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INTERESTING CONTRIBUTION xROM CANADA Two thoughts are impressed on a vfcitur to the Valley Farm at Hamilton on such a morning as tne writer was there last week The song sparrows in the hedges the kildees calling across the fields the sweet soft wind from the south and the touch of spring in tlie air all make one who spends much time in the ci and crowds feel that the lines of a trainer are frequently cast in pleasant place And I again there Is the feeling that those whose knowl edge of racing I confined to seeing the horses run have not the fn Infest conception of the loiig and onerous process of preparing them for their public trials nor of the burden of responsibility and anxi ¬ ety that the trainer carries In the long Intervals xtween tlie brief public appearances of his charges Only such as have experienced it can adequately comprehend the disappointment of long cherished lopes and the failure of the highest anticipations lust at the time When the carefully tended fruit seems ripe to be plucked Today he looks on a set of hbrses full of possibilities and tomorrow his hopes have vanished Fortunately there is a bal ance wheel in the optimism that pervades the turf where everyone hopes for better luck next time and turns to the future with unfailing faith that his number is sure to come up in time Trainer Ed Whyle a veteran In the service of the brown and yellow jacket who l egin by riding the pony Dusty at the old Central Fair a forgotten Hamilton Institution has sixteen head in various stages of preparation on the farm track all but two lif which will probably constitute the string which he will move to Woodbine about the beginning of May There are no hardy warriors In the lot the oldest being only four years and all but live are home bred They show a ood winters care and are as far advanced in their tralnln as wanted Privet Petal is an improved horse in appearance and dis l ositlon and he was a good looking specimen last year The Platers are four and three of them all owned by Hon J S Ilendrie were winners last year SphTtters two victories Included one defeat of Lady Curzoii which is the way the Platers are being measured this spring Red FJre the only maiden is owned by Mr Geo M Hlendrie and did not run last year He Is a good colt and If he trains sound may continue the sequences of Plate winners to the third generation His mother Shi monese won the Guineas and so did her mother Lyddite The twoyearolds Fair Orient Attraction Leo fric and Vosges were bought in thi United States and Privet Petal js a iiroduction of Mrs L A Livingstons farm but all tliu others were bred nt home The full list of horses in training for his Honor the Lieutenant Governor is isPrivate Private Petal b g 4 by Armeath II Pagoda Slipper PagodaSlipper Day br f 4 by Martimas Blue Grouse GrouseoSplutter oSplutter ch g 3 by Marthhas Splash SplashoLast oLast Spark ch g 3 by Martimas Flicker FlickeroJbhii oJbhii Pee ch g 3 by Martimas The Llntle Llntleo o xlted Fire b g 3 by Red Fox II Sliimouese SliimouesexOdds xOdds On br f 3 by Martimas Otsiketa OtsiketaxOkahagan xOkahagan br g 2 liy Mnrtimas Otsiketa OtsiketaxFair xFair Orient ch 2 by Fair Play Orienta OrientaGood Good Shot ch f 2 by Martimas Percussion PercussionScotch Scotch Grouse br f 2 by David Garrick Blue Grouse GrouseAttraction Attraction b g 2 by Star Ruby Muriel MurielLeofric Leofric ch g 2 bv ireno Lady Godlva GodlvaVosges Vosges ch f 2 by The ommoner Mountain Mist MistWaterdown Waterdown ch g 2 by Martimas Rush water waterJohn John Harris b g 2 by Harvey Placena PlacenaoKings oKings Platers xProperty of Gco M Ilendrie IlendrieThe The last named two will probably not leave the farm this spring but will be taken up later In the season AVatcrdowii formerly called Stopcock has been described In a recent list of the Valley Farm horses as a bay but that could not l e so since both his parents are chestnuts and the mating of two colorTankard chestnuts never produces any other color Tankard and Rockspring are two of last years racing string that are not included in this lot an1 their fortunes are now differently disposed Rock spring went to the battle tiehls of France as a charger for Lieut Ian Ilendrie his owners son who is with tlie artillery section of the fighting forces across the sea Tankard was sold to Harry Mac dona Id and will be seen in action under new colors on the track this summer summerWhile While the strains of blood long associated with the operations