Sixth Race [6th Lexington, Daily Racing Form, 1915-04-30

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SIXTH B ACE 1 18 Miles 4yearolds and upward Selling 05003 151 if 3 110 BUCK KEENON ch c 4 Bv Stalwart Indolent P M Ciyill 10091 Lcxgton itn7iHl44fast 03 111 10 10 10 S 05J T McTagUO Slecth Consoler Gold Color ColorOOGC OOGC Lexgtbn Im70yl45 good2920 111 4 4 4 L rider W Wartonll Transit lti iiiiraio Wryneck 15739 Empire 1 18 104 fast 12 102 5 6 C 6 6s J McCabe G Be Keno Paton Paton15G21 15G21 Empire 1 14 2097sgood 12 105 9 6 5 5 Cl 5l J McCabe 9 Fylns Feet Disparity Tay Pay 15517 Empire 1 18 l55islow 8 102 G 5 5 4 3J 3 W W Tlor C Fly Feet Tay Pay SandStrlpes 15491 Empire 1 141 fast 8 111 7 777 7 7 7 7 715 C Turner 7 Bac Louise Travers Helen M 10187 Latonia 1 316 l59fast 91 9S 8 8 8 Gi 5 G W Carll 8 Be Verenn Transportation 15128 Latonla ImTOy lWfnsjt 10 101 5 G C 6 5 ° W W Tlor G Star Actress Flying Feet Ymlr 15029 Latonla 1 11G l43fast C310 102 7 7 7 714M78 G1 Connelly S Star Actress Bac Re 14M78 Lalonia 1 11G l4Cfast 15 100 G G G 2i 1 W W Tlor i Bnc Flying Feet Star ORyan 14809 Latonla 1 1S 152 fast 12 92 2 3 3 4 3s A Mott 4 Flying Feet Strong P Callaway 14053 Douglas 1 1S l51fast 306 93 5 4 4 3l 3 A Mott B Verena Reno White Wool GOLDY cb g i i199S3 By Nasturtum Gold Lady J M Shilling 199S3 Juarez 1 l37V fast S S199C6 110101010 10 10 101 K Shilling Hi Mud Sill Ringltng Kootenny 199C6 Juarez 1 1139 139 fast 2 2liS47 21 112 G 5 5 5 4 41 H Shilling 5 Beulah S Mud Sill Transact liS47 Juarez 1 13 13S fast 2 107 9 8 C 5 41 I2 Tt Shilling 9 MDulweber HardBall Waver 19810 Juarez 1 l39fast 2 2197G5 2 2 I4 R Shilling 7 Eck Davis First Star Barnard 197G5 Juarez 1 139 fast G 3 5U 51 K Shilling 9 Tony Koch Hard Ball Wavering 19747 Juarez 1 139 fast 2 3 4 35 W Ormes S Cordie F Canapa Clioctaw 197 Juarez 4 42 Il W Ormes la Hardy M Tilghman Kck Davis I9C90 Juarez 1 1S l55fast 21 103 543 543STICK 2 22 221 R Shilling V Hester Black Mate Wild Horse HorseBy I STICK PIN ch m 7 104 104I940G By McGee Scarf Pin B E Chapman I940G X Orlns 1 11C l47goqd S 10t5 3 1 1 1 2 1 J McTagrt S Reno Mary Ann K Marshon MarshonS Ii39fl NOrlns 1 11B l49hvy 13 HO S S 7 S 8 S2 E Earger 8 JLouise Marshon Earl of Savoy 19327 XOrlns 1 1S l33fast 5 310 2 2 2 2 21930S 2ii 2 W OBrien G Armor Trovato Holton 1930S NOrlns Im70y 143 fast 20 112 766 4 1 I W OBrien 9 Mallard J Louise L Spirltuelle 19270 NOrlns 34 114 fast 10 109 7 87 7 41 3 W OBrleiilO if Casca J Louise M Fannie I 33193 NOrlns 34 l17hvy 20 107 5 42 42IMISS 2 11 lij W Wartonll BlueJay TNightmare Hypatia IMISS NOrlns 1 116 l4Sfast 6 111 3222 3222190S3 2 4s 4S3 W Warton 9 High Class