Connaught Park Stake List., Daily Racing Form, 1915-04-18


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CONNAUGHT PARK STAKE LIST Ottawa out April u Tim strike program of the Conminglit Park Jockey Club for the spring meeting June It to will consist of tin follow ¬ ing events eventsDuke Duke of Coimauglit Cup a handicap for Canadian owned threoy carob Is and over flOiO added ami a Challenge Cup presented by the Duke of Connuught one mile to be run June 1C 1CSofton Softon Handicap for threeyearolds and over s of a mile to be Ottawa Klectric Railwav Slakes for twoyear old flOflft added live eighths of a mile to be run June 21 21Chateau Chateau Lnnrler Hotel Hainlicap for threeycar olds and over flOOO added one and onesixteenth miles to be run June U

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Local Identifier: drf1915041801_1_6
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