors with i bale stick every few minutes But we are pretty comfortable The horses art getting enough to oat and there has been but little rise in the price of commodities so we cannot com ¬ plain much muchAfter After commenting upon the nice string of horses he has in hand he laments that he will not hi over here this year to mix up with the horsemen He also regrets that both De Coursey Forbes and W A ChanliT are ill and not likely to be seen around for some time timeWelsh Welsh apparently Keeps in close touch with do Ing in this country and is pleased to hear that the prospects are bright for a good racing season and that the folk on this side of the Atlantic are gradually taking a broader view of horse racing and things in general generalWelsh Welsh has said nothing alM nt his paying us a visit said Mr Miller but Ill hot a bottle of Koamer that he would he tickled to pass a month with us in Saratoga and I am sure all the knights of the round table would lie glad to entertain him I shall write him to that effect and maybe if there is no racing in France he may decide to drop in 011 us in August