Coppertown Cogs 190S3 NOrlns 1 11G l4Gfast 10 103 7 5 G 3 51 5 F Cooper 7 CFGralnger JDeibold JStcn 18998 NOrlns Im20y 142 fast 3J 105 2122 2 2 i 32J E Pool 8 El Pato Holton Raveual 18970 NOrlris 34 l14fast 6 110J 5 C 5 5ARMOR 21 lb W Warton 8 El Pato Cogs Puck PuckBy ARMOR b h 5 104 By Batts Queen Lute J L Paul 0061 Levgton 34 115 slow 33 Ipu S 9 S 9 9 7 i J McTagtl2 Billy Joe Droll Salon 19406 NOrlns 1 116 l47gr od 4 103 7 4 4 4 4 51 OiJW Lilley S Stick Pin Reno Mary Ann K 19327 NOrlns 1 1S l53 ffast 5 103 1111 1 Ii I4 W Lilley G Stick Pin Trovato Holton 19274 NOrlns 1 116 l45fast 10 111 2 2 4 4 41919S 4s 4T5 F Keogh C Joe Deibohl Holtou E of Savoy 1919S N Orlns Im20y l43 hvy 8 107 C 5 4 4 41H126 42 42i W Lilley G Reno Joe Deiliold Servicence 1H126 NOrlns 34 l14slow 15 103 7 77 77ltS9 7 7i 7 1 W Lilley 8 Kate K E of Savoy Richwood ltS9 NOrlns Im20y 146 slop 10 111 2 2 2 4 4MARSHON 6i 61 Y LUley 9 Reno El Pato Delegate DelegateBy MARSHON b g 5 10G 10G19SOG By Marathon Edna Shannon M A Colton ColtonG 19SOG NOrlns 1 11G l47Stpod 6 1C S S S C C1OG G 4 4i E Ambrose S Stick Pin Reno Mary Ann K Kfi 1OG NOrlns 1 11 5 l49hvy 4 112 9 9 9 fi Consolern 1 11H367 31 2 ° E Ambrose 9 JIoui o EarlofSavoy Consoler 1H367 NOrlns 1 116 l4faKt S 105 1 5 G n 5 5 i E Ambrose G DnnMcrch MAnnK KofSavoy 19249 XOrlns 1 14 214hvy 35 108 2 3 3 I I1 1s C Turner 4 BillieBaker Frog L Van Zandt 19101 NOrlns 1 116 151 hvy 3 107 G 7 8 J 5 31 11 C Turner 9 Hoi Holton Ion Garnnaii Beau Pere Pere5l 19051 NOrlns Im20y l43 good 7 113 7 7 7 5l 553 C Turner S Holtou Reno El Pato 1S943 NOrlns Im20y l45hvy 1 113 S 7 7 1 1J C Turner 9 BuanPere CFGrngcr BBaker 1S891 NOrlns Im20y l41good 5 111 S 7 G 21 2 C Turner 8 GreatFriar FordMai Myccnne 1SS67 NOrlns Im70y l45fast 65 107 4 8 8 7 G 34 E Pool 9 Gal Boy Bean Pere Cassowary CassowaryS7irCharlen S7irCharlen Im70 150 slow 16r5 JIG 2 9 10 7 C1 3li C VanDunll LoKlrkaldy BPere Holton Holton1S70S 1S70S Charlen 1 116 152 hvy 135 103 888 7 G1 2 = F Murphy S Armor BanJoJlra EarlofSavoy STAR ORYAN ch g 7 106 By Oddfellow Rosinante 0 F Gaffney 0091 Lexsrton Im74yl44fast 10J 112 3 3 3 4 6si C Dishmonll Slooth Consoler Gold Color Color37C51 37C51 Douclas 1 116 l47fast 165 109 985 10 10 R Goose 14 Injury Little Bean Bula Wesli 17551 Douclas 1 1S l54fast S 10G 7 5 2 1 21 21 F Murphy 11 MAnnK Ws Wonder GColor 17470 Douclas 1 116 l46fast 21 107 3555 7 7iA Neylon 9 Grosvenor Ymir Mary Ann 1C 17248 Lexgton 1116147 fast 7310 109 2 8 G S 8i 74J A Neylon 11 GeoStoll RnstBrass BulaWelsh 16303 Saratoga 1 l42slow 3i 109 5 S 7 6 GJ C J Kederis 11 Young Einhjem Camellia GBov GBov1C139 1C139 Saratoga 34 113 fast 15 109 7 7 