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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY The railways from Germany into Belgium are crowded with troop trains filled with young vig ¬ orous and finely equipped Germans and Austrians who are literally being poured toward the western front All passenger traffic has been stopped aiid to shield as much as possible the nature of the armys activities the German general stalT has withdrawn the guards from the Dutch border and replaced them with a heavy screen of cavalry We are certainly telegraphs one correspondent on the eve of a great battle in Flanders probably upon the eve of an unequalcd campaign The allies hare prepared to meet the crisis The British force in France which at the beginning of the war consisted of six divisions lias been Increased to more than thirtysix divisions or roughly speaking 750000 meu according to a statement made by David LloydGeorge chancellor of the exchequer in tho house of commons The chancellor added that the place of every man who had fallen In battle had been filled and that the army was adequately equipped But lie reiterated the need for a greater supply of munitions declaring that during tho battle of Nciive Chapelle more ammunition was used than in the whole of the South African war which lasted nearly three years yearsPolite Polite but unmistakable exception to the German governments criticisms of the foreign policies of the United States is given in the reply which the administration made to the memorandum submitted by Count von Bernstoff the German ambassador The reply is a comprehensive denial of the allega ¬ tions and rejection of the suggestions put forth by the Berlin government in the Von Bcrnstorff memorandum It flatly denies that the United States has yielded any of its rights or otherwise acquiesced in British interference with legitimate American trade with Germany It contends that It would be an inmcutral act to prohibit exporta ¬ tion of arms for the reason that such an embargo would be a discrimination in favor of the Germans who cannot obtain American supplies and against the allies whose control of the seas enables them to trade with the United States StatesHill Hill No 00 dominating an area southeast of Ypres continues M be the storm center of the western front with the iBritish clinging tena ¬ ciously to the ground taken by assault last Satur ay Counter attack after counter attack has been o far repulsed but the British hold is still dis ¬ puted by the German and the end of the livoljr and costly lighting is not yet in sight The British losses have not been announced but they are es ¬ timated at well over the 2000 figure The Ger ¬ mans are believed to have lost more than 4000 men The French drive in the direction of St Mibiel is about tho only other significant move in the west westFortytwo Fortytwo Turkish vessels have been imuk or cap ¬ tured by the Russian fleet in the Black Sea the Russian admiralty announced Most of these ships were carrying food supplio for Contantinople Ten of these vessels wore sent to the l ottom oft hi Anatolian coast on April IS and 19 by Russian torpedo boats These ships had on board a con ¬ siderable quantity of arms and ammunition In a short time according to the admiralty the Black Sea will be cleared of all Turkish ships shipsSecretary Secretary Bryan stated that lie regarded as a closed incident the matter of the protest made by the British govcrmeiit to the United States against the cleaning of the bottom of the bull of the German auxilliary cruiser Iriuz Eitel Fricdrlcli at Newport News The same course that was adopted with respect to the Prinz Eitel Friodrich bas been followed in the case of tile German auxiliary cruiser Kronprinz Willielin No protest has been made by the British government against this latter inci dent dentA A report readied Rome from Pctrograd yesterday that Italy had sent a note to Austria which virtu ¬ ally amounted to an ultimatum The not is said to embody the minimum terms iipmi which Italy will consent to conclude an agreement with Aus ¬ tria General opinion in Rome is that an agree ¬ ment may still be readied Nevertheless military preparations are being continued with the greatest energy along the frontier where Austria Is con ¬ centrating troops troopsDispatches Dispatches from Vera Cruz to tho Curranza agency at Washington said General Obregon had reached a point twelve miles north of Irapuatn and was pursuing Villa with an army of 40000 in ¬ cluding General Merguis command General Dieguez the dispatch said bad taken Guadala ¬ jara and would act as Obrogons rear guard Villa losses at Celava were estimated at 0000 killed and 5000 missing missingBritish British submarines which bad entered Heligo ¬ land bight were attacked on April 17 by German ships one and probably others of the umlerwator rraft being sunk the German admiralty announced It was nnibably the intention of the submarines to attack the German lleet at Heligoland Tills is the lirst reported activity of British submarines ii this locality It is not yot known how they es ¬ caped the German mine fields fieldsThe The Russian advance in the Carpathians has now apparently come to a full stop for reports from that region sjveak only of attempted attacks which wore repulsed both In the mountains and in the direction of Stry The AustroGcrmans have made an outflanking effort to support this latter move ¬ ment It is stated from neutral sources that the Austrians have virtually evacuated Bukowlua BukowluaAll All German and Austrian subjects in Switzer ¬ land even those who never did military service have been recalled by their governments governmentsThe The fortifications of Smyrna wore bombarded by n squadron of seven British and French aviators Tuesday according to a dispatch from Mitylenc Eighteen bombs were dropped droppedAnother Another bumper Kansas wheat crop in 191 was predicted bv J C Mohler secretary of the Kansas state board of agriculture The condition of the 191 crop bo estimates at 92S per rent on a total acreage of S5Si300 year ago the crop estimate was 905 per cent on an 8550000 acre ¬ age ageThe The trawler Fusehla arrived at Alwrdeen Scot ¬ land with the crow of the trawler Eiivov and re ¬ ported that the Envoy had been shelled by a Gor ¬ man submarine Wednesday night off the oast const Tho uiPii on the Envoy left their ship in n small boat which they sjy also was shelled by tln sub ¬ marine No one was injured injuredYesterdays Yesterdays iRnsehnll Results American League Chicago 5 St Louis 4 Washington 5 Now York 1 Detroit 5 Cleveland 3 Boston 7 Philadelphia 0 National League Brooklyn 0 New York 4 PUUad lpblu S Boston 4 Pittsburgh S Clneinuatt 2 Federal League Newark 3 Brooklyn 0 Buf ¬ falo 3 Baltimore 0 0The The declaration was made at Turin by former Premier Giovanni Giolltti of Italy that bo does not consider that negotiations between Italy and Austria have failed as yet and therefore does not believe Italys intervention in the war is imminent imminentAttorneys Attorneys for Leo M Frank filed a petition with Governor Slatoir and tho Georgia prirou com ¬ mission that the sentence of death imposed upon Frank for the murder of Mary Iliagan he com ¬ muted to life imprisonment