and successes of the Valley Farm products are still well represented by such mares as Kelpie The LIntie Sampan and Spririgwells there Js a strong infusion of new lines among the dams in addition 10 the acquisition of diaries Edward as a stock horse Eleven f als are reiwrted up to date and only four are colts the high percentage of fillies being on a par with that reported front both Waterloo and Barrie where Messrs Seagram and Dyment are carrying on their breeding farms The mares and there progeny are as follows followsThe The Lintie by Gold Car Pee Weep chestnut filly by Charles Edward EdwardJane Jane Shore by Pershore Martyrdom bay filly by Charles Edward EdwardSliimouese Sliimouese by Martimas Lyddite chestnut coltv by Charles Edward Blue Grouse by Tithouus The Dove chestnut IHIy by Martimas MartimasMoki Moki Land by Slelpner Joss chestnut filly by Mart linns Fiicker by Martimas Spark chestnut filly by Charles Edward EdwardAnthem Anthem by Flotow St Cypria chestnut colt by Charles Edward EdwardSampan Sampan by Harvey Omeo chestnut filly by Martimas MartimasRush Rush water by The Commoner Spring wells chest ¬ nut lllly by Charles Edward EdwardSally Sally Cohen by Star Shoot Afric Queen chest ¬ nut HarveyKelpie colt by Harvey Kelpie by Martimas Pee Wuep bred to Charles Edward EdwardPJlTle PJlTle by Ildrim Perception bred to Charles Edward EdwardSpringwells Springwells by Derwontwater Noblesse chest ¬ nut colt by Charles Edward EdwardPlacena Placena by Loyalist Arnilel bred to Charles Edward EdwardThe The yearling list includes besides those by the farm stallions two b Voter from mares purchased abroad six of tho youngsters being owned by Mr Georgo M Ilcndrlc and the others by Hon J Si Ilendrie They are as follows followsAmbassador Ambassador AmbrosineOutlaw br c by Voter Ambrosine Outlaw ch c by Martimas Otsiketa OtsiketaBanyan Banyan SampanSaint ch f by Martimas Sampan RushwaterGood Saint Ste Marie ch f by Martimas Rushwater Good StoryGloria Words ch c by Martimas Sweet Story Gloria ch f by Voter Anthem AnthemPioneer Pioneer b c by Martlinas = Placena PlacenaShore Shore Acres br f by Martimas Jane Shore Corby ShoreCorby ch c by 3Iartlmas Blue Grouse GrouseLone Lone Land ch by Martlmas Moki Land LandBorder Border CohenllilUipring Reiver ch c by Martimas Sally Cohen SpringwellsHornet llilUipring ch c by Harvey Springwells Hornet b c by Charles Edward Shoo Fly FlyAmong Among the sires at the Valley Farm Charles Ed ¬ ward has replaced the Hanover horse David Gar rick which joined Strathspey and Big Sandy in the obscurity that is tin rtion of the failure David was a well bred horse and a race performer of the highest class but he has left nothing at the Valley Farm to his credit oxceptthe good looking and smart twoyearold Scotcli Grouse 11 half sister to Slipper Day Most people will ln inclined to attribute her merit to her dam rather than to her sire Charles Edward Is a fine specimen of the thoroughbred horse and possesses an amount of sub stance that will recommend him as one calculated to Improve the breed all around He is only eleven yeqrs old and the few of his progeny that have been trained have shown racing ability Ills own career on the course was one of unusual bril ¬ liancy He beat Surierman as a twoyearold Jack Atkiri at six furlongs Rosebeii at a mile Dinna Kuii and Kentucky Beau at a mile and a furlong and Frank Gill at a mile and a half lie won the Brighton mile in 137 beating Ballot Dr GanN ner Electioneer and Nealon When he won the Irelghton Derby he ran the mile and a half in 230 so that he has accomplished pretty nearly eventhing thut could be asked against both time and good horses horsesThe The other stallions Marlimas and Harvey have spent all their racing and stud careers as Valley Farm representatives Both were horses of grei merit on the course and tho former with much the better opponinltles it must be admitted has sent out a creditable number and quality of racing per ¬ formers Martimas of course is a son of the Her ¬ mit horse Candlemas a brother to St Blaise Ik won at two three Jour and five years old and his earning amounted to more than 5000 llnrvuy is by Illmyar and trainer Whyle always regarded him as one f the best horses that IKS cver had to deal with Frances Nelson in Toronto Globe t lories and the allies warships warshipsTho Tho Luxemburg legation which1 still maintains diplomatic relations with the French foreign oillco made public a statement that the government of the grand duchy has protested energetically and