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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY London advices of yesterday say French troops are reported rolling back the German line in the region of Arras and Loos in the fiercest buttle in the west to date a battle that has been continuous night and day since early Sunday In the lighting yesterday desperate in the extreme they captured a veritable fortress at Notre Dame de Lorettc says tonights war office report from Paris all important German work and an entire system of trendies along the road from Loos to Vermelies the chapel of Notre Dame de Lorette and all the trenches south of It seized ground near Soiichcz and part of the village of Carency and almost surrounded the Germans remaining there at the same time threatening the communications of their enemies at Abluiu and Souchez Besides all this the French captured the cemetery of NeuvilleSt Vaast and extended their lines east southeast arid west of the village In the section of LoosAr ¬ ras the Paris report adds where we previously carried three lines of German trenches fighting is now going on along the fourth line The chapel and big blockhouse of rsutre Dame de Lorette which She French describe as a veritable fortress is considered one of the greatest prizes of the recent fighting The Germans there say prisoners cap I tured by the victors were under orders to hold the position at any price Nevertheless they were over ¬ whelmed by the dash and fury of the French on ¬ slaught The stronghold was SHrronndPdvinil in ¬ vested by General JolTres troops wh6 finally after a desperate struggle captured it by as ¬ sault Afterward the Germans made a counter at ¬ tack with a view of recapturing the position but the French say this was Immediately crushed England has gone frantic over the sinking of the Lusitania Serious antiGerman rioting was re ¬ newed in East London yesterday Crowds of mon and women paraded the streets breaking windows of several butcher shops conducted by Germans and throwing the furniture hud supplies into the streets The crowd also threatened Germans with physical violence The police Were powerless The rioting and antiGerman demonstrations seem to be spreading throughout the islands At Liver ¬ pool Germans are unable to appear on the streets and many have voluntarily sought internment in the prison camps to protect themselves froiu vio ¬ lence lenceWithin Within a few days possibly within fortyeight hours President Wilson will ask Germany to ex ¬ plain the sinking of the Lusitania with the loss of 115 American lives He will ask also some as ¬ surance that the incident will not be repeated He will make no threats it was said but will stand firm in his insistence that no unarmed merchant ves ¬ sel carrying noncombatants lie attacked In the fu ¬ ture without lirst being visited and searched ac ¬ cording to the rules of International law lawA A Zeppelin airship was seen passing over Snnder land yesterday evening according to the London Daily News and another was observed from Yar ¬ mouth sailing toward the cast coast Notliiiig later lias been heard from the machines American residents of Berlin who had planned trips to Lon ¬ don have been warned by high ollicials against going to England during the coming fortnight as important Zeppelin raids are planned according to a Rotterdam dispatch to the Mail MailSteamships Steamships of the American Line running be ¬ tween New York and Liverpool will not accept contraband of war as freight it is announced by the International Mercantile Marine Company which operates the line Vessels of the line fly the American flag As n matter of fact line officials state no contraband has been carried since the outbreak of the war warThe The German troops will l e clothed in grass green uniforms during the summer months acr cording to private information received from Ghent where a large factory is working diy and night making the new clothing Field gray will be the color worn again In next winters campaign for which the Germans are making great preparations preparationsA A cablegram received late yesterday by Dr John Bi Murphy announced the finding of the liudv of Mrs Charles A Plamondon of Chicago mar Queens town Ireland where tlie Lusitauia was sunk Instructions were immediately cabled for the shipment of the remains together with those of Mr Plamondon on an American vessel next Saturday SaturdayThe The Journal de Geneve of Geneva Switzerland received a dispatch from Saloniki yesterday saying that many persons have been killed or injured in the course of riots in Constantinople Mobs number ¬ ing thousands the newspaper says pillaged the principal shops and hotels The sultanj guard has been called out s A dispatch from Rome of yesterday afternoon says What is considered the last definite pro posal of Austria concerning the territorial con ¬ cessions demanded by Italy was received today by the Italian government Tlie cabinet at once went into session to consider tlie communication communicationAnthony Anthony P Wilding of New Zealand former lawn tennis champion of Great Britain who several times lias been a member of the Australian team in tlie Davis cup matches has 1 een killed in the fighting in the Dardanelles Mr Wilding was a second lieutenant In tlie Royal Marines MarinesBerlins Berlins official statement declares all the French attacks southwest of the Lorette Hills and at the villages of Ahlaiii and Careney were repulsid and that the Germans brought tho number of pris ¬ oners they took there up to 800 800Yesterdays Yesterdays baseball results National Ievne Brooklyn 11 Chicago 5 Boston 5 St Louis 2 New York 0 Cincinnati 5 American League Chicago 4 Washington 1 New York 4 Cleveland 2 Boston 4 Detroit 1 Federal League Pittsburgh 3 Buf ¬ falo 2 2A A decisive defeat for the left wing of General Obregons army in battles fought yesterday at Cuijo and Santa Anna between Leon and Romita was reported by General Villa to the convention agency at Washington The cost of the war in British ships not Includ ¬ ing warships thus far lias been 201 vessels The loss of life has been 1550