5 7 6 ° 3 G Byrne 15 MBEubanss Pharaob Gsvenor Gsvenorli9S7 li9S7 Saratoca 1 l40fast 6 114 10 11 13 9 9l 9 J Henry IS Brave Loveiamt Kllcrea 15322 Latonla 1 1S loSJfast 165 112 4 6 G 1J 11 J Henry 7 FnronlL Flowman W Wonder ANY PORT TJ h 7 109 By Star Shoot Amy Davenport E E HcCargo 0097 Lex gton 1 116 l4Gfast 41 115 S 9 99 9 9 9i 717 J McCabe 1 H Howdy Wryneck Fletiron II 19794 Juarez 1 l39fast 12 90 1 G 6 6 G 6 ° B Marco G J Renrdon Transact G Russell 19151 Juarez 1 1S l54Vifast 20 IOC 5 S 8 81HM7 S 7 7 5 i J McCabe 8 Voladay Jr Curlicue TroBelle 1HM7 Juarez 1 18 153 fast 15 106 7 8 S S18S9G 7 51 517 J McCabe 8 Spindle Billows Melts 18S9G Juarez 1 1S 157 good 12 110 4 5 5 51SS85 555 5 JJ McCabe 5 Nannie McDee Durin Mud Sill 1SS85 Juarez 1 l42slow 30 103 3 5 G G1SS59 555 5lJL Hartwell H Dryad Curlicue Voladay Jr 1SS59 Juarez 78 l32hvy 12 104 5 5 5 5 5 5 B Marco ii Clark M Acumen Voladay Jr 18741 Juarez 1 154 slop 12 103 5 G S 5 45 lot L Hartwell 5 Judge Sale Dryad Acumen AcumenBy KILCREA ch f 4 104 104172S3 By Stalwart Antiope W E Laudeman 172S3 Lexgton 34 114 fast 34 1G51 7 6 11 11 11 J McCabe 11 Suregct Bank Bill Scrapper 170CO I exgton 34 l14good 28 10G 9 8999 J McCabe 11 DPlatt CMcFerran JDWfled 15S04 Empire 1 116 laO slow a 15706 Empire 1 11G 148 fast 21 1 31 2 B Marco 10 Brave Mary Warren HedgeRose By Marta Santa Piccola W R HireU 1SS34 NOrlns 34 l13fast 2J 1U67 S 1S010 laurel 34 118 slop 13 110 5 9 9 917S51 10 8s4 T McTagrtlO Laura Hypatia P Antoinette 17S51 Laurel 1 141 fast 4910 105 2111 1 31 3i J McTagrt S Astrologer THHhton ELiclit 17685 Laurel Im70y l45fast 4310 103 3332 2 22 341 J McTagrt fl F Royal Balfron Calethumpian CalethumpianBy SAN JON Hk g 4 By Transvaal Miss IMcLaughlin A L Taylor OG4 I exgtort 1 14G good 95 112 S 9 9 9 9 9 J Hanover 9 Emhdery Lindentlial Benanet 19S91 Havana 34 127 hvy 2 105 S fi fiGi 4 1 R McDert S L Shark Muskmelon Commai 1SS30 Hayana Gi l10good 10 103 7 5 534124hvy 2J 1s D Hoffman 7 Phil Connor Moucreif Mortgyle 19431 Havana 34124hvy 8 11210 10 7 6 R WaldronlO L Paul C McFerran Saciclo n 1S3GO Havana 34 123 slow G 111 9 S 5s 35J R Waldronll Ben Uncas Parlor Boy Napier 19291 Havana 34 l47Vihvy 10 113 6 5 5l 2 R WaJdronlO MargMeise Coreopsis ParBoy BULGARIAN b g 4 By Mazagran Chione J J Laughlin 1539S FortErie 1 116 117 fi FORT SUMTER Wk gr 5 By Star Shoot Maribel J N Mounce 1ST67 Juarez 1S49S Juarez 1 l47hvy 3 100 2 4 4 4 4 3i M Garner 4 TSale High Street Beulah S 18477 Juarez 78 l37hvy 7 104 C G G G G 4J1JM Garner G Judge Sale Any Port Kelsettn

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Local Identifier: drf1915043001_4_1
Library of Congress Record: