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METROPOLITAN JOCKEY CLUB CLUBRace Race Course Jamaica South Queens Long Island N Y Office 405 Lexington Avc New York N Y Y1J15 1J15 SUMMER MEETING 1115 1115THURSDAY THURSDAY JUNE 10 TO FRIDAY JUNE 25 25STAKES STAKES CLOSING TUESDAY APRIL 20 1915 1915EXCELSIOR 52500FOR EXCELSIOR HANDICAP OF 52500 FOR TIIKKEYEAltOLDS AND UPWARD ly subscription of if r each Starters to pay 50 addi addillonal llonal Guaranteed tir h value f 500 of which 350 to the seconil and 150 to the tliird Weights to IHJ IHJannounced announced live lays before the race Winners after the announcement of the weights to carry 5 Ibs extra One Mile and a Sixteenth SixteenthKINGS KINGS COUNTY HANDICAP 1500 ADDED ADDEDFOR FOR THIlEFrYBAKOLIS AND UPWARD Iy subscription of M eacli Starters to pay 5 addi ¬ tional with fUOOO added of which 250 to the second and 150 to the third Weights to be announced ive days befure the race Winners after the announcement of the weights to carry 5 Ibs extra extraOne One Mile and a Sixteenth LONG BEACH HANDICAP 1500 ADDED ADDEDFVJR FVJR TIIREEYEAltOLDS AND VI1 WARD Iy subscription of JJ25 each Starters to pay 5 addi ¬ tional with 1500 added of which 250 to the second and 150 to the third Weights to be announced live days before the race Winners after the announcement of the weights to carry Ibs extra extraOne One Mile and a Furlong PAUMONOK HANDICAP OF 2000 2000FOR FOR THREEYEAROLDS AND UPWARD Hv subscription of L5 each Starters to pay 5 addi ¬ tional Guaranteed cash value 2000 of which to the second and 150 to the third Weights to bo announced live days before the race Winners after the announcement of the weights to carry 5 Ibs extra extraSix Six Furlongs GARDEN FurlongsGARDEN CITY SELLING STAKES 1000 GUARANTEED GUARANTEEDFOR FOR THREEYEAROLDS AND UPWARD I5y subscription of 10 each Starters to pay 1 addi ¬ tional Guaranteed cash value 1000 of which 200 to the second and 100 to the third The winner to IM sold at auction for L500 If for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 down to 500 Selling price to lie stated through the entry box by the hour of closing of entries on the day preceding the race raceOne SixteenthNEWTOWN One Mile and a Sixteenth NEWTOWN SELLING STAKES 1000 GUARANTEED GUARANTEEDFOR FOR THREEYEAROLDS AND UPWARD 15y subscription of 10 each Starters to pay 15 addi ¬ tional Guaranteed cash value 1000 of which 200 to the second and 100 to the third The winner to IK sold at auction for 5 0 If for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 down to 500 Selling price to be stated through the entry box by the hour FurlongsSOUTHAMPTON of closing of entries on the day preceding the race Six Furlongs SOUTHAMPTON HANDICAP 1500 ADDED ADDEDFOR FOR THREEYEAROLDS Uy subscription of 25 each Starters to pay 0 additional with 1500 added of which 0 to the second and 150 to the tliird Weights to be announced live days before Hit race Winners after the announcement SixteenthYOUTHFUL of the weights to carry 5 Ibs extra One Mile and a Sixteenth YOUTHFUL STAKES OF 2000 2000FOR FOR TWOYEAROLDS Iy subscription of 25 each Starters to pay iO additional Guaranteed cash value 2000 of which 00 to the second and 150 to the third Weights 7 Ibs below the scale Winners of two races of the value of 1400 each or one of 1710 to carry Ibs extra of two of 1750 each or one of 2500 5 Ibs extra Nonwinners of 1750 or two races of the value of 1000 each al ¬ lowed 1 Ibs of one of SlaoO 7 Ibs of one of 700 10 Ibs madens 11 Ibs Five and a Half Furlonzs FurlonzsROSEDALE ROSEDALE STAKES OF 2000 2000FOR FOR FILLIES TWO YEARS OLD Iy subscription of 21 each Starlers to pay 10 additional Guar ireed cash value 2000 of which 00 to the second and 150 to the third Weights 5 Ibs below the scale Winners of two races of the value of 1400 each or one of 2000 to carrv Ibs extra Non win uors of 1750 or two races of the value of 1000 each allowed 1 Ibs of one of 1350 7 Ibs of one of 7UO 10 Ibs maidens 15 Ibs Five Furlongs GREENFIELD FurlongsGREENFIELD SELLING STAKES 51000 Guaranteed For twoyearolds Five and a Half Furlongs SUFFOLK SELLING FurlongsFor STAKES 1000 Guaranteed For twoyearolds Five and a Half Furlongs For Entry Blanks Address WALTER C EDWARDS Racing Secretary Secretary4O5 4O5 Lexington Avenue New York City