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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY It is reported that Russian expeditionary forces are to aid the western allies in their campaign against Constantinople Troops are l eing coucen t rated at Odessa whence they will IM taken to the eastern coat of Turkey to effect a landing under protection of the Russian licet Emperor Nicholas has gone to Odessa to review these troops before their departure Annouucenient Is made that the Czar has arrived at Odessa and it is believed that the expedition will sail within a few days Rus ¬ sian transports and Black sea steamers have been i assembled at Odessa to convey the troops to Turkey The recent I ombardmcnt of the Bosphorus forts was 5 explained as a move to prevent the egress of the i Turkish fleet into the Black sea The Ottoman warships were driven back toward Constantinople under the lire directed against the lloxpkorons anil Russian torpedo boats are lying off the straits to attack any warships that emerge It Is declared at the admiralty that the Turkish licet has been com ¬ pletely bottled up In the meantime three flotillas of Russian destroyers are scouring the Black sea in search of Turkish merchant ships A dispatch from Odessa states that during the operations of the last week off the Anatolian coast twentyeight Turkish ships were sunk by the destroyers Four of these were steamers To weaken Turkey further and prevent troops being sent from the Caucasus front to aid the Ottoman forces in Europe the Rus ¬ sians have opened a sharp offensive iu the Cnu casus casusThe The latest official report from Petrograd sayp German elements displayed intense activity yester ¬ day Iu the direction of Tilsit Chavli and Turborg on the upper Niemen Wast of the Nleinen on the Czeszuppe River there were collisions which ended in our favor Near Kalwarya and Ossowetz Rus ¬ sian Poland there was an artillery duel North of the Narew river the Germans on the 7th attacked on l bth Hanks of the Orzyo river West of the Mlawa railway we also repulsed attempts by the Germans in advance In the Carpathians in the region of Ussok Pass we repulsed on the 20th and during the following night attacks which the Aus ¬ trian delivered with great energy and also against the heights northeast of the villages of Lubnla and Butla The Anstrians suffered heavy losses on our Wire entanglements In the direction of Stryi desr prrato engagements continue In the regions south of Koziowa the Anstrians on the 20th attempted an assault against our front of KoziowaGolovetzky but we repulsed them with bayonet charges chargesWhile While Turkey continues to assert that the allied have been repulsed at various points with heavy losses and Berlin reports that 8000 French and British soldiers have been driven to the sea and tlnit 12000 have been captured the British war blllce has issued a statement declaring that in the fiicu of continual opposition the allied troops have established themselves across the end of tins Galli poli iMOininsnia It tells of wire entanglements under the sea as well as on land and deep pits with spikes at the bottom which the Turks had prepared to hamper the landing hut adds that not ¬ withstanding these obstacles the operations of the allies have been successful and they are making a steady advance advanceIn In London Hie following dispatch lias been re cieved by the Telegraph Exchange Company The British force landed on the European coast of tbo Dardanelles Jias been Intrusted solely with the mission of occupying the Gallipoli pcnriinsula which is defended by 00000 Turks The French force lias been landed entirely on tho Asiatic coast with thft object of advancing along the litteral to keep pace with the progress made by the British on the opposite coast The bombardment of the straits was resumed Tuesday and lasted twelve hours Tt was directed particularly at the KiildBahv forts The land operations are taking their place at the forefront of the campaign campaignThe The Rockefeller foundation war relief commission made public in New York yesterday a report on destitution and disense iu Serbia in which it is stated that on Alarch 10 probably 25000 to SO 000 persons werp suffering from typhus in Serbia and that this and other epidemics were swiftly en ¬ veloping the entire natioli The report was transmitted from Berlin Neither the Serbian gov ¬ ernment absorbed iu war nor the people them selves were able to control the situation which the commission described as not oulv a menace to the health of the Serbian people but of the whole world worldAn An Athens dispatch of yesterday says Turkish regulars have been defeated with heavy losses and an entire Turkish battalion of 1000 men has been captured in a battle between the Turks and a liritish landing party which took possession of the coast along the Gulf of Souvli twentyfive miles from ScddelBahr on the Gallipoli Pennin sula Advices reiching here say that the battle commenced early Wednesday and lasted until long after nightful The British were assisted In their landing operations by warships warshipsRegarding Regarding tho situation in the Carpathians an official statement from Vienna says The general situation is unchanged In the Carpathians and in Russian Poland Isolated heavy artillery combats are reported Our artillery blew tip two Russian am munition depots Night attacks by the enemy in the district east of Ostry Heights were repulsed In South and West Galicia and in Bukowina no important events have occurred occurredA A Washington report says that President Wilson has interceded with Czar Nicholas in behalf of an amelioration of the condition of Austrian prisoners of war in the Siberian detention camps The pres Ident has asked the czar to permit American dip ¬ lomatic and consular ollicers to forward and dis ¬ tribute food clothing and money from the Aus ¬ trian government to the prison campsj campsjFood Food and clothing to the value of 49174518 had been sent by the commission for relief iu Bel glum in the commissioners ships to Rotterdam and distributed throughout Relgium up to April according to the commissions report given oitt in New York The total of food and clothing already shipped and arranged for shipment is CS80S2 tons the statement stys stysCapt Capt William Shepard Benson commandant at the Philadelphia navy yard will be appointed by Secretary Daniels as chief of bureau of naval operations iu other words to IK the active head of the navy Capt Benson has served with dis tinction in the navy having been a member of the famous Greely relief expedition in 1SS3