continues to protest against the violation of tliat s states neutrality by Germany The grand duchy was invaded by German troops Immediately after the start of lie war It is understood Germany has paid for some of the damage done to the c country countryThat That tho American note to China insisting HIWH the preservation of all treaty rights now existing between the United States and that country has materially stiffened Chinas backbone in the negotia ¬ tions I with Jtiiiah is the general opinion ntr Wash ¬ ington Notwithstanding the fact that the Japanese demands were discussed openly In the British parlia ¬ ment the American administration continued its policy of silence with resiwct to Its attitude towards them themReports Reports received at Home from Austria say that 1 tho dual monarchy is hurriedly gathering troops on the Italian frontier to face a possible invasion by I Italian soldiers A large contingent of Aus I trlan troops the reports say have IHCII quartered at Mbnfalcone Rnnchi iind Sagrado Tho Aus 1 trlans also are said to have strongly fortified the whole line of the Isonzo river with intrenchmeiits behind I which batteries already are In poslton posltoniRy iRy a vote of seventytwo to thirty the Minnesota 1 house of representatives renassod the AfoellerLon i iion bill legalizing tenround nodecision boxing i matches in Minneapolis St Paul and Duliith after concurring in two amendments made in the senate i One of the amendments accepted would prohibit more than twelve bouts in any one of the three cities in one yeir The tileasure now goes to the i governor governorTarnow Tarnow an important Gallcian town fortyfive miles east of Cracow which vn lost by the Aui trians several mouths ago has IHHII evacuated by the Russians according t dispatches from Vienna These advices state that all the Russian troops were withdrawn several duys ago to avoid the eflVcts of the heavy lire of Mislrlau artillery The Russians still hold positons east if Tarnow In view of the wide range of prices charged In various sections of Berlin a maximum bread price of 4 cents a pound was established yester ¬ day Bakeries in the poorer quarters of the city alremly nre selling bread at a trille below this i and it is thought tlmt with the reduction In tho price of Hour anUoiiiKcd for April 20 tho price of breiid wJILtfostill lower lowerGerman German and Swiss newspapers yny that Kmperor William has ordered much larger dirigibles con ¬ structed Two of the new aircraft the newspapers assert are to be finished each mnnt Count Xeppelln has arrived at Friedrlclishafen to super ¬ vise the execution of the new order the object of which Is organized raids against Paris mid London LondonJack Jack Johnson former pugilistic champion aiid his wife sailed from Havana fir Spain nil thu steamer Alaria Crlstina From Spain JolitiN ii In ¬ tends to proceed to England Itliougll he has no passport Johnson says he expects to experience no trouble He says he will return d Havana lu Jane and open a gymnasium gymnasiumThe The Russians continue to add important heights on the west slope of the Carpathians to their positons despite the defenses of the Austrian and German forces There are no developments in the line of the enemy which can menace the general advance when the weather and the travel permits Petrdgrjid claims claimsThrough Through Walter nines Page the American am ¬ bassador the British foreign ollice sent a protest to Washington to be forwarded to Berlin denoitne ing the retalitory steps Germany has taken against thirtynine British officers as a result of the special treatment accorded thirtynine submarine prisoners In England EnglandAll All Italian steamers engaged In transAtlantic trallic have Keen notified not to sail for America until special permission is granted by thi nilidstry of marine They will be used as troop transports If Italy enters the war warTin Tin young Egyptian merchant named Khntil who on April S made an unsuccessful attempt in Carlo to assassinate Hiissen Kninel the sultan of Egypt wan yesterday sentenced by a military court to denth by hanging hangingInstead Instead of then Ining n break between Itnly and AustriaHungary Prince von Buelow sulil tlint he thought the negotiations connected with his mission here wore proceeding satisfactorily satisfactorilyA A bill providing fir county local localoption option In Penn ¬ sylvania was jlefcated in the lower branch t f the figislatnrp 78 to 12 Guadalajara has been captured by the Carranza forces according to report