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ADVOCATES PARIMUTUELS IN ENGLAND ENGLANDThe The Bloodstock II says wonders would be accomplished with 00il40i per annum allocated to horse breeding in the Culled Kingdom and then adds that the whole of the money required could be obtained bv legalisation of the pariinntuel form of betting it quotes the totalisator turnover in flu Transvaal and then continues continuesThe The results obtained from the nnrimutnel in France will perhaps serve as a surer guide as to what would happen if this syston of bettin adopted in the Lnited Kingdom It was in 1S 1 that the law suppressing bookmakers was brought into operation In France Thai year the turnover at flit parimutuels amounted to 20021M Klght years later it had risen to rllr tiir in 15107 it was r ttO000 We are not at the moment able to put our hand on the ligurcs for more recent years but those we have given will serve our pur pos very well It i we take It a reasonable assumption that if the totalisator was adopted in this country the money passing through It annually would make a total at least equal to that shown lit the French statistics Suppose for the sake of argument it is 7 fn0ftlMI the deduction of a i per cent commission would yield 7r OO 00 If 100000 was devoted lo horsebreeding purchase of stallions and other cognate enterprises the re ¬ maining half million would be available for working expenses which would necessarily be rather heavv and such other purposes as Ihe authorities might think fit fitThis This is not a chimera it is stern practieal ainl sensible politics The sanctioning of the tolalisator would not involve Parliament in the adoption of a new principle because the legislature has spec ifleially and not merely tacitly authorized betting on our racecouifis In New Zealand the lotalisator holds the tield and yields a big revenue mainly devoted to the improvement of racing and so In ¬ directly benefiting horse breeding We believe the machine is also In operation in South Australia Two years ago its adoption in Victoria was under consideration The idea was dropped but in lhar Stale and in New South Wales the bookmakers ar licensed by the racing clubs and the dues they have to pay yield a big sum On South American race courses all hotting is done hroiigh the pari miltuel hence the splendid prominmi paid there to horsesWe the owners and breeders of winning horses We commend these facts to the attention of members of Parliament and to those who can bring Inlluonco to bear on our legislators con vim ed as we are that they point lo thp ninxt effective way of putting horse brooding In the Initcd Kingdom on a thoroughly satisfactory foun ¬ dation